This Is Why You NEVER Take Your Luggage From A Plane Crash

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Tune in to find out what you should NEVER do on a plane!

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If anyone needs comforting after this video, JAL flight 516 evacuated a major fire with no passengers carrying any luggage. All 379 survived.


There should be a system on the plane where, in case of an emergency evac, the overhead luggage compartments automatically lock. They will soon get the message.


I can understand carrying your personal item that’s sitting in the floor so the person next to you isn’t tripping over it trying to get out, or if it has critical medication etc in it. Opening the overhead bins to grab a roller bag and blocking the isles during an evacuation is insane.


28:41 - "There were no survivors."

One of the most heartbreaking sentences you can hear. Condolences to all those who passed in that flight and the others.


I can understand grabbing whatever you have with you at your seat during the flight, but EVERYONE knows that loading and unloading the overhead compartments is the number one reason why it takes so long to board/exit the plane.


When the oxygen mask drops, the overhead compartments should lock. Not only will this stop people from getting luggage, but it might also stop injuries from luggage bouncing around during a rough landing


I am curious to what the people who survived - with their luggage - has to say about the people behind them that didn't make it.


They should make it a criminal offense to take luggage in an emergency.


I’m a retired F/A and you’re correct…people only think of themselves & their “stuff”. We give VERY CLEAR instructions to leave belongings!! Taking bags is how folks ARE injured in the aisle as well as the slide!! I’ve come to believe that most people leave their common sense at home when they travel‼️😱🤯🤦🏻‍♀️


I once took a flight in a small seaplane. The plane was fully loaded, so the pilot had me sit in the co-pilot seat to balance the weight. Of course I was told to NOT TOUCH ANYTHING! Had a cool ride in the front seat and we all survived.


This is why I always carry my wallet and passport in my pocket, on every flight. That's all I need.


I remember the Tenerife disaster. It was front page news in every newspaper and news magazine. My parents subscribed to Newsweek when I was a kid. I remember the cover story. I was one of the few kids in my class that actually understood what had happened because I’d been traveling by air since I was young.

One thing this video doesn’t make clear is that not only was the communication between pilots and tower crew not standardized, flight numbers weren’t used in such communications. The KLM pilot was rather full of himself and took any and all praise to his ego. He was very proud of having a good record for keeping his flights on time and wasn’t going to have his reputation damaged by being late. He assumed any tower communications MUST have been for him, so he went.

Add in the weather conditions with no ground radar, an ATC crew that was critically understaffed and lacking training for the circumstances, and an airport unequipped to deal with 747 sized aircraft in such numbers, and it was a disaster waiting to happen. The PanAm pilots were also told to turn onto a taxiway that wasn’t possible because the turn was greater than 90 degrees. They couldn’t tell the taxiway numbers because they couldn’t see them leaving them lost on the runway.

THAT is why the rule was made that ALL pilots not only repeat all ATC instructions verbatim, they do so using their airline/flight number designation.


Thank you for creating this video. People are INSANE. There is no way that I'd be worried about the stuff in the overhead luggage racks when an explosion could occur.


R.I.P to those who lost their lives because of the selfishness and carelessness of others on a plane. As an international student who fly frequently mostly on Ethiopian airlines I will tell the flight attendants to be clear when telling passengers how and when to inflate their life jackets. They never tell us to do so after we live the plane. Thank you be amazed for this information, I could save someone's life by telling them too.


One thing to note is that Emotional Support Animals are NOT the same thing as Service Animals. ESAs don’t require any kind of training, whereas Service Animals are highly trained for their life-saving work.


Point for the last story: the pilot (Captain Andrey Danilov) had stepped away for his break, tired from being at the controls for hours. He was the most experience pilot onboard. It was only when he was gone and the relief pilot (Yaroslav Kudrinsky) stepped in that the kids were allowed into the cockpit and given control of the plane, one at a time. Daughter went first, no issues. Son went second, no survivors.


Auto locked overhead lockers are a must.


The only "passenger related problems" I've encountered as another passenger were, thankfully, just rude people. I'll never forget trying to fly home for Christmas in 2012. Due to a sever snow storm, my first flight was delayed 8 hours. When we got our connecting flight, apparently it was held for us, and passengers who had been delayed (gasp!) 20 minutes yelled at us as we showed up. Then when that flight landed, 5 of us had a third flight to catch but it was too late (something like 3am) and we were rebooked for an 8am flight and given hotel rooms with breakfast vouchers. The first 4 people were so rude to the gate agent who was printing out our information and giving directions actually thanked me for being nice to her. (Of course? It's not YOUR fault!)


Thank you so much for this realistic and very helpful video. As a flight crew member I feel that this video should be required viewing for every person who buys an airline ticket. We operate in an extremely unforgiving environment. Most regulations were written in blood, that is, something bad happened and the regulation was written as a response to it.


That’s why aliens will never come here. They are busy looking for intelligent life.
