Comment Your JavaScript Code (Basic JavaScript) freeCodeCamp tutorial

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Certification: JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
Course: Basic JavaScript
Lesson: Comment Your JavaScript Code
freeCodeCamp tutorial

In this lesson, we learn how to comment on code in JavaScript. Comments are used for notes to yourself or colleagues. It is also useful to comment out old cold at times so you still have it there for reference.

When you comment out code, JavaScript ignores it. the comment will usually be a different color or lighter color depending on your integrated development environment (IDE).

To signify a comment, you use "//". This will comment out the rest of the line.

To comment out multi lines, you being with "/*" and end with "*/".

A short cut to comment out lines of code is to highlight the code and use "command /".

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I am trying to do the Tests using my phone but im unable to; please help. Thank you!
