So, What is ACTUALLY Going On With Silksong?

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Time for some premium cope! Is Silksong coming out soon? Let's find out.

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Heya! Thanks for watching, I'll be back with something else soon.


Guys its easier to just forget about silksong. Then when it releases it will be a pleasant surprise


silksong is a social experiment and we are their subjects


2:53 no you’re 100% wrong, they literally want to release a game full of bugs


2:52 "They don't want to release something that's full of bugs."

Nah, I'm pretty sure that's the point of Hollow Knight


Team cherry : Breathes


Tbf silksong has only been in development for 5 years. Big games normally take wayy longer, the only difference is that silksong was announced when they first started developing it instead of halfway through development. This gives people the unrealistic expectation of the game releasing much sooner than it should, this is why game devs wait a long time before announcing games theyre working on. Games take a long time to produce, especially when the devs care


Prepare for what might be maximum copium, but
I stopped being worried about Silksong for two reasons:
1.- We often complain about crunch during videogame development. Team Cherry is really taking its time to develop the game and since they haven't announced a release date yet, they don't have the pressure to work extra hours to complete the game in time.
2.- Once I heard (I don't remember where) that we should start seeing videogames as pieces of art instead of products. When someone is crafting a product, they have a plan on how much it will take to complete it, but when someone is creating art, a lot of times, the creation of the piece depends from inspiration, which may not always be the same, so it's really hard to try to adjust its creation to a schedule. This point is easier to understand if you compare it when music. For example, when some artist or band (such as Tool or Kendrick Lamar) haven't released an album in years, we (well, not all people, but a lot of people do) understand that since they're working on a piece of art, maybe they haven't had the inspiration to create new pieces of art, of maybe they don't feel like they have something new they want to communicate or convey to the public, you just can't force it. Well, I decide to view Team Cherry and Silksong just as that. I decide to view it as a piece of art that can't be forced to be created, and not as a product.
And yeah, my only concern is the lack of communication from Team Cherry, but at least we know the game was alive on June 2022 because of the Xbox conference, so that's it.


My cope method is to think the longer Silksong takes, the bigger and better it will be.


The true silksong are the friends we made along the way


"what's going on with silksong?"
they're working on it


not gonna lie, unless it's realising this year, I think it's kinda fucked up that they hyped everyone up so much and then ghost us for 5 years. A "development is going well" would have been enought, but nope, radio silence.


As someone firmly in the camp of "sure, Silksong's on my steam wishlist" (no other investment in it) it's fascinating to see a handful of people go insane over it

It'll come out. When? Doesn't matter unless you're going to die in the next few months or years.


In my opinion this is by far the most unprofessional event I've seen.

They could have done so many things to make thier community less annoyed and frustrated.

Like not releasing a trailer years before the game.

Or they could have said something like...

Hey guys we released this reveal trailer a bit too early. Don't expect anything for like a few years.

But instead of letting the people know absolutely anything it's just been years of radio silence.


i really feel like everything would just be so much easier, both for the fans and for team cherry, if they just released a newsletter every couple months or even just a couple times a year where they give some vague info about how far along in the development cycle we are, kinda like the deltarune newsletter. gives the fans something to cope with and relieves a bit of the pressure from team cherry by giving the fans more to look forward to or reasons why its taking so long


I don't want to look into things too much, but I also can't help but notice... Metroid Prime 4 got a release window before Silksong.

Like that's a game that we know for a fact was announced way too early, entered development hell, and had to be restarted entirely, yet we actually know it's coming out soon after 8 years of waiting.

I don't think Silksong is anywhere near that same boat, but I can't blame other people for feeling that way. The silence is deafening and not what people are used to with indie development.


Silksong will be a launch title for the Switch 2


Being a very impatient person is horrible in this situation


silksong will not release until 2026. do not expect anything sooner.


How I deal with the wait for silksong: By going to school and getting really involved in keeping my GPA up and finding + doing hobbies that outside of gaming
