Global Trade Data - Detailed Import Export Data Platform | TradeData.Pro

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Access Global Trade Data including Import, Export, and Shipping records. In an AI-powered market intelligence platform and grow your business with Trade Data.

Here’s How Trade Data Pro Works
Trade Data Pro collects and analyses shipment and import export information from 3 modes of transport: Air, Land, Sea in over 220+ countries. Trade Data pro tracks shipment records from import-export business. This process starts from the manufacturer who sends a cargo, shipment or even parcel out, this shipment record is sent to a freight forwarder or shipment company who will process the shipment with a Bill of Lading, the shipment then arrives at the port of entry which a Customs Permit is issued. These shipment and customs information include Exporter, Importer, Bill of Lading information. The data collected are verified, processed and analysed onto our Trade Data Pro Platform which helps to identify suppliers and buyers from global trade activities.

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