Looking for Photo Compositions on my bike. Disaster! Can you see what I did wrong?

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🎥 About This Video....
In this video I went for a bike ride with my camera looking for compositions with the Pentacon Six and
an 80mm and a 180mm lens. I found some nice compositions and when I got to developing I had
a major problem! Light leaks that stumped me… At first!

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Camera - Pentacon Six TL
Lenses - 80mm / 180mm
Film - Kodak TMAX 100
Developer 510 PYRO

Nikon ZF, CANON 6D, Gopro 10 Black, TASCAM DR10L MIC
NEEWER LED PANELS, GVM COLOUR PANELS, Valoi 360 Film Holder Colbor 100X Light, Colbor 220 Light


If my videos inspire, create ideas and help others in film photography and darkroom work then it's worth making them.
I always welcome comments that are useful towards the video subject that will help others understand the process within.
Keep shooting and thanks for watching.

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Thanks for watching as always! And the comments. I should add With the Pentacon Six the mirror is only down when the camera is in advanced position. If it is not advanced the mirror stays up and the curtain is exposed behind the lens. When I left the camera on top of my bag and not advanced the lens (with no cap on) was pointing up to the sun which burned the pinhole into the curtain. (Like a magnifying glass on paper). It's common on Leica and Fed cameras. If you have a Pentacon Six just be wary of this. Maybe a good practice is to advance the camera after each exposure so the mirror comes down and protects the curtain. Something I will be doing from now on. I hope my error has helped others. ❤


I have a Cycle Poco camera built around 1900. I was intrigued by the "Cycle" in the name, so I did a little research. It turns out that cycling and photography became popular at about the same time. Many early portable cameras were marketed with "Cycle" in the name, intended to be used exactly the way you did in this video. So, looks like cycling and photography have been a "thing" for over 130 years. Love the videos!


As an old Leica shooter I immediately thought, cloth shutter!


The farm implement at 11:13 is a field cultivator. The front teeth are "sweeps" and the springs are a safety mechanism. If the sweeps hook something in the ground, like a rock or root, they fold up and back and the springs reset them. The sweeps come in many different shapes and sizes depending on your soil.
The discs behind them basically just even out the furrows they leave.
The two things in the back are "rolling basket" cultivators.
(You folks across the pond probably have other names for all of this.)
This is used for final preparation so that the soil will be ready for planting.
There you have it - more useless farming trivia than you probably needed, or even wanted.


I haven't watched the whole video yet or read any other comments, but I'm guessing you burned a hole in the shutter curtain from the sunlight. These cameras don't have quick return mirrors so there is nothing protecting the shutter curtain from sunlight if the lens cap is off.


Sun burned through the shutter! I had that happen on my iiif. A bit of liquid rubber cleared it up and made it light tight again.


I did that with my flash in Africa (equatorial sun in Kenya). I was using a Fresnel lens on the flash unit (Better Beamer) and had the flash lying on the floor of the Land Rover facing upward. It melted the face of my flash unit, though it still works fine. The plastic sleeve that you keep the Fresnel lens in says all over it not to point it at the sun!


Great video Roger! I’ve heard of holes getting burned in cloth shutters but have never actually seen it. I will be more careful with my cloth shutter cameras. I’m glad you were able to easily fix it. P.S. I always get a smile from your videos.


Some people might look at our shots and say...'what's he photographing that for?'.. but I say photographers see beauty in everything. ❤


If you can't get the shutter curtain replaced, you can use some liquid rubber to patch it. You will have to redo it eventually. I have s Zorki with the same issue 😀


I love that you got a bike! I spend a lot of time on mine because it’s the best way to explore all the places cars can’t go. I get a lot of shots that way that I would have missed otherwise.


I knew just as You showed the frame. Killed the curtain on my zorki 4 same way.


I wholeheartedly agree about pictures and biking. Been doing this since 2009 or something.


Loose thread? use nail varnish to hold it firmly (or Thead lockliquid.. AND use sparingly.. Both allow for removal if required....


Roger, you often inspire me to go out and take pictures... I never thought you'd be convincing me to go out on my bike too!


You’ll have a super strong thumb after a day of using the Pentacon 6, Rog, as there’s a lot of resistance to get over, to pull the film winder fully over to the next frame. That camera is built like a beast and an absolute beast to shoot!


Cloth shutter burn holes - something that you hear about, but I've never actually seen before. Surprised by the size of the hole too.


Range finders are prone to this problem, many of my purchases had pinprick holes, for those I find a fabric felt pen can be used to fill them in and return the camera to useable again. I note that your shutter had a hole larger than the fix I mentioned above would most likely not been sufficient.


Maybe you get your hands on a Flektogon 50/4. It's the same lens as on Hasselblads. 50, 80 and 180 is my setup as well.


yep 4:25 you did not transport the flim and the mirror stayed up so your lens projected the sun in the shutter and burned it Bay the way I'am Dutch and almost born on a fiets (bike) So I made a photography dadicated city bike and use it for allmost 30 years . Not the same bike of coarse last year I have a new bike with a low frame . I'am now allmost 68 and still love my bike .
