Learn the basics: Slovak

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Get ready for Slovakia with some helpful words and phrases in Slovak, which is closely related to Czech, and has more than a few words in common with Polish. Sasha, born in Slovakia and a member of our Prague team, runs you through the basics so you'll be able to impress the locals!

#Slovakia #Sloavkian #LearnSlovakian #JayWaySlovakia

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⏲️ Timestamps - Chapters ⏲️
00:00 Intro
00:13 Dobrý deň = Good day, hello
00:47 Ahoj = Hi, hello (informal)
01:12 Dovidenia = Goodbye
01:25 Prosím = Please
01:53 Ďakujem = Thank you
02:26 Áno / Nie = Yes / No
03:03 Na zdravie = Cheers
03:45 Přepáčte = Excuse me
04:13 What we learned today & Outro
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My GF is Slovakian and I know around 50-75 words and want to learn and speak to my future in laws in Slovakian. So this channel is a must for me. Dakujem 😊


As a South Slavic (Serbian) speaker I´m always amazed how much I understand Slovak! Like reading some wiki page in Slovak is never a problem to me... I´d even add that of all non-South Slavic languages, Slovak is the most similar to Serbian/Croatian. (Unlike the Czech... there are just to many consonants involved :) )


Leaning this language because a friend says it’s a hard language. Now I’m actually interested into learning this language.


Všetkým prajem veľa šťastia v ovládaní Slovenského jazyka :) Pochádzam zo Slovenska a verím, že sa ľudia dôkazu naučiť tento krásny jazyk, tak ako ja sa učím Anglicky! Ešte raz veľa šťastia prajem a pozdravujem všetkých zo Slovenska :)


As someone who has tried to learn basic phrases for many languages thanks to Youtube, I can confidently say this is one of the best videos I've ever watch. Pronouncing words at an increasing pace is incredibly useful. The text you include with each term is helpful. And most importantly, you cover every necessary expression and nothing else. I wish you spoke every language so you could make all of these videos I watch.


My ex was Slovakian and she lived and worked in England and we went back to Slovakia many times to a village near a place called Topoľčany and honestly what an amazing country and amazing people 🥰, i am so grateful i had the opportunity to stay in a small village where people were close and knew each other and all had huge gardens full of fresh fruit and veg am getting off topic ha ha ha i digress . It was so nice to watch this because it brought back memory's of going to the local village shops trying my best to get a sentence out in an English accent 🤭, and i had forgot a few words in slovak, but thanks to this video i can almost put a sentence together again 😋 Thank you


Dakujem. Thank you so much. So helpful!


lol my wife said every words minutes before you. I personally learnt a lot and my beautiful wife loved it. Keep up these tiny classes, it helps us non Slovaks.


I wonder how others struggle learning my language lol


Hi Sasha! Thank you for teaching me these phrases! It was really helpful, because my Mom is from Slovakia, and I want to be able to talk to her in Slovak and understand what she is saying. She actually has said most of these phrases before, I just never really fully understood what they meant. You were an excellent teacher, and thank you for teaching me some other useful phrases, too! :) Dik!


I am trying to learn Slovak or some basics of it so I can fit in a little more with my girlfriend and her family :) Thanks for the help!


Thank you! I am travelling to Bratislava in 6 months, and this is very helpful!


Please make more videos! It is so hard to find resources to learn Slovak. My grandpa wanted my dad and his siblings to be "Americanized" so he never taught them Slovak. It makes me so sad that the language was lost in one generation. I want to learn it and travel to Liesek and Chlebnice where my great grandparents are from. <3


Nice.... Thank you.... Soon I will be in Slovakia


Great video! Exactly what I was looking for.


I am An Indian. I want to study more about slovak. Thanks Maam for this basic knowledge


When she started talking about one of the most important words to know anywhere in the world, who else thought she was going to say _pivo_ ?


I'm from Romania but I am also 25% Slovak, my mom never learned Slovak so neither have I, now I'm trying to learn it on my own


hope you upload more of many words we need to know.


👏👏👏👏 Excellent, this channel is gold.
