What is Depression? - Dr. Sulata Shenoy
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Depression refers to the feeling of severe dejection, hopelessness, helplessness and sadness. While one experiences the amount of all this feelings throughout some lifespan, when it is prolonged, when it is severe and when it is dysfunctional we refer it as clinical depression. Depression can have its origin both in any serious consequences or equations that are happen to oneself such a loss or death of a loved one, severe financial set backs and health set backs or any other stressful life events. These usually faid overtime and the person is able to reboot once the severity of the crisis passes. In other cases depression refer to a feeling of severe helplessness that is not connected to external events, this is what is commonly seen nowadays and what is referred to as clinical depression which is more dependent on neuro chemical imbalance, if it is all the three together stress, anxiety and depression, we must see the positive aspects of these emotions and feelings as long as they are in some degree of intensity. See to it that none of these feelings cross severe limits and which can be debilitating to both your mind and body.