Lucy: The Astonishing Journey from Ape to Human

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Journey back in time to explore the fascinating story of Lucy, a key piece in the puzzle of human evolution. Lucy’s story takes us 3.2 million years back, to a time when the earth was a very different, mysterious, and strange place. Discovered in 1974, Lucy opened up a new chapter in our understanding of our human ancestors and has been crucial in learning about our shared history with Neanderthals and other early humans.She was an Australopithecine.

Lucy lived in a world long before the rise of human civilizations, a time when the mysteries of life were unfolding. Her remains provide a window to the past, allowing us to explore the early steps of human evolution on earth. In her, we see the roots of humanity, the early steps that would eventually lead to the development of complex human societies and civilizations.

Lucy’s life is a captivating mystery, revealing glimpses of the challenges and wonders of life in the ancient world. Her story is a journey through the early chapters of human history, a history marked by survival, adaptation, and the ongoing journey of evolution.
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❤ go Lucy you're wonderful sweetheart and thanks for us finding you so people will know where we really did come from


All evidences for evolution are chance-arguments followed by framed preponderance of the evidence presentations. For atheists to say Christians and intelligent design proponents can't do the same with fine-tuning is a double standard. Fine tuning goes into mathematical impossibilities for over 122 measurements and constants in physics and chemistry. The needed precision for life of these are 10^40 to 10^125 each. Even water is fine tuned for life! The Higgs boson...yep fined tuned. On and on.

Then a chance-argument for ID would be the SIX biological information codes in every cell to be self-assembling are 10^450 to 10^600+ each. This is a catch 66, not a catch 22. The six codes are the DNA, the epigenome code, mtDNA code, the lipid code, the 'sugar code', and the protein code.

Logistically the chance-arguments for evolution are 50/50 chances such as with the appendix. However, a study of appendectomies of thousands of people over decades show a 74% bigger chance of colon cancer because of reduction of beneficial gut bacteria and increase of cancer-inducive bacteria, This 50/50 chance goes to the intelligent column.

What is the most important 'fine tuning' to you? This fine tuning is needed because sin-laden people cannot occupy heaven and be in the presence of God there. The remedy? It is exchanging your sins you have committed, are doing presently, and your future sins by Jesus taking them on himself while you get his blamelessness imputed to you. How? By faith. No merit EVER from you is needed. You believe this and he resurrected, this FREE GIFT of eternal life is given to you by 100% grace. Do it today! Become daughters and sons of God with the simple act of faith.

What is the 'refutation' to fine tuning by atheists? It's by atheist-apologetics. Apologetics as an 'answer' to specific science is absurd and of no power, absent of any critical thinking skills. Evolution is not happening. Evolution is used by atheists as 'dots of the picture' for a Godless universe.

So where does actual adaptations come from to new environments, new diets, or new threats...such as bacteria to new antibiotics? It comes from the pre-enabled, already-there epigenomes of all life. No postulated bio-mechanisms of evolution are involved. Even evolution is NOT happening.
