Barbarian survival strategy! - Conan Unconquered ► New RTS Gameplay & Campaign

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#Conan Unconquered on Steam

Gamer Encounters Impressions & Reports
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I need to give this game a chance I used to love playing the stronghold series and this looks far better, Great quality with the video.


Man I didn't expect this game to be this good, keep it up


7:15 Nooo, more arachnids! Bring out the party hats!!


Looks interesting and fresh enough. Petroglyph are a great team, though the haven't had great success since Empire At War. If you can get a hold of a legal copy (even pirated copies are extremely rare on torrent trackers) of their 2007 game Universe at War: Earth Assault and do a video on it it would be awesome. Grey Goo was decent and had some interesting mechanics of the different factions, but wasn't a standout game. It lacked an involved story and charm.


Not sure about spending 30USD for this. For 20 bucks I would have picked it up cause I like the Conan setting. But it looks like this Game will be boring after one Weekend.


1:12 A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.


The game looks nice.. I loved the womans voice, it reminded me to C&C <3


Based on the like to dislike ratio, I would really love to believe this is going to be an incredible RTS that even the most hardcore Conan fans can enjoy. Unfortunately, based on what I have seen, it looks like another cookie cutter RTS made for mobile. I know the Chinese mobile app market is on fire right now, but as a long time Funcom and Conan enthusiast, I was hoping for more. You can do better.


Might be funny of me to mention as a viewer, but one of those fonts reminds me of Strife...


this gonna be a series on your channel?


Say Conan Unconquered five times really fast


It was enspired but They Are Billions but all I see is a weird reskin of Age Of Mythology.


No for me. I should de-wl from steam, looks like another rip off using (badly) the Conan IP (thanks Funcon)


looks nice, but thats it. rest is just trash.


The resources in this game are an unbalanced mess. You need to build fifty hovels, flags and hunter shacks before you can even think about building an army since they use up resources as well. That is, food and gold, the two things you'll never have enough of in this game. That's if you're not running out of thralls, or command points, or wood, or stone, or animal hides, or some other damn thing who the hell knows what. Because of the hunter shack spacing, all this needs to be spread across a massive area that's far too big to defend from the randomnly spawning waves that never arrive from anywhere near where it says they are going to. Plus, there's the random critters scattered everywhere. This makes it almost impossible to build walls to put up a solid defence and even if you manage, they just fly over, go around, or just flat out catapult/ curb stomp your walls to hell. Catapults will sit back way out of range of anything you have and destroy the walls, then a huge wave of guys hiding in the fog rushes in. The AI isn't affected by fog of war so its just a hopeless guessing game of where to build your defenses. Then there's the annoying single nomads that run in from three or four places at once. They harass the hell of of you and steal your resources. Usually right at the start of a wave when you have nobody to spare to deal with them. And if you don't deal with them, prepare to hear "wall under attack" 17, 000 frigging times (on top of the other 100, 000 notifications you'll be getting at once). You seriously need to pause the game sometimes just to let the announcer catch up with the events she's monotonously droning on about every half a second. Usually with no notice on your mini map of where anything is happening out there or there's just so much going on that you won't know what the hell she's specifically talking about. All this is making you extra anxious as you try to deal with the massive wave of enemies steam rolling your base. Enemies usually go straight for your fortress as well (which collapses faster then the economy did before the great depression), ignoring everything else, including your army that is attacking them. I played unconquered mode, you know, the other mode, set at normal and ten waves. First time I got to wave ten, no problem. At wave nine there were 45 spiders, a couple of big spiders and some scorpions. Wave 10... 165!!! units, including cavalry, fire archers, necromancers. None of this mattered though, since prince something or other casually strolled up to the walls, took out a huge section and ran right through my army, to the fortress (as Conan and my army are futilely hacking away at him that is) and takes it out in a few hits. Game over. Try again. This time, wave 9 is starting, everything is looking good and... WTF! Some demon lord with 6000hp shows up that I've never seen after playing this game for thirty hours. And a fire demon. And an army.
This game is just a huge headache, it needs some serious balancing work. And extra content. And a bunch of other things. I want to love it, but it hates me. Conan deserves a real RTS like the guys who made this worked on before. Command and Conquer, Empire at War. Those were pure gold.
This game is not. But you know the formula; release a half finished game, let people play and collect data instead of paying actual game testers, improve game, add content as needed under the guise of "dlc" (you know, buy your game in pieces, like you would buy your car...) and then once they have everyone's money, release the finished game as a "complete edition". Or a Game of the Year edition... well, maybe not this game. You can't even be mad at them, everyone's doing it and we all support it. And this is what we get.


TAB has way better atmosphere and OSTs...