Nurse Practitioner vs Physician Assistant

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Nurse Practitioner vs Physician Assistant/ This video aims to outline the differences between NPs and PAs including their education and training, job role, physician collaboration, and of course their salary!

NPs and PAs perform very similar jobs (usually the SAME job), and so this can lead to some confusion by patients over what their differences actually are. Additionally, those who want to pursue an Advanced Practice Provider (APP) profession - they have to choose which route is right for them - the nurse practitioner route, or the physician assistant route.

This video will help you have a better understanding of what to expect, and which one might be right for you!

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I focused on Master’s prepared NPs and PAs. I didn’t go into DNP-prepared or alternative NP paths such as RN-to-MSN bridge programs or direct-entry options - I will do a future video on these paths :)


I'm 21 years old and in 1 year i will get my BSN degree.
it's my dream to become a NP like you❤


You forget, if you want Psych, you go NP. If you want first assist, surgery, you go PA. If you want Anesthesia or Midwifery, go nursing. Also, if later, should you ever want to go into management or administration, go the NP route. Never seen a PA in any significant leadership role in the hospital, always RN or MD.


So My goal is to become a PA. Right now I’m in school for Medical Assisting. Would that count towards me Pre-Requisites? And where can I look for the accelerated programs for PA schools?


Do you know anything about schedule flexibility for PAs vs NPs? Thank you for the video! It was awesome!


How many years did you wait after getting your BSN before going to school for your masters? What do you recommend is a good time for a BSN nurse to go back for his/her Masters?


Thank you for explaining this. Up to now, I still did not really know the difference 😅


It also isn't a Masters Degree here for the PA and you don't need clinical experience 😉


There are a few things that you didn’t point out, which are important to know: PA’s are taught using the medical model(how med students are taught), NP’s are not. Also, PA’s have way more lateral movement for jobs. They can go from surgery to family medicine, to pediatrics, anything. NP’s are stuck since they are forced to have a specialty. This is huge. PA’s also need to take an exam usually GRE before applying to PA school, which you forgot to mention. PA’s need clinical hours before applying to school too. Most of them work as a CNA for a while. About 1000+ hours.


Hey Will! Nice video! Can an NP own multiple practices in different states in as much as the state allows NP’s to practice independently?


Can a PA get a certificate as an obgyn specialist ?


Great video! What's the minimum amount of time a person works as a registered nurse before applying to an NP program?


Can an NP switch specialties as easily as a PA?


awwee you're so adorable! 😩😩 with your chubby cheeks and long eyelashes🤩


Jesus Christ loves you . He’s the only way to heaven and if you call upon his name and confess your sins you shall be saved 😊
John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
John 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this


This is probably the best PA vs NP video I’ve seen! As a PA I really appreciate this as there is typically anti-PA spin 😂 the only thing I would like to add it that most PAs must have clinical experience to get in to PA school. There is a huge misconception that PAs have “no clinical experience. Every one of my classmates has clinical experience.


Being a physician assistant is a complete nightmare- I have been out of work for almost 9 months during a pandemic if you can believe that somebody with 26 years of medical experience is suddenly useless during the worst Health crisis that has happened to this planet in a hundred years.
The legislation that allows nurse practitioners to practice independently has not been afforded to physician assistants.
When you watch the news and you see the medical personnel boohoo over how they don't have enough help - remember that as of November 2020 there are almost 50, 000 physician assistants unemployed in America. That's almost 1000 providers per state. They're bringing in the National Guard they're bringing in people from the prison - people are dying left and right but the physician assistants are watching this on tv from the sofa. ARNP they didn't mention anything about physician assistants to the legislature - we've been left behind. We should have worked together and gone to legislation and gotten this done together as mid levels - we should have - but instead between the nurse practitioners only looking out for themselves and the MD's working hard to #stopscopecreep when your loved one dies in the hospital of covid-19 thinking maybe extra staff members could have made a difference maybe it could.
Awhite house like that would make any difference I've written my Governor twice I contacted the aapa AMA and State physician assistant agencies. I started work two days ago as a covid-19 screener I'm not employed as a physician assistant -I am useless during covid-19. If you are physician assistant good effing luck.


I looooved this! Though I'd like to add that many PA programs require the GRE and some schools even require students to take the PA-CAT prior to submitting their application. Also, a BIIIIG pro of being a PA is the "lateral mobility" aspect of it. You mentioned that PAs are trained as a generalist, but what that means in a bit more detail is that we have the flexibility to move into any specialty of medicine without having to go back to school to re-specialize! Lastly, as a very minor side note, there is only one nationally approved online PA program at the moment (Yale) but once you get to your rotations, that obviously isn't online!

So if anyone is on the fence about choosing between PA and NP, you should also keep this in mind! :D


The interesting truth is that PA's are trained in the medical model of medicine, which is the same model of medicine of Physicians. PA's curriculum was designed in the same manner to how they accelerated the training of physicians during WW2 (Fast Track). PA's are trained in a generalized approach to medicine and MD's are trained with a specific approach. PA's sit in the same classes with MD's but split off as time progresses in there training (Duke University, Idaho University, Northwestern University etc). PA's have 1 didactic (Book learning) year and 1 clinical year (2, 000 hrs of hand on clinical experience) and MD's have 2 years of didactic and 2 years of clinical. PA's can enter the workforce immediately upon graduation and largely continue to learn from their physician counterparts, however there are PA's who do go into specific residencies (emergency medicine, orthopedics, OB/GYN, etc). PA's largely have collaborative agreements with physician/hospitals in order to practice medicine. MD's are required to go into a residency before they practice which can last 3 years or longer and have Full autonomy. I can delve into the differences with MD's and PA's as it compares to NP's.

Salaries: PA's make $4, 000 - $5, 000 more on Average than NP's as per reports from BLS. Nurse anesthesiologist are often included in advance practice nurses and will inflate the numbers of NP's. BLS allows you to separate the salaries within the nursing to determine this.

PA's have graduated autonomy in 5 states


Thank you for this. As of right now I’m going with PA.
