Why I Quit Watchfinder

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So I quit Watchfinder. Yeah. Let me tell you why.

Here on Andrew Morgan Watches I want to bring you all the best on watches from my personal perspective. There's watch reviews, expert reactions, top 10 lists, the best and worst of the industry and a whole bunch of memes, too. So if you like Swiss watches, German watches, Japanese watches—whatever—you'll be sure to enjoy AMW!
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Thank you so much to everyone who's supported me during my time at Watchfinder! I can't wait to continue on my journey with AMW, and I hope you'll join me.

Thank you.


Andrew, we watched because of YOU. We enjoy your content a great deal from across the pond. Thanks and looking forward to more AMW content.


I’m not worried. You’ll get more subscribers than watchfinder in no time. You’re the only reason I watched it. Mark my words!.


It finally makes sense why you began showing your face on Watchfinder. You were getting us accustomed to seeing you on both Watchfinder and AMW for a seamless transition for the viewers. Very sharp.


I always tuned into Watchfiinder because of YOU Andrew and with your new channel, its made it more personalised which is great.
You have been a huge inspiration to my own channel as well as this hobby.
Wish you all the best for AMW, but as so many of us know, your journey is only headed North brother...
Cheers from OZ 🇦🇺👍


You are the reason I got into watches, full stop. It was your sharp insight into the history, visual design and manufacturing of what makes iconic watches iconic, with the best storytelling writing I’ve seen anywhere (I make my staff watch your videos so they can learn effective communication). I don’t see any other channel doing that and hope you can continue that here.


Congratulations Andrew! You're going to make this channel as big as watchfinder.


Man, end of an era. Your watchfinder reviews have gotten me through some of the worse days. Thank you for that. I will be following this channel as I'm sure it will be even more successful!


Andrew Morgan, you are the main reason I got back into the love of watches. Listening to your reviews really brings an insight that others can't quite deliver. Thank you for what you have given to the watch community and I look forward to seeing more of your content on your own channel.


Congratulations! You have my support. Thank you for many years of great videos.


Andrew, BIG admirer for many, many years here (and fellow YouTube horology creator at a much much smaller scale). As many have said here, the familiar tones of your voice, the incredible scripting and that amazing content is what brought us to the Watchfinder channel. People are ready to follow you here, just realize, you hit the 100k mark (something 99% of us dream of) in a few months.
Kudos to you and best of lucks, Subscribed of course and I'll be here watching every video 😊


One of my watch-nerd colleagues told me about you leaving TWF a day back..and now i am here. Will always be here cheering you on @AndrewMorganWatches on the exciting (i mean just look at you buzzing about) albeit uncertain journey ahead.
The watch community (online AND Offline) needs you.
Forwards and upwards mate.
Thank you for fortifying my interest in Horology.
Wish you the best...since you are, the best.


There isn't, and have never been, anyone like you. Your brilliant and often both sarcastic and ironic commentaries are a joy to listen to. Sometimes I even forget I've started a video for the watches and lose myself on something funny and witty you've said. Pop culture references, movies, even philosophy, all highly entertaining and smart. Congrats!


Many congratulations, Andrew Talking Hands Morgan! 😊👏🏻💐 You’re 50% the reason for my insane love for Horology! I was mesmerised few years ago when I chanced upon Watchfinder videos with your velvet voice and seductive style at explaining the technicalities and almost magical features of what appeared to be rather simple watches! But WOW! 😃 You’re a LEGEND and I wish you the very best with your own venture and we’re here to support you! Keep going and keep soaring! 😇💐🥳


Andrew - Im one of those YouTube viewers that enjoys content, but I never comment really - but your brave action deserves comment! Your reasons are compelling, commentary engaging, and humour is brilliant; I have no doubt that you will thrive doing something you love, which is something to be celebrated, well done sir! (....and take Tom with you).


Congratulations! I'm excited for what's to come! ❤🎉


Joined!! Reminds me of why I left my previous company when it was clear some equity was never going to be on the table. Now running a very similar company with some friends (all equity partners) and with partnerships with many of the clients I brought in for the old company. Way to go AMW!! Wishing you amazing success!!


Andrew, I came across your new channel as a recommendation from YouTube, and I’m glad I did! As soon as I heard your voice I was like “is that the guy from the other watch channel?”, and lo and behold it IS you. To me anyway, your voice in this space is iconic and I have thoroughly enjoyed what I’ve seen so far. You are going to go very far and I can tell by the comments I’m not alone in that sentiment.


Love your humor and witty content on your channel and the way you interact with your audience. It’s fun to watch and I learn more and more about the watch industry. Thank you and keep it up and coming!


Your golden voice, the incredible images. I bought a Zenith watch that you reviewed, thanks for the invaluable advice.
