GIS ArcMap: Cut Fill command. How to compare two Raster surfaces

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In this ArcMap video tutorial I demonstrate how to compare surfaces when we know it's Points data (z, y and z attributes) only in CSV file format.
The content of video tutorial is:
0:06 - Import data (in CSV files) of surfaces.
0:33 - How to assign X, Y and Z attributes to these data tables and create new surface Shape files in GIS;
1:01 - Create Raster surfaces by using IDW interpolation method (that is found in: 3D Analyst Tools - Raster Interpolation - IDW).
2:04 - Cut Fill (3D Analyst) command using for display differences of Z values/altitudes (changes) of two surfaces that we have created before.
By using this command you can measure Volumes of earthworks, to identify the zones that has changes the most and much more. It is one of the most frequency geodesy task in practice.
ArcMap version: 10.1
Official statement says: The Cut Fill tool summarizes the areas and volumes of change from a cut-and-fill operation. By taking surfaces of a given location at two different time periods, it identifies regions of surface material removal, surface material addition, and areas where the surface has not changed.
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In this ArcMap video tutorial I demonstrate how to compare surfaces when we know it's Points data (z, y and z attributes) only in CSV file format.
The content of video tutorial is:
0:06 - Import data (in CSV files) of surfaces.
0:33 - How to assign X, Y and Z attributes to these data tables and create new surface Shape files in GIS;
1:01 - Create Raster surfaces by using IDW interpolation method (that is found in: 3D Analyst Tools - Raster Interpolation - IDW).
2:04 - Cut Fill (3D Analyst) command using for display differences of Z values/altitudes (changes) of two surfaces that we have created before.
By using this command you can measure Volumes of earthworks, to identify the zones that has changes the most and much more. It is one of the most frequency geodesy task in practice.
ArcMap version: 10.1
Official statement says: The Cut Fill tool summarizes the areas and volumes of change from a cut-and-fill operation. By taking surfaces of a given location at two different time periods, it identifies regions of surface material removal, surface material addition, and areas where the surface has not changed.
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