Yemin 324. Bölüm | The Promise Season 3 Episode 324

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The quiet lives of Emir and Tarhun family change when a "Fairy Girl" enters their world. When this fairy girl’s path, who were tortured as a child and therefore afraid to approach people, crosses with Emir, nothing will be the same as before. How will Emir deal with this wild girl who has turned his life upside down? Will Gulperi be able to keep up with this foreign world she never knew?

Meanwhile, Narin and Kemal have settled in the Tarhun Mansion, which is Hikmet’s heirloom. Two lovers, who have been through great troubles in the past, now have a happy, peaceful home where they live their love to the fullest. Kemal has returned to his position at the holding, while Narin continues to pursue his profession successfully. But when a difficult surgery for Narin will change all those years of calm. A new and difficult test awaits the love of Narin and Kemal.

#yemin #thepromiseseries #reymir
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My husband sees Narin while I was watching and he said she's gorgeous.☺I said to him sorry his married to Kemal Tarhoun you're late.😄😄


Chapter 324 English
Feride: I should have given it before but I had forgotten, after today, Emir: I understand, Kemal: ok I'll send you the position, Narin: we are here, Kemal: I'm sorry daughter, don't worry forgive me Masal: Sister Narin Dad told everything, I only have one father and that's you, and I also have a mother, Kemal: that you told him that he accepted the situation I couldn't do it, Narin: I didn't do anything, this is your job in exchange for the great love I gave him you gave my girl, when the children know they are loved, Ilyas calls saying that today will be the day that he will take away Masal, Kemal: look, you will never say "Masal" again. Have you heard that she is not your daughter, do you hear me? you were the one who sold your daughter for three cents, you don't even deserve to see her face. Ilyas: that will not be decided by you, it will be the court who will give it to me, I advise you to arrive on time, the one who will not see it again will be you, Kemal: the unfortunate cut off, look we still have time to escape, if the court delivery we will regret it all our lives, it is still time, Narin: we will regret more that if you escape you will live starting, and that will be unfair, you do not deserve it, we must go to court, whatever happens we will meet that man. Emine: that's it, that's how you look so beautiful daughter, the dress suits you very well, look at that face of so much emotion, every young woman becomes tense on a day like today, you must let it go, you are too tense. Narin tells those of the house that Masal knows the whole truth and accepted it since she is an intelligent girl, Kemal tells Masal that you must go out with Narin he has something to do, Masal asks where they are going and Kemal replies that they should go and talk to a man and tell him how much they love Masal, the girl asks to go with them thinks about telling the man that she loves her father very much and does not want them to separate them, Kemal: ok we will go together and we will return together, Narin meets the teacher Mustafa says that now they will go to trial, Mustafa tells him that it is not easy but that justice will come from the hand of God. Umit and the family arrive at the mansion, Emine introduces them all except Songül, "I am Mr. Hikmet's wife, Songül" Umit: you deserve something more beautiful (flowers) Songül: oh what more elegant flowers, I can't leave from looking at them, what are you doing, come back to yourself, don't do it, Feride: I'll put the flowers in the vase, Narin is asking those in the house to be calm, you have to have confidence, Kemal arrives, they're ready, they'll all go together to the court, Songül: you ate bread and cheese, the fortune bird has come over you, these people came here for a good job for you, change your face, Feride: but I did not frown or anything, Songül: it is not I see, don't let Aunt Emine be ashamed, come on serve the coffee we'll see how they drink it that's how people are known, They call Kemal to trial, tell Masal that they will come back together, Masal: the kiss of luck, Emir : (remember when he put the ring and the insults on the wedding day) she said yes, without thinking, for my c ulpa, Mother of Umit: The reason for our visit is that the young people have spoken and agreed, and it is up to us to fulfill this duty. We want your daughter, Feride, for my son, Ümit, with the orders of Allah, the prophet. Emine: I think they are both for each other, my trust in his mind and heart is infinite, but before I say the last word, I want to talk to Feride once. If you allow me, Emine: daughter what happens, During the trial Ilyas says that he comes from a poor family and Kemal with his money and power took his daughter from him since unfortunately his daughter was born the same day that Kemal loses the son at birth dead, changing the documents without him knowing, and that the nurse who helped him before he died confessed, Kemal: you gave the nurse your own son for money, you, Judge: Mr. Kemal, if he doesn't shut up I'll have to take him out into the hall, Ilyas: I have a DNA test, I want my daughter back, maybe she lives in the aftermath but I want my daughter I am her father, I do not want to continue suffering this torment, I hope that justice finds the place, it is up to Kemal speak, the only certain thing is that