Am I Allowed to Do ___? (Material Cooperation with Evil)

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Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr. Mark-Mary define material cooperation and discuss when our actions need to be evaluated based on our intentions and their effects.

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We would appreciate it deeply if anyone could pray for us our 12 year old daughter Candice living with Chronic congestive heart failure passed away may 30 peacefully in her sleep she is with the Lord we are all devastated we desperately need your prayers please pray for peace and comfort with God's love conquers all amen we lost our first daughter Angel at 15 years old in 2018 peacefully in her sleep she had Ms this is very tough we are grateful to God for two wonderful daughters and we will be altogether again praying for everyone everyday God bless you all


Fr. Gregory is one of my favorite people. I absolutely love the way he talks; he can discuss material cooperation with evil and still have me cracking up.


I confess to Almighty God and to you my brothers and sisters that I have sinned through my own fault. In my thoughts and in my words in what I have done and what I have failed to do--- there for I ask Blessed Mary ever Virgin all the Angels and
Saints and you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the Lord our God!
My heart and eyes and mind just became more open to how I have influenced others and they have influenced me 🙏
May God help me to be more aware of my thoughts and actions that affect others!


I love friar Mark Mary. ♡ He's so kind & modest.


I can tell you two are good friends. That makes learning and doing what God wants through listening to God's Word in your talks worthwhile.


Father Gregory is so intelligent….I feel like he’s a walking Summa Theologica 😄
God Bless everyone!!


4:16 "in order for it to be good it all has to be good."


ALL POWER HONOR GLORY BELONGS TO OUR LORD and savior Jesus Christ praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all


Fr Pine, God Bless You! I am lost.
What about buying shoes that are made under terrible conditions. Poor pay, long hours and a dirty work shop


I love this show——- can you addresss the evil that the MEN that impregnates the female, does And then the total abandonment of the born children???

I am a catholic but I’m really upset at the lack of condemnation of the men that use sex in inmoral ways!!!!

Include those in the moral actors- the cause of the pregnancy.


Jesus Christ died for our Sins According to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you All.


I support both of their religious orders as well as the Missionaries of Charity Contemplative. JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU. JMJ.


My heart goes out to you. You are not alone. You might find it helpful to pray the Rosary every day, remembering that Mary too lost her beloved child. ❣️🙏🌹(My sister lost her 10-year-old daughter years ago, and she is strengthened and comforted by praying the Rosary.)


I really enjoyed learning about remote material cooperation. It's an interesting thing to think about in our globalised world.

Even considerations for things like our governments. The Canadian government for example, sends money overseas to "support women's access to abortion" and uses our taxes dollars. While I know I can't be held to blame, I do feel empowered to defend life and select leaders who also do


So grateful to have access to your messages/reflections. Thanks Fathers, God Bless you both!


Thank you! God bless you Always ✨✨🙏🏼🙏🏼


Awesome explanation, thanks, Fr'.s, helps me feel better on a few things. but there are cracks in the road for me. Employment area mainly. Not all is clearly seen, but there Are dark alley twists and entangled ways, so hidden. I have my
suspicions all, but it can cause me to question.
So, , little by little___
Fr G P,
I signed up for your podcast. Looking forward to it.


This was the smartest video I've ever seen regarding how we view things thank you so much! Unbelievers should be shown this video, how much of a difference it would make! 🙄


in my recent conversion to the Traditional Catholic Faith I am trying my best for the first time in my life to do what is right, in the Eyes of God. Including not cheating on my taxes, this is a struggle for me because of the evils that are committed with all of our contributions to our government. Abortion is subsidized in the United States and abroad, the welfare system is grossly abused and demeans and destroys the family structure and goodness knows what else is going on. But I try my best to believe that the overall effect is for the best. We live in a very complicated world, we must however do our due diligence to see that we are not complicit


What a great discussion! I appreciate both of you explaining this with words almost anyone can understand. I don’t go to Starbucks because their coffee isn’t worth $5 or more for a cup. 😂😂 But no way should taxpayers fund abortions. I think 70 percent or more Americans would agree!
