The Biggest Mistakes Tourists Make in the USA

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Hey there fellow travelers, today we are going to talk about some of the common little mistakes people make when they visit the US. Whether it is not knowing that sometimes you can turn right on red, or getting upset when people ask for your identification, or missing out on all the free tourist information you can get when you travel the US, these are common travel mistakes for traveling in and through the United States.
Visit America - 15 silly mistakes that tourists makes when they travel the US.
Copyright Mark Wolters 2020
#travelmistakes #dumbmistakes #travelmessups

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2 big mistakes that I see foreign tourists make all of the time:

1) Not understanding the vast distances in the U.S. (I remember talking to a guy in Europe who said that he wanted to visit New York City, Disney World, and Los Angeles in a week!)

2) Complaining about how we do things in the United States. Nobody will be your friend if you lecture them about how things are so much better in your country.


This is great advice even for Americans visiting different parts of the U.S..


The distances are insane. You should stop for gas when you can. Especially in less populated areas


As an Australian that has visited the US 5 times and travelled through & around at least 30 states, I would say YES definitely talk to locals! Most people are extremely friendly and happy to give advice on what to do & see!


Don't get mad when your waiter gives you the check before you ask. I know some other countries you ask and you wait and wait.... until finally they bring it to you.


Mistake with new mexico visitors: New Mexico and Mexico are two different things and yes we speak English.


That’s really true with Americans wanting to help you out with cool places! When I once visited, an assistant at a physical therapy wrote me down all his recommendations in the greater area. In Germany nobody would do that for you 😂


3 years of German in high school, two semesters of Spanish college, a year of Japanese in the military, and continuing Spanish online. I would not say I'm fluent, I can pick up on things.


Me: Hey I should visit this fun place called the USA

Covid: not so fast


Well, actually I eat a pound of gunpowder for breakfast then shoot bacon later in the day...


I live in 🇨🇦. I find Americans are the friendliest most welcoming people in the world.


America is a great place to visit. I also want to add, please don't start with politics when visiting America. First, many people are emotional about it and second, you are in no place to judge when coming from a different country.


Don’t talk about politics. Unless you want to start a fight.


I couldn't even begin to imagine how the pandemic affects your channel. Glad to see you and best wishes to you and your wonderful family. Perhaps you can address the topic vs traveling? Take care my friend!


Unless you're in NYC, San Francisco, or Chicago, don't rely on public transportation like in Europe.


Another thing about driving. In certain parts of the country (especially in the midwest) if you’re on a backroad or in a small town, raise one or two fingers from the wheel when you pass someone going the opposite direction. There’s a good chance that you’ll get a wave from them even if they don’t know who you are.


You’re not kidding about getting ID’d. I’m over 40 and just got carded buying non-alcoholic beer. 😂


Thx for sharing. Having been to the US 6 times, this captured my attention. Agree with these. We always ask locals for advice, a way to find hidden gems and to chat with the locals. I have found very gregarious people on our travels. Love traveling to the US. Will be visiting again when we can.


On the language issue, I hear foreigners speaking all the time about me and others in a foreign language. I began taking Spanish classes in high school and studied Spanish, German, French and Italian while in college. After living in Mexico, I became an interpreter. Be very careful with your language in America.


I love your videos. I’ve been to the US around ten times with my wife and we always check out your channel. Thank you for everything and good vibes from Denmark.
