Uninstall Autodesk Desktop App on Windows 10 (2023 Updated)
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i-1. Here are some known errors when uninstalling Autodesk Desktop App on Windows:
* **Error code 1603:** This error occurs when the Autodesk Desktop App is still running in the background. To fix this error, close the Autodesk Desktop App and then try uninstalling it again.
* **Error code 5000:** This error occurs when there is a problem with the Autodesk Desktop App installation. To fix this error, try uninstalling the Autodesk Desktop App using the Autodesk Cleanup Tool.
* **Error code 1602:** This error occurs when there is a problem with the Autodesk Desktop App uninstaller. To fix this error, try running the Autodesk Desktop App uninstaller as an administrator.
* **Error code 2:** This error occurs when there is not enough disk space to uninstall the Autodesk Desktop App. To fix this error, free up some disk space and then try uninstalling the Autodesk Desktop App again.
* **Error code 1604:** This error occurs when the Autodesk Desktop App is not installed. To fix this error, make sure that the Autodesk Desktop App is installed and then try uninstalling it again.
If you are experiencing any other errors when uninstalling Autodesk Desktop App on Windows, you can contact Autodesk customer support for further assistance.
i-2. Here are some more known errors when uninstalling Autodesk Desktop App on Windows:
* **Error code 1605:** This error occurs when there is a problem with the Autodesk Desktop App registration. To fix this error, try repairing the Autodesk Desktop App registration.
* **Error code 1606:** This error occurs when there is a problem with the Autodesk Desktop App uninstaller database. To fix this error, try rebuilding the Autodesk Desktop App uninstaller database.
* **Error code 1607:** This error occurs when there is a problem with the Autodesk Desktop App uninstaller permissions. To fix this error, try running the Autodesk Desktop App uninstaller as an administrator.
* **Error code 1608:** This error occurs when there is a problem with the Autodesk Desktop App uninstaller process. To fix this error, try restarting your computer and then try uninstalling the Autodesk Desktop App again.
* **Error code 1609:** This error occurs when there is a problem with the Autodesk Desktop App uninstaller file. To fix this error, try downloading the Autodesk Desktop App uninstaller again and then try uninstalling the Autodesk Desktop App again.
ii. Here is a batch file (beta) that can be used to force uninstall Autodesk Desktop App on Windows:
@echo off
rem Check if the Autodesk Desktop App is running.
if not errorlevel 1 (
rem The Autodesk Desktop App is running.
echo The Autodesk Desktop App is running. Please close it before continuing.
exit /b
rem Uninstall the Autodesk Desktop App.
msiexec /x {A36A1677-0523-48F6-909A-969691C84672} /qn
rem Remove any leftover files.
rd /s /q "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Autodesk\Desktop App"
rd /s /q "%AppData%\Local\Autodesk\Desktop App"
rem Delete the batch file.
del "%~f0"
rem Exit.
exit /b
To use this batch file, save it as a text file with the .bat extension. Then, double-click the batch file to run it. The batch file will uninstall the Autodesk Desktop App and remove any leftover files.
Here are some additional tips for uninstalling Autodesk Desktop App on Windows:
* Make sure that you have closed all Autodesk applications before you start the uninstaller.
* If you are using a firewall, make sure that you have allowed the Autodesk Desktop App uninstaller through the firewall.
* If you are still having problems uninstalling the Autodesk Desktop App, you can try using the Autodesk Cleanup Tool. The Autodesk Cleanup Tool is a utility that can be used to uninstall Autodesk software and remove any leftover files.
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