How Biblical Meditation Transforms Your Mind

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I shared in a previous video that our thoughts travel on brain highways called neural pathways. Metaphorically speaking, the wider the pathway, the easier it is to repeat the same thought. And the more we repeat the same thought, the wider the physical highways in our brains get.

So how do we proactively build new neural pathways in our brains? I’d like to propose that the way you build new neural pathways is through meditation! When you meditate on the Word of God, it becomes like a machete in your hand, and every verse you speak is hewing a pathway into a new way of thinking. The more often you abandon the six-lane freeway of destructive thinking and take the new walking trail of God-thoughts, the faster you will transform your mind.

Check out this video to hear about the guy in the Bible who exposed me to real meditation that actually transformed my mind. His name is Joshua, and his story is pretty compelling. I want to encourage you to begin meditating on the Bible so you can hack a fresh trail through the uninhabited jungle of your mind. Soon, figuratively speaking, the six-lane freeway of destructive thinking will be overgrown with vegetation, and the walking trail will become a High-way! The symptoms of a transformed mind will become natural, and like Joshua, you will be successful and prosperous.

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One of the original meanings there for meditate is "mutter". Faith comes by HEARING the Word of God. Speak those scriptures out loud. Wrong thoughts are interrupted by spoken words interrupting or replacing them. That renews your mind.


I love it meditate in the bible, thanks Kris


what an amazing word ... anyone, please ...what is the name of this message, thank you


Did you say the next time my husband is late? Repent and turn to God through Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins.
