Audio Book Narration Tips for Beginners

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Something you said in your video made me come back and comment, because it was so absolutely awesome. When you said that, only a handful of people may ever hear the story you tell, maybe even only one person. But that person will never hear the story if you don't tell it. That will stay with me for a long time. Thanks for the inspiration =)


You aren't positive nor negative. You're realistic, but supportive!


Thank you so much for this video! To be honest, I've spent the last ten years thinking, "What do i want to do with my life?" Then I had an epiphany. I love to read, I love to tell stories. I used to spend hours, whole days even, reading aloud to my mother. It hit me like a ton of bricks. This is what I want to do. And for the first time, this was the first career I've considered where my first thought wasn't, "How much money am I going to make?" Twelve dollars or twelve thousand, I don't care. Thank you for the advice, I truly appreciate it.


I have been narrating for ACX for five years. I am working on my 100th book and have sold 3750 books. Most of them on royalty share. I like your candor. Very few people make it as a sole source of income. The way I look at it is a hobby that pays a little.


This title is misleading. Should read: How to Succeed in any Chosen Field. Great life Advice Kevin!!! Thank you for the video


Zero jump cuts? No BS marketing? Down-to-earth, practical advice? Thank you, Kevin! Hope you're keeping well!


Thank you for your time. I am starting into to VO work and have built a recording studio in the closet under the stairway. Most people my age have come out of the closet by now, and I am going back in.
You have a good heart.


I have just had a light bulb moment and thought to myself “I like telling a story, I wonder how I can get into narration?”

So I googled it and found this great video. Thanks!


You helped me realize that I'm thinking of doing it for the right reasons (not money) because I've been wanting to do this without having ANY idea how much money you could make from it, never even crossed my mind.


Try listening to an annoying voice for 8+ hours, the voice is very important, but mainly, can you ACT. Acting is important in all forms of voice work. Your goal as an audiobook narrator is to hand hold the listener through the story, not speeding up for example, when things get heated/tense, which will make the listener pay more attention, even physically lean in, because they're like, WHAT HAPPENS NEXT, READ FASTER! I want to KNOW FFS! That is where you should be cautious of employing the same steady pace...There are just so many things that make a narration engaging (I have listened to a lot of audio-books, and will not go passed a minute, if the narrator sounds bad, I have to like their voice is what I'm saying). So if you're blessed with a great voice, then that's one less thing to worry too much about in the session as a VO artist, yes, Artist.


Thankful for the wisdom, as a married 26 yr old w/ a 1.5 yr old & another coming next week, I wondered if this was even an option for fun in my free time. I have always loved reading out loud and believe I have the right desires for this. I’m leaving this video informed! excited to see where this takes me.


I love listening to your voice. It just sounds so beautiful.


"Allocate your resources wisely." Truer words have never been spoken, regardless of the subject being discussed. Thank you, Kevin! (Lots of other good stuff in this video as well!)


I think it’s awesome that you shared your income the first year. A lot of people try to sell a dream and don’t show income proof.


Thank you! Perfect balance of realistic, encouraging, and informative. I’m an actress and I really want to start dabbling in this.


I've been told my entire life that I have an amazing voice. I honestly don't hear anything special about it, but recently came across narrator audio book careers and I'm very interested.


This is probably the best video I've seen about voice narration.


I did not think you were being mean at all :) I'm also not a marshmallow! I'm an ER/ ICU nurse who's fed up with medical and who has been interested in narrating/ voice over work for years. This is my first video and I thought it was clear, concise and honest.


Remarkably generous and speaking from the heart. No nonsense advice from someone who has put in the work and wants to help others. This is gold, thank you.


Ha ha. My unedited audio is hilarious. I edit it myself but the channel I do narration for always wants my uncut file for entertainment. It was never about money for me. I love to speak. I love everything about communication. And I cut my first “spot” sitting in my dads lap in front of a mic of a little mom and pop radio station that he ran. This is my favorite video advice on this subject. Virtual fist bump, Mr Kevin Clay.
