Overtime: Andrew Cuomo, Scott Galloway, Melissa DeRosa | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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Bill and his guests continue their conversation after the show.
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Imagine this for a minute;
It has become more important to make drugs available for obesity than making sure our food supply does not make obesity worse.

This is all about who is making money and the American people not realizing they are being played by corporations


My grandfather, a WWII vet who also lost a son in Vietnam, died alone of a broken heart at age 97 in a nursing home in Upstate NY because we were not allowed to see him. He got covid in the nursing home from residents/staff, BEAT it, and was STILL not allowed to have family as visitors. I will never forgive that we could not be there with him.


I’d like to support and rehabilitate AL Franken before we even talk about Cuomo.


"We had no idea"... because we never bothered reading Any of the studies and banned, blocked, censored, removed everyone who tried to tell us...


We all had access to the same information. Some of us saw through the insanity within weeks. It took these people years. One has to ask: why?


Accountability over forgiveness. They weren’t prepared to forgive anyone else they don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt especially the way they acted.


reminder: these folks ruined lives and sent people to jail for asking questions or having hesitation. forgiveness is earned, not given, and these clowns didn't do anything to deserve it.


That point about the Stormy Daniels case being a “tactical error” in bringing Trump to justice is dumb when seconds before they are talking about how bad it is that the majority of American people believe that the justice system is politically influenced. The REASON people think that is because of there is too much emphasis in the MEDIA on ulterior motives and end game tactics. The justice system simply needs to be blind and consistent in it’s approach, and the media should constantly remind everyone of that. Period. The average person would not be afforded even 1% of all the allowances that Trump and so many other white collar criminals get through the legal process because of the power, money, and influence they hold. Screw all the concern about the optics of how 4 indictments look to Trump’s base, and just support that a crime is a crime regardless of its severity and needs to be pursued, regardless of who it is. Remind people that Trump will have his days in court and the very high burden of proof is highly on his and any other criminal defendant’s side. That’s how you restore faith in the justice system.


"we were doing our best"

You were cruel and mean and gave no grace or forgiveness to people who had perfectly reasonable questions

And its still happening.


I dont forgive any of them. They censored the truth and bullied people with fear. They proved they are not fit to lead in a time of need


honestly this was very sickening to watch. These people lied and treated people horribly who saw through all the BS they tried to shove down our throats. People lost relationships with family and friends, jobs, and some of them their lives because of what they advocated. NOW they have the gaul to ask for grace and forgiveness?Where was their grace and forgiveness for those that disagreed with them?? Do they really think that an "I'm Sorry" is going to cut it??? GO TO HELL


The Andrew Cuomo reabilitation tour has begun.


It's funny how the people who had no problem violating our rights during a crisis now want forgiveness on the basis that they were not aware of the science of Covid, even though millions of us tried to tell them at the time, but were called conspiracy theorists or worse.


You were wrong but you do not want to pay consequences.


It’s rich that Scott Galloway wanted harsher lockdowns, ppl to be fired, and he used his position as a *tenured professor* to advocate for those draconian measures…but now he admits “I was wrong” & wants grace & forgiveness.


This must be the longest overtime ever. Keep it coming.


It was clear by June 2020 what we were dealing with. The pageantry went on much longer than it needed to be.


One should never make public policy based on changing information! Why should those who never forced anything have to forgive those who refuse to admit they were wrong and harmed those who spoke against it!


This overtime is hilarious. Nothing but spin and people asking forgiveness as they blame everyone else for their problems


Bill was spot on about the whole “team” thing with the younger people. When I was in college there was just so much vitriol and hatred for saying anything even *slightly* out of line with whatever the crowd said.