he is Masal's biological father, he sold his daughter for money, he asked me for money before he sued, I gave him 150 thousand lire, sir, Ilyas: you are lying, sir, if my problem was money You wouldn't be here, the judge asks you to shut up, the judge asks you to give him the evidence There is no proof of anything, but his family can be a witness to that, they had other witnesses but they were intimidated by Ilyas, he has only recently known that he is not Masal's biological father, but he has been with Masal since the first day, always in his lap, she is his daughter, his soul, his blood, if he has a luxury house, expensive toys and a good school and can live without it but not without his love, Masal enters the room, Masal: please do not separate me from my father, Judge: You look like a very smart girl now let's move on. Come out and wait there, there is no doubt that her ties are strong, but you as a lawyer know the possibilities. Ilyas Tanriverdi is the real father of the table, he shows that he was deceived by the death of his daughter and declares that he was arrested, he presented the reports to the court, and the DNA is clear, you do not have any evidence unfortunately, a new witness arrives . Emine: what happened to your joy on a day like this daughter why are you crying, tell me, is there still something that confuses me? Feride. I'm just moved, it happened suddenly, I can't understand it aunt, Emine: Look, girl, do you want to stay stuck in the past or build a new happy and peaceful life with Umit? The good thing is obvious, what happens in your heart, I want you to be happy with someone who appreciates you, let your face smile, Emir: we have to talk, if you let me, Emine: Won't you knock on the door? We were talking to my daughter about an important topic before you came! Let's complete our conversation. Emir: Yes, I know, sorry but it is important. Woman: I didn't know whether to come, but I come to tell the whole truth, Mr. Judge, despite all the threats. Ilyas: Judge, this woman is lying. Obviously this woman was bought with money as well. The woman says that Ilyas is like the devil threatens everyone, he does all kinds of illegalities, he cannot be a father to anyone, he has proof of everything he says and brought it. Finally the judge makes his decision and hands the girl over to Kemal for Masal's sake. Emir: I know you are surprised, suddenly, I have been thinking for a long time, I said that I would ignore it and move on, but I cannot, if I do not tell you, one more will add to my mistakes and regrets, resign, do not get married, Feride. why, why do you say that why should I quit, , Emir: (why) because you don't know him, it's too fast, you don't know him, you don't know. Feride: yes, I don't know him, yes, I don't know, nobody really knows anybody, I don't know you, I couldn't recognize you, I thought I would be a mother, I thought I knew you, I thought I loved you, it's fast, it's late, what is the difference, I learned that your heart will not do more when I return from hell, so I am not afraid at all. Everyone is waiting impatiently for Feride to return to the living room. Umit asks the mother and sister to calm down, Feride arrives, and she nods and agrees to commit, all congratulate them. Emir watches from afar. Everyone leaves the court Ilyas tries to take Masal, and she tells him "parents don't leave their children but you left me and you can't be my father, the judge understood, look, we love each other a lot, I don't love you, come on dad "Ilyas: you don't know me much, I won't leave you with her Kemal Tarhum. Everyone congratulates the couple, Songül sees Emir and says "I need to immortalize this moment, everyone get ready for the photograph, get together" Oya realizes it and leaves the room. Oya: you're fine, you don't look good. Emir: business problems, Oya: maybe this is for the best, to go our separate ways after all the things we live through, it is better not to see each other, Emir: you got it wrong, I am very worried about work. Come on, it's cold, I'm going to talk on the phone. Later I will change my clothes, Songül: if this boy continues like this he will spoil it, all my work will be destroyed, thinks Songül, thinks, when entering the house Songúl meets Ozlem who was looking for the bathroom, Songül intentionally sends her to the bedroom Emir. Songül: you are a very intelligent woman Songúl, Ozlem: I am very sorry, I don't know what to say, I came to the bathroom, Emir: the bathroom is next door, Kemal takes Narin to the room, he is grateful that I convinced him to not escape, he has been very exhausted and so that it passes him he asks Narin for a little kiss, Masal arrives to pick them up for tea, by order of Sheriye, Kemal: I'm going to charge you, just so you know, Emine and her Umit's mother wants the wedding to take place soon, Hikmet: I am willing to do whatever is necessary, of course the date is up to you, Umit: I would like it to be immediately, but the decision is up to Feride, Emine: that It is, whatever Feride says. Songül: What did you do? Ozlem: I entered the wrong room, Songül: you entered Emir's room for sure, I did not tell you there, you were wrong, but it does not matter, Emine: you made a decision, thank God, from now on, everything will flow like clean water in your life, with God's permission. Emir: I make a decision, he said that if without thinking, because of me, Songül talks about dress and wedding preparations ask Ozlem for his phone number to help with shopping, Umit. you're fine,


