POTENTIAL SIDE EFFECTS COVID VACCINE - COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse effects & Allergy

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COVID-19 vaccines help our bodies develop immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19, without us having to get the illness. Different types of vaccines work in different ways to offer protection, but with all types of vaccines, the body is left with a supply of “memory” T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes and antibodies that will remember how to fight that virus in the future.
It typically takes a few weeks for the body to produce T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes after vaccination.
Sometimes after vaccination, the process of building immunity can cause symptoms, such as fever, muscle pain, fatigue etc. These symptoms are normal and are a sign that the body is building immunity.
So, it’s very important that you understand the minor side-effects of Covid vaccine and also we will discuss some of the rare but serious complications that can occur.

Vaccines work by introducing a small number of bacteria, virus or toxin into the body. Because the bacteria, virus or toxin have been killed or weakened, there's no risk of contracting the disease in question. However, your body responds as if it were under attack, and mounts an immune response. If, in the future, you do encounter that disease, you'll have an army of cells and antibodies ready to fight it.

Most common side effects include :
Injection site pain • tiredness • headache • muscle pain • chills, swollen lymph nodes • joint pain • fever • injection site swelling • injection site redness & nausea

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My 77 year old mother who's had two shots and was about to get her booster just got Covid and is very ill. I've been around her everyday and test negative, never had one shot. She still demands I get the shot but I just smile and say no thank you. She has had all kinds of problems since getting the shot but won't admit it's from the shot. I don't particularly feel empowered by being right in this case nor will anyone give me credit for it but everyone around me who has had the shot has been sick with all kinds of weird stuff from pericarditis to thinking they have parasites. Eating healthy and exercise... Keeping your mind right is the best medicine.


I haven't had a vaccine since I was a young child, 50 plus years ago. And I have never had any health problems.


My best friend got her 3 shot about two months ago, and she is forgetting everything, it is so hard to watch, it's like she is disappearing from herself 😢
She didn't want to get it, but her parents forced her!! 😭
She is only 25 years old!
And forgetting more and more things each day! It's heartbreaking to watch! 😭


I find it odd there are no videos of anyone talking about there bad experience...true or untrue???thinking there being blocked


My son is 23, my daughter is 14, I’m 52. Never had any shots! No food allergies, no nothing! Most of my kids friends have all different types of issues. I’ll pass on this drug everyday.


It's been over 4 months since having my second shot and I started having very bad headaches. I visited the doctor to see what the issue was and it turns out I have high blood pressure (stage 2 hypertension). No matter what medications I take or life style changes I make it will not reduce and the headaches will not go away. I've been dealing with this for over 2 months now and I feel like giving up. I would understand if I had high blood pressure if I live an unhealthy lifestyle but I don't. I workout every single day, have a healthy diet. I work at a gym for god sakes and Infact I manage one. No matter what other changes I make and medications I take, my BP will not reduce and the headaches won't stop. I can't help but think that this is an effect of the moderna vaccine I took. Please think twice before putting anything in your body and please get regular checkups from the doctor to avoid the feeling I have right now.


I am a nurse and our company had Phizer vaccine brought in. Now from my experience I have osteoarthritis in my left hip and knee (pre-existing condition). This is painful, but the 2nd weekend after getting the vaccine I woke up with 102.3 temp then both of my lower exts. Started feeling as if the muscles in them As shaking extremely hard like they where hello. Can't truly explain how this felt. It's been 3 weeks since vaccine and my left leg is so painful when I walk, sit lay down. Do I think my leg worsened by vaccine? Yes, I do. I did not take second injection. I don't blame anyone who does or does not take vaccine. Just my experience.


