The Backwards History of Mighty Max

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Join us as we take a trip down memory lane with the backwards history of the beloved 90s toy line and TV series, Mighty Max!

Created by the innovative toy company Bluebird Toys, this retro-inspired video is a must-watch for all fans of nostalgia and action figures. We'll be exploring the history of Mighty Max and his companions: the sassy Virgil and the wise old mentor Norman, in a unique and humorous way, delving into the creation process and design choices that made this toy line a cult classic.

From the cartoon series to the iconic toy line, we've got it all covered. This video is perfect for those who want to relive their childhood memories or discover the Mighty Max toy line for the first time. So, get ready to rewind and join us on this journey through the past with the backwards history of Mighty Max!

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Mighty Max was a surprisingly dark and high-quality cartoon that didn't patronize it's audience.

If you've never seen it, I highly recommend it.


Who else watched this every morning on USA along with sonic, street sharks, and sailor moon?


I remember how dope the Mighty Max show was. Having Tim Curry's Skull Master say he'd drink the marrow from Max's bones hooked me right away.


That show was brilliant. The way it ends and loops everything back to the beginning left a lasting impression on me. It felt like such a complete story.


"I will show you a thousand subtle shades of pain... a hundred ways to die... before I finally lay your lifeless body at my master's table!"
THAT was a quote from Skull Master, voiced by Tim Curry, in the episode where Max breaks his Crystal of Souls, his greatest treasure and source of power.
THAT is how you make an adventure show!


Mighty Max is definitely in the running for best cartoon show ever. The fact that it made such an impression amid competition like Batman: The Animated Series, Gargoyles, Spiderman and X-Men says all you need to know.


I remember watching this show. 2 things that stuck out to me are 1- as you mentioned, it got dark and 2- I remember it being one of the only American cartoon shows that actually had some kind of a conclusion.


My sister had a polly pocket and I had a mighty max. Golden years the 90s.


One cool thing about the cartoon.. the beginning episode ties in with the series final episode very nicely, and completes a continual looping story arc. Also, it was the first cartoon where I remember where the lava things killed some campers (off screen) and Max acknowledged this.. that freaked me out at 14 year old!


This series was my first experience with the fantastic voice of Tim Curry and the magnificent Tony Jay, may he be forever missed


Look up the Mighty Max Restoration Project on here. There's a guy restoring the VHS episodes and bringing the video/audio up to way higher levels. He has over a dozen episodes completed and explains how he does it on his channel.

Sidenote, he's also in need of VHS copies of some of the rarer episodes. He mentions this on his channel in a vid on there. So you might want to contact him if you have any way to share with him and he can keep making more restored episodes this year. He uses the physical VHS to do it so the crappier files online won't cut it.

The guy does crazy good work. Check it out.


Mighty Max aired weirdly late at night when i was in college. Or was it crazy early? It's all a blur now.
Instead of doing homework, I randomly caught the pilot alone in the lobby of my dorm — and quickly realized though it was obviously intended for kids, the storyline was incredibly dark and the laughs were mostly gallows humor. I was hooked immediately.


I remember liking the show. Never really played with the toys.
The Mighty Max show even got a proper ending (a rare accomplishment among cartoons based on toy lines). All-in-all, it was a quality show with a respectable amount of talent behind it. Thumbs up!


The story ended on a pretty cool time loop where he goes back to when he found the cap and now knows whats gonna happen


Man, if I had to name ten cartoons that made my childhood, Mighty Max is easily in the top 5. It used to play ridiculously early here in New Zealand, and me and my cousin loved watching it together. We'd get up at 6 and sneak down to the lounge, without waking up my aunt and uncle, and watch Mighty Max. Sometimes we'd drag a cardboard box into the lounge and we'd watch it from inside the box, I have no idea why, lol. Really wish I hadn't sold my old MM toys.


Mighty Max was a great cartoon. I really liked that it was willing to be dark. Even if deaths happened off-screen, you still knew that people were dying to monsters. And then there was Norman versus Spike, which pretty much just said "no" to the normal sanitized cartoon morality lessons. Norman, out for revenge against the man that had ruined his life, finally has an unarmed Spike backed against the edge of a cliff. Max is watching as Spike does the whole "If you kill me, then you'll be no better than me." Norman just says "I can live with that" and shoves Spike over the edge. There is a unnecessary joke where the falling Spike shouts that he isn't through with Norman, only for Norman to just say "Wrong" as he walks away. (Not a bad bit, it just wasn't necessary.) And this is followed neither by shock on Max's face (from seeing his friend apparently kill an unarmed man) nor admonishment from Virgil (for killing Spike in front of Max). It is followed by Max cheering Norman.


I remember this series during my childhood, I recall have some of the toys and would often watched the animated series and I loved it. Mighty Max deserves a comeback.


The Mighty Max cartoon was excellent. Everything about the show was great. The production was very high and the writing was very sharp, compelling, and dark when the story called for it. I remember watching every episode back during its original run and I always wanted to know how Max’s Story ended. I hope they decide to bring Mighty Max back and finish the story that they started over 25 years ago. As always great video and I can’t wait for the next one!


Loved that show. The series finale was dark as dark and definitely left the show open for more that made me hope that more was coming.


Mighty Max was so awesome. If I remember right the spider was my first of them. Had the skull as well. A snake, some ice monster, a scorpion... Damn there had been a lot.