I still remember how Kemal protected Leyla from.going to Talaz knowing that he is not her real father He even locked her in her room and now He is in the same position 😔 Kemal is very protective..


I ask the screenwriter not to miss the interesting, respectful and loving expressions in Kemal and Narin's views until the end of the series. You made us love these characters like this. Of course, I don't want the series to end.Good luck


Narin is very wise and knows how to handle matters. A good wife, mother and companion!!!


Feride tears were deep. I know the Teyze wants what's best for her, but she just got over the pain. Now heading to marriage is bringing back memory of the past.


Finally a good thing for Narim & Kemal & Masal🤗! A baby😍! And the crazy Kumru doesn't give peace😢 ..


Cok şükürler
Masal Kemal bein
Anında kaldı cok
Sevindim bravö
Narin ❤Kemal


Capítulo 324 Español
Feride: tenía que haberlo dado antes pero lo había olvidado, después de hoy, Emir: entiendo, Kemal: ok te mando la posisión, Narin: estamos acá, Kemal: lo siento hija, no te preocupes perdóname Masal: la hermana Narin me lo contó todo papá, sólo tengo un padre y ese eres tú, y tambien tengo una madre, Kemal: que le dijiste que aceptó la situación yo no pude hacerlo, Narin: no hice nada, este es tu trabajo a cambio del gran amor que le diste a mi chica, cuando los niños saben que son amados, llama Ilyas dicendo que hoy será el día que le quitará a Masal, Kemal: mira, nunca volverás a decir "Masal" ¿Has oído que no es tu hija, me escuchas? tú fuiste quien vendió a tu hija por tres centavos, ni siquiera mereces ver su cara. Ilyas: eso no lo decidirás tú, sera la corte quien me la entregará, te aconsejo llegar a la hora, la que no la verá más serás tú, Kemal: el desgraciado cortó, mira aun tenemos tiempo de escapar, si la corte se la entrega nos arrepentiremos toda la vida, aun es tiempo, Narin: lamentaremos más que si te escapas vivirás arrancando, y eso será injusto, no te lo mereces, debemos ir al tribunal, pase lo que pase nos encontraremos con ese hombre. Emine: eso es, así te ves tan hermosa hija, el vestido te queda muy bien, mira esa cara de tanta emoción, toda joven se pone tensa en un día como hoy, debes dejarlo pasar estas demasiado tensa. Narin les cuanta a los de la casa que Masal sabe toda la verdad y lo aceptó ya que es una niña inteligente, Kemal dice a Masal que debes salir con Narin tiene algo que hacer, Masal pregunta a dónde van y Kemal responde que deben ir y hablar con un hombre y decirle cuanto aman a Masal, la niña pide ir con ellos piensa en decirle al hombre que ama mucho a su padre y no quiere que los separen, Kemal: ok iremos juntos y volveremos juntos, Narin se encuentra con el maestro Mustafá, dice que ahora irán al juicio, Mustafá le dice que no es fácil pero que la justicia vendrá de la mano de Dios. Llega Umit y la familia a la mansión, Emine los presenta a todos menos a Songül, "yo soy la esposa del señor Hikmet, Songül" Umit : te mereces algo más hermoso (flores) Songül: oh que flores más elegantes, no puedo dejar de mirarlas, qué estas haciendo, vuelve a ti misma, no lo hagas, Feride: pondré las flores en el jarrón, Narin está pidiendo a los de la casa que estén tranquilos hay que tener confianza, llega Kemal, están listo irán todos juntos al tribunal, Songül: comiste pan con queso, el pájaro de la fortuna se ha puesto sobre ti, estas personas vinieron aquí por un buen trabajo para ti cambia la cara, Feride: pero yo no fruncí el seño ni nada, Songül: no es lo que veo, no dejes que la tía Emine se avergüence, vamos sirve el café veremos cómo se lo beben así se conoce a la gente, Llaman a Kemal al juicio, dice a Masal que volverán juntos, Masal: el beso de la suerte, Emir: (recuerda cuando le puso el anillo y los insultos el día de la boda) ella dijo sí, sin pensarlo, por mi culpa, Madre de Umit: El motivo de nuestra visita es que los jóvenes han hablado y acordado, y nos corresponde a nosotros cumplir con este deber. Queremos a tu hija, Feride, para mi hijo, Ümit, con las órdenes de Alá, el profeta. Emine: creo que ambos son el uno para el otro, mi confianza en su mente y corazón es infinita, pero antes de decir la última palabra, quiero hablar con Feride una vez. Si me permites, Emine: hija qué pasa, Durante el juicio Ilyas dice que viene de una familia pobre y Kemal con su dinero y poder le quitó a su hija ya que por desgracia su hija nació el mismo día que Kemal pierde el hijo al nacer muerto, cambiando los documentos sin que el sepa, y que la enfermera que lo ayudó antes de morir lo confesó, Kemal: le diste a la enfermera tu propio hijo por dinero, tú, Juez: señor Kemal, si no calla deberé sacarlo al pasillo, Ilyas: tengo una prueba de ADN, quiero a mi hija de vuelta, tal vez viva en el luego pero quiero a mi hija soy su papá, no quiero seguir sufriendo este tormento, espero que la justicia encuentre el lugar, le corresponde a Kemal hablar, lo único cierto es que es el padre biológico de Masal, el vendió a su hija por dinero, me pidió dinero antes de demandar, le di 150 mil liras señor juez, Ilyas: está mintiendo señor juez, si mi problema fuera el dinero no estaría aquí, el