I have carefully studied the development of the covid vaccines and many things about them are very concerning to me:

First of all, up until this point there has never been any successful vaccine for coronaviruses in humans due to a problem typical of coronavirus vaccine development called antibody dependent enhancement or ADE. [1] In preliminary animal trials for previous coronavirus vaccines (SARS and MERS), animals were vaccinated and seemed to exhibit a robust antibody response, but upon exposure to the wild virus, they developed a paradoxical immune enhancement leading to severe organ inflammation (especially in lungs), and they died. [2][3] Paradoxical immune response in coronavirus vaccines has also taken place in human trials, which occurred during testing of the failed RSV vaccines of the 1950s. [4] Alarmingly, there are some statistical indications of ADE in covid vaccine trials, but there is no way to know for sure because many key signifiers of ADE weren’t specifically addressed. [5] Due to emergency protocol, the usual method of testing animals prior to humans was bypassed, limited animal testing occurred in parallel with humans, and the potential for ADE was not comprehensively assessed. [6] [7] Historical precedent would suggest, however, that ADE is a distinct possibility, and we may not know the true negative effects until years from now when vaccinated persons are exposed to SARS-CoV-2 or genetically similar versions of coronavirus. [8]

Second, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain lipid nanoparticles that are “PEGylated”, meaning the nanoparticles are coated with PEG (polyethylene glycol).[9] PEGs can lead to life threatening anaphylaxis or other conditions such as thrombocytopenia. [10] [50] Such reactions are already occurring during the initial vaccine rollout and PEGs are the most likely culprit. [11] Approximately 72% of the US population have PEG antibodies, with 8% having extremely elevated levels (more than 500 ng/mL), putting them at risk for severe allergic reaction and/or future autoimmune disorders. [12] These reactions were totally predictable, with many experts warning of the danger posed by PEGs [13][14][15], yet participants with a history of severe allergic reaction were excluded from the trials, serving to obscure the actual negative impact PEGs will have now that these vaccines are being given to members of the public who have not been screened for PEG antibodies. [16] Also, there is some worrying evidence to suggest that PEGs cross the blood-brain barrier and accumulate in the brain, possibly causing inflammation and/or autoimmune conditions, a fact gleaned from previous animal studies on mRNA vaccines. PEGs were found to be distributed across a spectrum of tissues including the brain. [52] Additionally, nanoparticles (such as PEGylated hydrogel) are known components for state of the art medical interventions, including biosurveillance technology currently being developed by DARPA and companies like Profusa Inc. [17][18][19][20][21] The secretive nature of this technology necessitates a knowledge gap between developers and the general public, so although my research efforts have yet to verify a direct functional relationship between PEGylated nanoparticles used in covid vaccines and biosurveillance, I personally do not relish the prospect of being injected with such given their association with biosurveillance technology of the military industrial complex.

Third, it is impossible to ascertain long term safety because of the foreshortened timeframe of Operation Warp Speed. [22] Vaccines should be tested for multiple years to adequately assess their longterm effects. [23] Short term safety is questionable too, as much of the data is still unavailable, and the current reports on safety and efficacy essentially amount to self-reported press releases from these companies themselves. [24]

Fourth, the efficacy number of 90% for Pfizer and 94% for Moderna is statistically misleading, reporting a relative reduction instead of absolute reduction of risk*. Also, the trials only assessed these vaccines’ ability to prevent mild symptoms and NOT their ability to prevent transmission. [25] If they don’t prevent people from transmitting the virus (especially when safer, cheaper drugs like Ivermectin do) [26] [27] what’s the point?

Fifth, these are NOT vaccines in the normal sense. They are mRNA vaccines, which utilize a completely different process for achieving disease protection**; mRNA vaccines seek to introduce messenger RNA into the body in order to “trick” cells into producing immunogens, which then stimulate an immune response. [28] These vaccines are the first of their kind ever to gain authorization. [29] Current vaccinations are essentially an extension of phase 3 of the trials. [30] Because of the lack of long term safety assessment and the new nature of this technology, people are participating in a mass human experiment with no way of knowing the long term health effects these could cause. Many problems from vaccines are known to have an incubatory period and do not manifest until much later, which is why testing needs to occur for multiple years in order to adequately assess risk. [31] One such problem currently being discussed is the mRNA technology’s possible impact on female fertility, as it encourages the production of antibodies against a SARS-CoV-2 spike protein that contains a very similar protein crucial for the development of placenta called syncytin-1. This could interfere with the reproductive process by encouraging the immune system to react against syncytin-1, thereby disrupting placental development. [32] The vaccines’ impact on fertility is currently unknown as animal reproductive toxicity studies have not been completed. [33]

