Soul Calibur 6 - EVO Character Predictions And Character Creation Reveal?

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Hey guys

Welcome to another Soul Calibur video!

Now with EVO going on this weekend theirs no doubt In my mind that we will get a character reveal, HOWEVER with the game not being to far off from its release date I believe that their will be much more In store us.

Hopefully what I say here comes to fruition at least In some form of way no matter how minor but Soul Calibur 6 Is really looking good so far, I just deeply hope you learn much more about the game as Its drawing very close to Its release and we are yet to get any proper details as to what else Is In the full price game.

Now do remember this Is more of a thoughts and discussion video, nothing I do say here Is solid In stone but I do narrow down a bunch of options and possibilities for what we can see.
So hopefully at least something I do mention here comes to light.

Anywho who do you want to see get revealed at EVO 2018?
And what will you be watching?

And feel free to get in touch with me here!
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I'm just glad I get to play as Taki again😻


Seong Mina!

Like the new format btw. Keep it up!


I'm still waiting on my love, Tira, so I can tear shit apart with a giant Ring Blade.


6:48 "This is what Nightmares are made of."


*fingers crossed* I pray to God that Astaroth, Cervantes, Lizardman and Seong Mi-na be confirmed. I'm also holding out for Raphael (SCII rendition), Hwang Seong-gyeong, Hong Yun-seong, and Cassandra Alexandra if possible.


Astaroth, Cervantes, and Lizardman are pretty much a given. I’m just really hoping for Seong Mina and HWANG PLEASE!!!


Just need Lizardman soon, then Crevantes and Seong-Mina and I´m happy.


I hope they add sliders for the face in the character creator, I hate having only 3 to 4 faces that aren't ugly. Also I would love it if they gave us the ability to add malfested traits to our characters, like Nightmare arms or even tails. Basically I just want them to go crazy with the character creator.


I was not expecting that cutaway about the neighbor and had to pause the video a second lmao.


I hope we get tira, she reminds me of Harley Quinn, she’s so quirky in her fighting style


G from SFV, Possible Tekken 7 legacy characters, possible DGFZ, DOA6 trailer maybe, and now Soul Calibur 6, a lot of stuff to look forward to this weekend.


I've been happy with what they've been revealing so far. But I must agree with all this, we really need a lot more to see, especially since we only got 2 months left. Still, though I've been impressed with how they've been handling the characters and hope that we got plenty of offline content. That's what a lot of games, in general, are missing, especially with fighting games. That being said, I would personally want to see if we can make our own styles like Soul Calibur 3 or if we're just having copied styles like the previous two.

By the way, I would love to challenge you in Soul Calibur 6.


I agree w/ your discussion and perspective on SCVI. Offline content is just as important as Online’s. The way to make this game have a longer longevity is to appeal to BOTH the Casual & Competitive Audience! From the interviews w/ Okubo, he has confirmed another form of Story Mode. So that may be similar to a “Tales of Souls” mode t’where you choose YOUR Character to play in the story instead of Cannon. The vagueness is indeed apparent/annoying, but One thing’s for certain is Okubo is a BAD liar. And he’s always trying to hide from spilling out the details. His passion for the game is refreshing. I hope to see Raphael this weekend, tbh. B/c Astaroth, Cervantes & Lizardman are already given, I want to see someone that will SURPRISE us. Maybe Tira or Setsuka as well. But, I agree there could be a group Reveal Trailer alike Groh, Nightmare, Xianghua & Kilik.


Would love to see more History of vids of Soucalibur, and DOA characters.


"Character Creation Reveal?" Time to create a character


I'm hoping Cassandra or Tira is next 😄 I also want Hilde, Mina, and Setsuka to be added in the roaster eventually


Astaroth and Cervantes have to be next


All my faves are already in (except for Amy)


Please, Viola, Hwang and Character creation too! I want to make Marienbard again.


I know that EVO is the current focus but you forget GamesCom one of the biggest gaming conventions in Europe if not the biggest is coming in a couple of weeks and I bet we'll get more of the offline and single player content there including a showcase of creating a custom character. I do however think we'll get a bulk reveal of characters during EVO or maybe they'll spread the character reveals across the whole weekend.