juez le pide que se calle, el juez pide que le de las pruebas pero no hay prueba de nada, pero su familia puede ser testigo de eso, tenían otros testigos pero fueron intimidados por Ilyas, hace muy poco que sabe que no es el padre biológico de Masal, pero ha estado con Masal desde el primer día, siempre en su regazo, ella es su hija, su alma, su sangre, si tiene una casa de lujo juguetes caros y una buena escuela y puede vivir sin eso pero no sin su amor, Masal ingresa a la sala, Masal: por favor no me separes de mi padre, Juez: Te ves como una chica muy inteligente ahora sigamos adelante Sale y esperas ahí, no hay duda de que sus lazos son fuertes, pero usted como abogado conoce las posibilidades. Ilyas Tanriverdi es el verdadero padre de la mesa, demuestra que fue engañado por la muerte de su hija y declara que fue detenido, presentó los reportes a la corte, y el ADN es claro, usted no tiene ninguna prueba lamentablemente, llega un nuevo testigo. Emine: qué pasó con tu alegría en un día como este hija por qué lloras, dime, ¿todavía hay algo que me confunde? Feride. sólo estoy conmovida, pasó de repente, no lo puedo entender tía, Emine: Mira, niña, ¿quieres quedarte estancada en el pasado o construir una nueva vida feliz y pacífica con Umit?, lo bueno es obvio, que pasa en tu corazón, quiero que seas feliz con alguien que te aprecie, deja que tu cara sonría, Emir: tenemos que hablar, si me dejas, Emine: ¿No tocas la puerta? ¡Estábamos hablando con mi hija sobre un tema importante antes de que vinieras! Completemos nuestra conversación. Emir: Sí, lo sé, lo siento pero es importante. Mujer: no sabía si venir, pero vengo a decir toda la verdad señor juez, a pesar de todas las amenazas Ilyas: Juez esta mujer está mintiendo. Obviamente, esta mujer fue comprada con dinero también. La mujer dice que Ilyas es como el diablo amenaza a todo el mundo, hace toda clases de ilegalidades, el no puede ser un padre para nadie, tiene pruebas de todo lo que dice y las trajo. Finalmente el juez toma su decisión y le entrega a Kemal a la niña por el bien de Masal. Emir: se que estás sorpendida, de repente, he estado pensando durante mucho tiempo, dije que lo ignoraría y seguiría adelante, pero no puedo, si no te lo digo se sumará uno más a mis errores y lamentos, renuncia, no te cases, Feride. por qué, por qué dices eso por qué debo renunciar, , Emir: (por qué) porque no lo conoces, es demasiado rápido, no lo conoces, no sabes. Feride: si, no lo conozco, si, no lo sé, en realidad nadie conoce a nadie, no te conozco, no te pude reconocer, creí que sería madre, creí que te conocía, pensé que te amaba, es rápido, es tarde, cuál es la diferencia, aprendí que tu corazón no hará más cuando regrese del infierno, por eso no tengo miedo en absoluto. Todos esperan impacientes que Feride regrese al salón Umit pide a la madre y a la hermana que se calmen, llega Feride, y ella asiente con la cabeza acepta comprometerse, todos los felicitan Emir mira desde lejos. Todos salen del tribunal Ilyas trata de tomar a Masal, e ella le dice "los padres no dejan a sus hijos pero tú me dejaste y no puedes ser mi padre, el juez lo entendió, mira, nos amamos mucho, yo no te quiero, vamos papá" Ilyas: no mee conoces mucho, no te dejaré junto a ella Kemal Tarhum. Todos felicitan a la pareja, Songül ve a Emir y dice "necesito inmortalizar este momento, todos ponganse para la fotografia, juntarse" Oya se da cuenta y sale del salon. Oya: estas bien, no se te ve bien. Emir: problemas de negocios, Oya: tal vez esto sea lo mejor, ir a caminos separados después de todas las cosas que vivimos, es mejor que no se vean, Emir: lo entendiste mal, estoy muy preocupado por el trabajo. Vamos, hace frío, voy a hablar por teléfono. después me cambiaré de ropa, Songül: si este chico sigue así lo estropeará, todo mi trabajo se destruirá, piensa Songül, piensa, al entrar a la casa Songúl se encuentra con Ozlem que buscaba el baño, intencionalmente Songül la envía a la habitación de Emir. Songül: eres una mujer muy inteligente Songúl, Ozlem: lo siento mucho, no sé qué decir, vine al baño, Emir: el baño está en la puerta de al lado, Kemal lleva a Narin a la habitación, agradece que lo haya convencido de no escapar, ha estado muy agotado y para que se le pase le pide a Narin un pequeño beso, llega Masal a buscarlos a tomar té, por orden de Sheriye, Kemal: te lo voy a cobrar, para que lo sepas, Emine y la madre de Umit quieren que la boda se realice pronto, Hikmet: estoy dispuesto ha hacer todo lo que sea necesario, por supuesto que la fecha depende de ti, Umit: me gustaría que fuera inmediatamente, pero la decisión la tiene Feride, Emine: eso es, lo que sea que diga Feride. Songül: ¿Qué hiciste? Ozlem: Entré a la habitación equivocada, Songül: entraste a la habitación de Emir seguro, no te dije ahí, te equivocaste, pero no importa, Emine: tomaste una decisión, gracias a Dios, de ahora en adelante, todo fluirá como agua limpia en tu vida, con el permiso de Dios. Emir: tomo una decisión, dijo que si sin pensarlo, por mi culpa, Songül habla de vestido y preparativos de la boda pide a Ozlem su número telefónico para que ayude en las compras, Umit. tu estas bien,


