JoJo and Nia GO THEIR OWN WAY in Australia (S5 Flashback) | Dance Moms

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Nia includes JoJo to be part of her live performance of her song in Australia while the rest of the ALDC practices their group dance for competition in this clip from Season 5, Episode 21, "Dance Moms Down Under, Part 2."


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"Dance Moms" follows Abby Lee Miller and the nation's favorite tween dancers as they take on Hollywood while new auditions, new competitions, and new studios raise the stakes.

The road has not been easy for “Dance Mom’s” star Abby Lee Miller. After completing her prison sentence last year, the famed dance instructor was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. But if anything, Abby has proven she is a fighter and is not ready to hang up the dance shoes. The new season of Dance Moms follows Abby as she rebuilds her dance company while battling the after-effects of cancer that has left her confined to a wheelchair. Abby is ready to get back to her life and do what she loves most…teaching students to dance! With the goal of putting her life, health and dance studio back together, Abby returns to where it all began – the Abby Lee Dance Company in Pittsburgh.
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The jealousy in this video is so apparent it’s disgusting. They can’t fathom the fact that nia and jojo have an opportunity over their children.


It’s not that Holly only wanted Jojo it’s that Abby didn’t want Jojo and Holly just didnt want Jojo to be excluded


“Holly never used to be that way” no, maybe she didn’t, but she ‘changed’ because she had enough of Nia being excluded


Wait, Abby doesn’t include Nia or JoJo, but it’s wrong for them to go off and do their own thing?!? Yeah ok Jill! 🙄


the way that nia and jojo are always excluded and no one ever said anything, but as soon as they have their own shining moment the moms and abby have a problem


Jill and Melissa wondered why their girls weren’t included…because neither Jojo or Nia were included in anything in Australia? They went to do something for themselves and they still got mad? Where is the logic 😂


Ok but Jojo SERVED that dance with Nia, she was so good


Tbh I’m amazed Holly spoke to any of these moms after S5. They really excluded Nia and then expected her to sit and do nothing. They were so pressed that Nia had bigger things going on then a meet and greet.


Nia and JoJo are great examples of PERFORMERS! Is everything always technically perfect? No but they command the stage and entertain every step of the way.


Jill is literally the worst mom in this entire show. She’s so selfish.


I am so proud of Jojo and Nia! I feel like Mellissa and Jill were being over dramatic about it..


"okay mikey we heard enough from you" man was literally just talking to his clients


Nia and Jojo weren’t invited to anything the rest of the team did in Australia. They were excluded from everything and nobody even batted an eye. But the second it’s Nia’s moment to shine and she brings Jojo along, everyone starts crying about feeling left out? Nia and Jojo got zero opportunities while everyone else did so this season always made me so upset. Holly didn’t change for the worse like Jill and Melissa claimed. She moved to LA for Nia’s career just like the rest of the moms did, except she’s the only one who didn’t get much out of it from Abby. If Holly didn’t take control, it all would’ve been for nothing. Nia would’ve continued to be pushed aside and even sabotaged by Abby in favor of Maddie and Kendall and Kalani. The other moms were absolutely vile about it when they didn’t even stop to think about how fortunate they were to be in good graces while the Frazier’s and Siwa’s were treated like they weren’t even apart of the team. Especially Jill and Melissa. Maddie and Kendall were on Abby’s good side at the moment and they were getting opportunities left and right because Abby made sure of it. So they shouldn’t have had anything to complain about when Nia finally got something.


When Jill said “ I guess she just wants jojo” she said it like it was a bad thing. Even thought it is NOT


it’s funny how: when abby always excluded jojo and nia, the other moms never said anything. but the second that their children were excluded, they complain. it’s awful. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Maddie: gets lots of opportunities and Abby make sure everyone is happy for her.
Nia ( and Holly): create their own opportunity.
Abby gets offended.
You know why? Because when Holly sets up an opportunity for Nia, Abby doesn't make any money as her manager.
So really she's just mad at herself for being a manager.


JoJo and Nia always stand up for them self


It's hilarious that Jill & Melissa are offended about their kids being excluded when Nia & JoJo were too so they went off to do their own thing 🙃


Mellissa literally wanted to hear all about Mikey now she doesn’t bc her daughters are not in it and jill she does anything to get her daughter into anything even if not wanted


so Nia and Jojo can be excluded from the group… but once the roles are reversed it’s “why weren’t our kids invited?!”
