#165 Implementing Logout Functionality | Authentication & Authorization | A Complete Angular Course

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Unleash the power of Angular ⚡ and build dynamic web applications with this step-by-step learning experience, perfect for beginners 🆕 and aspiring web developers .

What you'll learn: 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

👉 Core Angular concepts: Components, Directives, Services, Dependency Injection, and more!
👉 TypeScript fundamentals: ️ Master the language that powers Angular for a smooth development experience. 🪄
👉 Building real-world applications: Craft interactive UI elements, handle user input, and manage data flow.
👉 Testing and debugging: Ensure your applications are robust and error-free. ️
👉 Best practices and pro tips: Learn from experienced developers to write clean and efficient code.

This course offers: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

👉 Clear and concise explanations: ️ Understand complex concepts easily.
👉 Hands-on exercises: Practice your skills and solidify your learnings.
👉 Engaging and informative lectures: Stay motivated and learn at your own pace. ⏱️
👉 A supportive community: Connect with fellow learners and get help when needed.
👉 Ready to take your web development skills to the next level? Subscribe now and start building amazing web applications with Angular!

Рекомендации по теме

I have doubt here, why can't we just "routerLink" in the logout anchor itself along with (click) event.??
is it important to first emit null from user subject, and route the application ??

Hi sir your course are fantastic and have helped me clear all the previous doubt on angular. No words can express the gratitude i feel for you.
Again Thank you for this wonderful tutorial.


Hello sir, a quick question. I noticed for code like this "err => this.handleError(err)", you simply wrote it to be "this.handleError". I don't quite understand this syntax. What skills do I miss here? I need to improve my js skills?


hi sir, excuse me for bothering but when will you continue nodejs series? is there any approximate date?


sir your moto was the to share free education then why the next lectures are members only 😢