Sixth, there was a signature for many different problems seen in the various trials and initial rollout for these vaccines, problems that are concurrent with commonly documented vaccine injuries. Injuries that did occur in the various trials/rollout have included, but are not limited to, anaphylaxis, Bell’s palsy, transverse myelitis, multi-system inflammatory syndrome, encephalomyelitis, idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura, and death. [34] [35] [36] [37] [50] [51]

Seventh, and perhaps most importantly, the movement toward potential vaccine mandates or other coercive policies violates humanity’s most universally accepted principles of human rights and medical ethics, especially for a medical intervention with so many known and unknown safety/efficacy concerns. The absolute bedrock of medical ethics is the right to informed consent, as individuals must be made fully aware of all the potential benefits and risks associated with a medical intervention, while still maintaining the right to decline that intervention should they so choose. [41] Mandates or coercive measures fundamentally violate historical safeguards humanity has put in place to protect us from the ever present threat of medical tyranny, including the Nuremberg Code, the United Nations’ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. [42] [43] [49] Such would also be in violation of the Hippocratic Oath, for not only do oath keepers pledge first to do no harm, but also to treat the needs of the patient. [44] This implies that a doctor’s duty primarily pertains to the needs of the individual before the needs of the collective, a vital distinction made by Hippocrates and understood for nearly 2 millennia. [45] [46] Privileging the needs of the collective is a “fallacy of misplaced concreteness”. [47] While individual need is directly apprehensible and consensual, collective need is an abstract, subjective concept not easily defined. And yet who usually gets to define this concept? Such is most often defined by those in power with the most means to influence institutional narratives, turning medical professionals who treat the needs of the collective according to this definition into mere extensions of that power at the expense of individual informed consent.


I had 5 weeks of serious side effects after first shot of P. I end up in ER with my heart, but they couldn't find anything. I'm happy, that my doctor didn't give up searching for answers and finally my thyroid test came back with very bad results, my TSH is suppressed and all other is very very high. I don't know, if the vaccine caused it or "just" made it worse, because before the vac I had no thyroid related symptoms whatsoever. And another thing is still not explained, that my fingers and foot (usually one at a time) turns completely white, like in Raynaud since the shot. Again, I never had any blood circulation problems before and find it incredible, that manufacturers don't even accept these serious side effects. This is not democracy anymore :(


British fashion model based in Cyprus suffered a blood clot and died days after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in Paphos, a health official said Monday.


I have 9 days with these side effects, this never happened before with any other vaccine. Hope I feel better soon 😔
The funny thing is that both of my parents didn't experience any side effects 😁


I am 25 and I got the vaccine in September 2021, and ever since than my period has been messed up. Sometimes I get it every 12 DAYS, sometimes I get it at 40 days, it doesn't make any sense. I've been to the gynecologist and he said there was nothing wrong with me and he could not explain the irregularities in my period. Not to mention, I got acne for the first time in 25 years, also indicating a hormonal imbalance. Almost every woman I have talked to has suffered changes in her menstrual cycle, why the hell is no one talking about that??!


We have all had some vaccines throughout our lives yet none of them left us bedridden for two days with uncontrollable chills and 102 fever that is not normal I am sorry


I heard the shot gives you power to demand everyone else take it or there is something wrong with them.


Our family doctor of many years encouraged us to get a flu shot last fall. My wife had an office visit recently and the same doctor stated they had reservations about us getting the covid vaccine. We were free to do as we choose but she did not recommend the immunization. The general concern being the rushed development and some reported cases of serious side effects. Her advice was to keep doing what we have been doing to avoid the virus. My place of employment is offering access to the vaccine. So far I have refused and I will continue to do so. It is a win for me anyway since I really hate getting shots.


The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. Successful people do daily what the unsuccessful only do occasionally


One dude told me his skin shed like a snake for 5 weeks after getting the shot. He said he was still happy he was able to get the shot 😁 What a time to be alive.


I will never put that poison in my body


Do you have any opinion about Graphene Hydroxide being found in covid vaccines at the microscopic level?


Im concerned companies will start forcing you to have the jab im not keen at all