Masal so brave to stand up against bad father Ilayas and say she doesn’t want him. 👏👏👏👏🥳


Hermosa actuación de Masal talentosa pequeña gran actriz 😍😍😍😍😍👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💕💕💕💕💕💕


Narin, Kemal and Masal for ever💯💯💯💯❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


My heart breaks on the fact that she got the worst aggressive volatile version of Emir and loved him out of darkness unconditionally .She expected nothing in return not even Love while Emir got her most naive, beautiful, pure, innocent and delicate version and ruined her heart & soul :(


Cute Narin and Kemal stolen moments 🤣🥰🥰❤️😘😘🌹


I've never seen anyone as ungrateful as Kumru. Narin is still helping her even after she tried to kill her while Kumru's evilness doesn't come to an end. I know that there are bad people in real life too, but how can you destroy the person who loved you more than anyone did? Her character is so unbelieveable.


Me watch just this drama just bcos of Narin and Kemal, Kemal is the best husband n father💕💕


Me encanta kemal, Narim y Mazal hermosa familia 💖✨🙏


Bu Emir-Feride hikayesi 1. sezonda başlamış olsaydı güzel olurdu, kesinlikle Emir tam bir varlığı takdir ederdi - narin, doğal bir güzellik, yetenek ve özellikle zeka ve sağduyu taşıyor.


Even if Javidan Hanim was seen some few minutes in the movie but she is always a giant artist, and definitely one of the best in Turkey....!


