Adding ChatGPT to RStudio with the GPT Studio add-in package

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You can now add the incredible functionality of ChatGPT (including writing text and code) to RStudio using the GPT Studio package. In this video I cover the steps for setting up GPT Studio and then try some basic operations including spell correction and code writing. As I demonstrated in my recent RTutor video, ChatGPT is a game-changer. It can write code and text with a scary degree of precision.

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Hi, this was so informative. Thanks for sharing! I did noticed that my GPTStudio addin options look a bit different. I have "Spelling and grammar", "Comment your code", "ChatGPT", and "ChatGPT in source".... The one I care most about is "write/code from prompt" but I don't seem to have that one.

Any advice?


Hey, thank you so much for sharing this. I have an issue with executing code. So after I have set up ChatGPT Plugin, I cannot execute code anymore in R. Have you heard of this issue before? Do you have any idea how I can fix this? When I restart R, I can execute code again, but as soon as I set up the API key and use ChatGPT, pressing ENTER is not executing code anymore, I just switch to the next row in R. I am clueless


Hi, are you using the dev/beta version of the gptstudio package or the regular one from CRAN because I am missing the write/code from prompt function. I have S&G, Comment your Code, ChatGPT, and ChatGPT in Source. The ChatGPT function opens a browser window and its not in the viewer pane like yours either. Any help is appreciated. Thanks for posting this video too!


The Spelling and Grammer function is not working for some reason, but the other chat functions in R are working. Any solution?
The error shows the mode can not be identified.

! OpenAI API request failed [404].Error message: The model: `text-davinci-edit-001` does not exist
[1] "The model: `text-davinci-edit-001` does not exist"

[1] "invalid_request_error"



This is amazing, thank you. For the functionality that you showed to work, do we have to use Quarto, or will these tools work in a normal R script?


I installed and used the add-in for the first time and at the first question it tells me that the quota has already been exceeded :(


Hi, I love your add-in. I encountered another problem when I was helping my friend to use this add-in. Everything is going well. However, when I click GPT in source, there are no codes generated for me. Where could those codes go?


I installed this package but found the performance and results underwhelming if not disappointing. At this stage, I'll stick to the web app console.


Should `Sys.setenv(OPENAI_API_KEY = "<APIKEY>")` be run at every session of RStudio?


I am missing the "write/code from prompt" function, when I follow your steps. How do I fix this?


hey Lyndon, I have a question about this. i've generated API keys from Open AI and tried to use GPRSTUDIO in R stuio, but it told me "API key not found or is not formatted correctly". Do u know how to solve this? THX


Hi, do you know why the answers are different from the GPT’s website? I managed to integrate it into rstudio, but when I ask the same question I get a better R code online than the one I get inside the Rstudio environment


I got this error:
This doesn't seem to work for the free openAI accounts. I got the error below when I tried.

"OpenAI API request failed [429].Error message: You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.
[1] "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details."

[1] "insufficient_quota"




I've been experiencing a problem in ser OPENAI_API_KEY. I've got a loop, and all the time it asks for "do you want to set the OPENAI_API_KEY for this session?" Any guess?


Dr Walker. I've followed the complete instructions and the code works up untill I want to install the package from github. During the process I get the following error message:
Installing package into
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
Error: object 'sk' not found
Execution halted

I cannot find a specific explanation regarding the object 'sk' error message. Would love to hear if you know how I could proceed.


Hey Thanks for your work! But it seems that i have a small problem: when i try to accsess the gptstudio addins i always get this error message: API already validated in this session.
Fehler: Function selectionGet not found in RStudio. And whatever i try i cannot resolve it.


Hi Dr Walker. I have installed the Devtools package but I can not install github for some reason? Can you please walk me through the process for this part


Hi. Are there character limits? I notice that there seem to be for the input and the output


Hi, Lyndon. I am tryimng to set the API key but the studio dosent accept it. it gives me three choices like yes, no and no but when I do yes and paste the key, it does not accept it.


Hello Dr. Walker. followed your video religiously on how to get the gptstudio working in my Rstudio but it's not working seems I got stuck on how to go about with the API key stuff. Can you do a more detailed video on how to go about it? Thank you.
