A Decade of ZDoggMD | The Unfiltered Story by Dr. Zubin Damania

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How a delusional idea in 2010 launched a grass roots movement that's inspiring real change. Here's to the next decade and beyond...

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I don't always like what you say but I trust that you are POSSIBLY correct. You are real and authentic. I feel blessed for having found your channel. Keep up the good work. Just found your music videos- you ROCK! 🎸


Doc...lets face it, we are ALL here because of YOUR authenticity! Whether its your self deprecating humor....whatever>>>We love you, man! Why? Because the Real, authentic YOU is speaking to us! That's why we follow you! And thanks to your wife who puts up with our love and enthusiasm, and allows us to be part of what you are! And, thanks to both of you!


“Look at the intention behind the action.” Wisdom.


Much respect to you. I may not always agree with you but you make me think and help me to see why other ppl are seeing something differently from me. You are a Sensei. So grateful for your videos- especially the funny ones.


Humor kicks misery 's ass. As a doc it is super important trait


Humorous delivery is a gift that burrows deeper and is retained better than any amount of seriousness.


After I got diagnosed with MS then CKD 20 years later. I learned how to find the right doctors. My first neurologist was an ass. So I hunted up people with MS till I got a great neuro. Then CKD first nephrologist was an ass said we'd wait till o got worse, then talk dialysis. Great guy now. So I have a talk to and listen to a docs receptionists. Questions like, what doc had best sense of humor? Who has appts that run long? Who is the most communicative? Most ip to date in his/her field? I've also got mostly docs with a DO not MD


I’m a born-again medic school drop out, now pre-med student in his junior year. I listen to every fucking piece of media you guys release because of the honesty and authenticity of it all. Z, Tom, Logan, and the rest of the crew, I appreciate every one of you and hope with the utmost sincerity that this new decade sees you all well. This movement you’ve started will only grow stronger, and the list of accomplishments will only grow longer as we move toward Health 3.0.


Refreshing to hear so much truth. You truly are making a difference. Keep doing what you’re doing. God Bless...


Thanks, ZDogg! Heartfelt, inspiring, wonderful!


You and Peter Attia are my role models in the medical world. There’s a greater battle going on between good and evil, truth and deception. I do sense the tides are turning, but I have a feeling it’s going to get ugly before this next era of human growth and awareness takes hold. I just hope rational minds can keep things together until this movement hits critical mass.


You are amazing and prescient thank you!


Enjoyed this far too much. The honestly and vulnerability is what is going to save us all.


Yes, Tom, we do feel that way about him. Thank you for pointing that out. #admiration #hope


Z, I had been thinking along the lines of Health 3.0, but I didn't know I wasn't alone until finding you. You are giving an invaluable voice to this movement. You are an incredibly important cog in this powerful wheel of progress. We couldn't do this nearly as well, quickly, bravely, or as brilliantly without you.


Kabat-Zinn and Ornish have already scienced the fuck out of it...


My primary was on vacay. Saw his D.O substitute. He was sporting FIGS. He knew who I was talking about when made a Zdogg reference. First time ever (sadly). As much as we love him, Zubin remains underappreciated.


Very interesting to watch. I'm glad that you decided to put this out here.


Oh my lord, it REALLY was just like high school! I don't think I'd ever realized that. You're absolutely right.


So enjoying you.

My lively enthusiastic Tish was, 10 weeks after tramping the Grand Canyon in December 2018, dead from an hepatic angio-sarcoma. Her last four weeks were spent in Cedar Sinai LA. For a kiwi that hospital was mind blowing. The staff from cleaners up seemed to enjoy their work - smiley. I think the treatment we got was the best.

However, not once did I see any doctor give my wife a full examination. Her symptoms were mainly abdominal. Occasionally a medic would perform a perfunctory hand on belly. Mostly the team consulted a mobile desktop or their ipads. So different from my days as a junior doctor. History taking was pretty minimal too. Zillions of blood test for what!! Many many scans. $900, 000. I know a proper exam and decent history would have made no difference to the outcome but

The communication between teams was appalling. 'She's got cancer all over.' 'No this could be rare form of multiple angioma with two of them ballooning'. 'These are cancers in her lung'. 'They may be bleeds from her low platelets'. 'I can tell you that your problem is benign haemangiomas'. There was celebration. Shortly after 'sorry I have been told I should not have told you that'. The very first scan report, which I saw later, said either pericytoma or a sarcoma, not haemangioma!! No point person was a major problem.

When we knew she was dying we had to drag an honest assessment out of the consultant, so we could make plans - two weeks. Fear of being wrong. I had to help him with his fears. Prior to this I had consulted with a gastro in UK and onco in NZ. With their information I knew that 'she could live months or even years with therapy was wrong!'.

My wife knew the names of all staff and about their kids. When the two week verdict was given, she sat up put out her hand. She took his and dragged him into her world. He was visibly affected by this. The next day she died. He sent me the following text.

"I heard she left us when I was in surgery and I didn't want to intrude. I am left with a really beautiful memory of her holding my hand as I walked out of her room, after she told me she had already said goodbye to New Zealand. So much at peace and yet still a sparkle in her eye and her voice. She had a profound effect on our team and our nurses, even in the short time we knew her. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and I do hope we meet again.

So profound. We need more of this - love- or whatever the hell it is. So I wish you you well. Keep inspiring. Love you.

Thanks sorry for going on a bit
