Soul Calibur 6 - EVO Character Predictions And Character Creation Reveal?

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Hey guys
Welcome to another Soul Calibur video!
Now with EVO going on this weekend theirs no doubt In my mind that we will get a character reveal, HOWEVER with the game not being to far off from its release date I believe that their will be much more In store us.
Hopefully what I say here comes to fruition at least In some form of way no matter how minor but Soul Calibur 6 Is really looking good so far, I just deeply hope you learn much more about the game as Its drawing very close to Its release and we are yet to get any proper details as to what else Is In the full price game.
Now do remember this Is more of a thoughts and discussion video, nothing I do say here Is solid In stone but I do narrow down a bunch of options and possibilities for what we can see.
So hopefully at least something I do mention here comes to light.
Anywho who do you want to see get revealed at EVO 2018?
And what will you be watching?
And feel free to get in touch with me here!
Welcome to another Soul Calibur video!
Now with EVO going on this weekend theirs no doubt In my mind that we will get a character reveal, HOWEVER with the game not being to far off from its release date I believe that their will be much more In store us.
Hopefully what I say here comes to fruition at least In some form of way no matter how minor but Soul Calibur 6 Is really looking good so far, I just deeply hope you learn much more about the game as Its drawing very close to Its release and we are yet to get any proper details as to what else Is In the full price game.
Now do remember this Is more of a thoughts and discussion video, nothing I do say here Is solid In stone but I do narrow down a bunch of options and possibilities for what we can see.
So hopefully at least something I do mention here comes to light.
Anywho who do you want to see get revealed at EVO 2018?
And what will you be watching?
And feel free to get in touch with me here!