Devil Deer by Rudolf Anaya | Summary, Q&A, MCQs| Class 12|Optional English |NEB

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About me:
Name: Ganesh Bahadur Dhami
Qualification: MA English (First Division), M.Ed. English(First Division), MA Political Science(First Division), LLB (Second Division) from TU
Permanent Address: Badimalika Municipality 7, Bajura Nepal
Currently teaching at Shree Janaki Secondary School, Maharajgunj Kapilvastu
Get connected with me:
My Official Facebook Page:
Class 12 | Optional English | Poetry Part
1. King Lear and his three Daughters by George Wharton Edwards
2. The Thee Knights by Davis Gilbert
3. Mending Wall by Robert Frost
4. No Second Troy by WB Yeats
5. She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways by William Wordsworth
6. If I Should Die by Emily Dickinson
7. Five Modern Haikus
8. Sonnet 8
9. Kidnapped by Ruperake Pepaia
10. Lord! Make me a Sheep by Laxmiprasad Devkota
11.Abiku by Wole Soyinka
12. A Woman by Gabriela Mistral
Poetry Section Important MCQs
Class 12 | Optional English | Fiction Part
1. Brahmadatta and the Banyan Deer (Buddhist Tale)
2. King Odin's Wisdom (Norse Mythology)
3. This is a Story by JC Armstrong
4. Paul's Case by Willa Catger
5. The Three Students by Sir Arthur Canon Doyle
6. Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O'Connor
7. Lullaby by LM Silko
8. Devil Deer by Rudolf Anaya
9. A Deal in Wheat by Frank Norris
10. Leaving by MG Vassanji
11.Autobiography: A Self Recorded Fiction
12. The Lost Child by Mulk Raj Anand
Class 12 | Optional English | Non-Fiction Part
1. Sir Roger at the Assizes by Joseph Addison
2. An Eastern Journey by Somerset Maugham
3. The Case for Xanthippe by Robert Graves
4. Once More to the Lake by EB White
5. Man and Battle of Life by Siri Aurobindo
6. Not Nothing by Stephen Crave
7. How Lean Production Can Change the World by James P. Womack et al
8. A Black Grandmother by Sally Morgan
9. Speech on Release from Jail by Nelson Mandela
10. What is Meta-language? by Lisa Tran
Class 12 | Optional English | Drama Section
All My Sons by Arthur Miller
Class 12| Optional English | Model Question
About me:
Name: Ganesh Bahadur Dhami
Qualification: MA English (First Division), M.Ed. English(First Division), MA Political Science(First Division), LLB (Second Division) from TU
Permanent Address: Badimalika Municipality 7, Bajura Nepal
Currently teaching at Shree Janaki Secondary School, Maharajgunj Kapilvastu
Get connected with me:
My Official Facebook Page:
Class 12 | Optional English | Poetry Part
1. King Lear and his three Daughters by George Wharton Edwards
2. The Thee Knights by Davis Gilbert
3. Mending Wall by Robert Frost
4. No Second Troy by WB Yeats
5. She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways by William Wordsworth
6. If I Should Die by Emily Dickinson
7. Five Modern Haikus
8. Sonnet 8
9. Kidnapped by Ruperake Pepaia
10. Lord! Make me a Sheep by Laxmiprasad Devkota
11.Abiku by Wole Soyinka
12. A Woman by Gabriela Mistral
Poetry Section Important MCQs
Class 12 | Optional English | Fiction Part
1. Brahmadatta and the Banyan Deer (Buddhist Tale)
2. King Odin's Wisdom (Norse Mythology)
3. This is a Story by JC Armstrong
4. Paul's Case by Willa Catger
5. The Three Students by Sir Arthur Canon Doyle
6. Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O'Connor
7. Lullaby by LM Silko
8. Devil Deer by Rudolf Anaya
9. A Deal in Wheat by Frank Norris
10. Leaving by MG Vassanji
11.Autobiography: A Self Recorded Fiction
12. The Lost Child by Mulk Raj Anand
Class 12 | Optional English | Non-Fiction Part
1. Sir Roger at the Assizes by Joseph Addison
2. An Eastern Journey by Somerset Maugham
3. The Case for Xanthippe by Robert Graves
4. Once More to the Lake by EB White
5. Man and Battle of Life by Siri Aurobindo
6. Not Nothing by Stephen Crave
7. How Lean Production Can Change the World by James P. Womack et al
8. A Black Grandmother by Sally Morgan
9. Speech on Release from Jail by Nelson Mandela
10. What is Meta-language? by Lisa Tran
Class 12 | Optional English | Drama Section
All My Sons by Arthur Miller
Class 12| Optional English | Model Question