Rosenborg Slot in downtown Copenhagen!

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We spend the morning walking around Rosenborg slot in downtown Copenhagen. This is one of the treasures of the city, AND it has the Danish Royal Treasury in the basement! It is on the top 10 list for every Copenhagen tourist, worth the visit to the castle and gardens for sure!

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So beautiful place there in Copenhagen. Nice filming and presentation. I have some great places to visit there in Denmark . Thanks for sharing dear. Have a happy October


Beautiful castle. Copenhagen my favorite Scandinavian city.


I was one of the guards there 2008. Great experience.

Here a few things, you might not know:

When it was built and until about 1850 - Rosenborg was outside the rampards and moat.
Chr 4 built it to get away from the stinking city inside the rampards.

Did you see the set of guns, Pres. Lincoln send to King Fr. 7. as a gift?

The throne in the great hall is said to have been made from unicorn horns. Now of course we know, it's narwhale

The baptismal font is still used by the royal family.

The silver lions are used when the monarch dies and lies on castrum doloris.

The Queen still uses some of the jewelry from the treasury.


That's a great visit to Rosenborg. Apart from loving the crown jewells, I love the fact that Rosenborg unlike Frederiksborg and Kronborg never has burnt. Thanks for sharing


Thank you so much for your videos! They're really helping me prepare for my trip to CPH.


You've got a steady hand with that camera, Josh!

Oh, and Miranda: In some of the courtrooms in the Copenhagen City Court (Københavns Byret), there are chandeliers from the very rooms where Caroline Mathilde and Struensee were at it. Immediately after the whole affair, the rooms were completely renovated, and a lot was put in storage. Then, a couple hundred years later, the (very nice) chandeliers that had looked down on, well, now look down on a different slice of the human experience.


It's one of the touristy spots that's actually worth seeing. The throne room and the gardens are my favorites.


Aaahh! a small tour of Rosenborg Slot and Copenhagen foodies 🤣🤣
Making me hungry, guys...
hello from Hundested 🌸🌱


We are getting close to kulturnatten - Oct. 15th. This is an amazing opportunity to see some sights, that are not usually open to the public. Danish secrets. You should go. Given who you are, you might enjoy "De berejste klub", the Travelers Club. For people that have visited many countries.
Afstøbningsmuseet is definitely one of my favorite museums in Copenhagen, and usually closed to the public. Casts of at from around the globe, and often in better condition than the originals, since many of them are old.
Sømoeds Bolcher to see them make candy. Well worth a visit.
I think I might go visit the Freemasons this year. I have never been inside their secretive headquarters.
When I was a child I absolutely loved the sight of Lastekranen in the Harbour. On kulturnatten it is open.
Sadly, the old observatory by Nørreport does not appear to have an event this year. The attic there, with all its history, is also one of my favorite places in the city. And also not normally not open for the public.


Have you seen that there is a cannonball in the wall of the barracks? (The one you walked along at 4:26)
The cannonball originates from the Copenhagen bombing in 1807.


Rosenborg slot was actually built outside Copenhagen, and was ment as a hunting "cabin"😁 had a few times there when I was in the Royal Gard


Christian IV did a lot of nice buildings (mostly in Copenhagen) ... but ... his foreign policy also started Denmark down a long track of decline.


fun little fact, you can lift up one of the lions tounges outside the castle, under there they used to hide the key for the castle many years ago


Just a nice piece of info, C4 Christian the 4, who "build" Rosenborg castle, actually laid the foundation for Norway's capital Oslo, which is also called "Christiania", named after himself ;-)


You can't compare Frederiksborg to Rosenborg. Rosenborg is the real deal. It stands as it stood back in the days, when it was used as a get away castle from Copenhagen(now it's considered to be in the middle of Copenhagen). A lot of crazy wild parties have taken place there, especially during the reign of Chr. IV.
Frederiksborg Castle burned down at one point, and was rebuild as a museum, not by a king, but by the founder of Carlsberg with a much smaller budget.
The beautiful church at Frederiksborg Castle is original though, and is worth a visit.


Where were the silver lions? They are supposed to be there in front of the throne. Did you see them anywhere?


Ooh looking forward to this after the school run! Rosenborg's on my bucket list 😁 How long does it take to walk through would you say? Could you spend a whole afternoon there?


I learn more history of denmark, from you, than i did in school or by my parents


I own a Christian the 4'th silver coin that you otherwise mainly will only find in a museum. I had it returned home where it belong from an American collector of European coins. Christian the 4'th was a benevolent cheat, so he reduced the silver quality of the coins he had made to be able to pay for all the buildings and extravagance, but even if there is less actual silver in this coin, then historically it's worth it in every way.


Did they remove the 3 silver lions from the "throne"room?
