Start a Nonprofit 501(c)3 with InstantNonprofit

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“What will I get in the InstantNonprofit Package, how long does it take, and how do the fees work?”

InstantNonprofit means we combine easy, step by step online software with your own Concierge, a nonprofit specialist assigned to walk your file from idea to IRS approval and beyond.

Please pay close attention to this two-minute video, because The IRS has created two paths to 501(c)3, which we call Express and Enterprise. This will determine your fees, turnaround times, and the detail required by the IRS regarding your nonprofit’s activities and budget.

The process is the same for either Package:
In Step 1, You’ll have your EIN or Tax ID - the primary number identifying your nonprofit - from the IRS within about 2 business days. Next, you’ll receive your recorded Articles of Incorporation from your State government in 1-2 weeks and can then open your bank account.

It’s inside that space we’ll move to Step 2 and build your 501c3 application and any required addenda such as bylaws, policies and schedules.

Finally I Step 3, we submit your 501c3 application to the IRS and follow up as needed. So let’s move on to determining which path is right for you.

Now, unless you are starting an unusual type of nonprofit such as a school or hospital, your expected annual revenues will likely determine which path you’ll take, as most founders are not starting with more than $250,000 in assets. So if your organization expects total receipts under

$50,000 per year in any of the first three years, you’ll qualify for Express; if you plan to be over $50,000 per year then the Enterprise path is for you.

Chances are, if you have paid staff or rent a facility you’ll break above that line, but many smaller local and volunteer-run organizations remain below it in the first three years.

Many customers ask, “what if we raise more or less than that number?” Don’t worry. The IRS is relying upon an honor system here and since you are in the planning stage, there is no penalty for actual revenues or expenses being higher or lower than what you estimate - but chances are if you have any paid staff, or you rent a facility or require equipment, you’ll qualify for the higher

Enterprise path.

The Enterprise process calls for more detail about your nonprofit’s activities and budget versus Express…either way our intuitive online interface means you’ll only spend an average 30 to 90 minutes to complete all of your work, and we handle it from there.

Currently, the IRS is approving our Express files in an average two to six weeks, with the Enterprise at 11 to 20 weeks. IRS filing fees also differ - with the Express version at $400 and Enterprise at $850, but don’t worry, you don’t need to pay this Filing Fee to get started.

We collect the IRS filing fee at the end of our process after we have provided your Recorded articles and EIN, and once you have electronically approved and signed your full IRS application packet.

That’s when we take you from this (pile of paper)…to this (champagne toast)!

Finally, there’s a difference in our InstantNonprofit Package fees. The Express is $670, while Enterprise is $970. Payment options will appear at checkout.

Now, let’s quickly review what’s included in every InstantNonprofit Package.

We’ll obtain your EIN number, create and file articles of incorporation and provide bylaws for your nonprofit as needed. We’ll also complete your Form 1023 which is the 501c3 Application, your conflict of interest policy, compensation policy, your narrative of activities and any schedules as required, and put it all through a rigorous review to make sure that we avoid any delays caused by IRS red flags. We’ll even speak with the IRS on your behalf as needed to ensure the fastest approval possible. And we back up all of these documents securely in the cloud.

You’ll also get our Nonprofit maintenance package which includes letting your know when and how to file your annual 990 “tax” return, and your annual report - which are the only two things you need to maintain your tax-exempt status going forward.

Finally, we include one year of support and access to our Members’ area, with legal and board documents, training and downloads, and informative webinars & video. The topics covered include everything from fundraising and compliance, to tech tools for managing your books and back-office, creating websites, donor and member management and more.

The value of all of these services combined is over $4,000, yet our all-inclusive Package is either $670 or $970. Your next steps are to complete the checkout process then check your email for your log in keys and get started today! The Yippiekiyay InstantNonprofit Package has 100%

IRS approval rate, and Approval is guaranteed. We have lots of satisfied customers and an A+ Better Business Bureau Rating. So go ahead and take the next step and get started!
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