An Irish Weaver's Rugged Remote Life

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We are delighted to showcase an extract from The Weavers episode of "Hands", the award winning Irish documentary series screened on RTE in the 70's.
RTE is Ireland's National Television and Radio Broadcaster.

David and Sally Shaw Smith have kindly agreed for us to publish and premiere this work online on YouTube as part of the Wyllie O Hagan St Patrick's Day Online Film Festival.

We thank them for that, and for providing us with this valuable historic document.

If you would like more information on the series and the film-makers, the website is here.

Say hello from Wyllie O Hagan when you visit:)

All the best
Wyllie O Hagan
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This series is made by my grandparents. I'm so happy that people enjoy it! Thank you guys for watching! Please buy the DVDs! *shameless plug*


Jim, John, and Con were family friends. Our uncle grew up with them. We were privileged to eat John’s delicious bread, butter, and excellent cups of tea in the old house and the new, and watched Jim and Con weave. My four sisters and I met them around 1972 and the “boys”, as our elders called them, were younger than in this film and still living in the thatched house. At a visit in 1986, the brothers told us about the “fil-um” that had recently been done of their lives, and by then they lived in the new house.
One of the best stories my sisters and I tell, happened here. We’d stopped to visit the brothers, who were busy, so they sent us down to the strand to pass some time while they finished their chores. My sister suggested we drive out onto the sand and in spite of protests, she did so. She only went a short distance out, but when she turned the car around, it sank . . . to the bottom of the car.
Our most creative efforts to get the car moving were not working, the tide was coming in, and soon the car would be completely under water. Panicking (quite rightly), we sent our youngest sister running up to the brothers for help while we frantically worked to get the car unstuck. Did I mention it was a rental car?
Jim was milking and described what happened next, “The wee one came running into the byre, the cow kicked up her heels, the bucket flew up to the ceiling, and I fell on me bum!” Jim, John, and Con hurried to the rescue, and when they saw the situation they paled, looking as scared as my sisters and I were. Pure adrenalin caused the eight of us to literally picked up the little car and waddle it back to solid ground.
We were in BIG trouble. Dad had warned us not to bother the brothers, but we went knowing they enjoyed our visits. “Dad’s going to kill us!” We agonized, between apologies. Con quietly disappeared and came back with a basin of water, the brothers rinsed the sand off the car and tires, and then one of them said, “He’ll never know if you don’t tell him!” My sisters and I thought the world of these men!


This was filmed in the 70's and this particular part of Ireland hasn't changed much at all. What I mean is that there are not hundreds of houses built all over the mountain. It is beautful, no doubt about it.
Wishing you all the best:)


My family is from Donegal. It is one of the most beautiful places on the face of the earth. I hope to return there some day soon! Éire go Brách


Beautiful, part of Ireland with pure air, lovely robust people who are welcoming and super friendly. Will visit often. Nowhere more lovely on Earth.


It's an absolute tragedy that his skills and knowledge will have few, if any, to pass it onto.


Sadly, I never knew the Irish side of my family. This was a wonderful video, thank you for sharing it. Would love to see Ireland.


My great grandmother came from Ireland to South Africa. My whole life i have felt a deep connection to the beautiful country. Thank you for sharing the video


I have in my past history Irish decendantsI now have a beautiful way to visit their land.Thank you.


I loved the bread in Ireland, when I was young in the 70s fresh air lots to do. Blessed land. Miss it


Thanks for you lovely comment, Happy St Patrick's Day to you:)


Wow. That was so depressing to hear about the factory and synthetic dyes crowding out the old ways of doing things. You know it’s happening everywhere on some level, but hearing someone say it out loud while watching this man make a beautiful dish really drives it home.

In our quest to make things _“more, better, bigger, faster, ”_ we’ve sold out heart and soul. 😢


Not from Ireland, never been YET!!! Though for some reason all my life I have had a VERY REAL and AUTHENTICALLY DEEP PASSIONATE APPRECIATION and for Ireland! I believe Ireland to hold one of the world's GREATEST magestic beauty and deeply imbedded a rich culture of art, nature and literature! All the strong reasons I appreciate Ireland and believe Ireland to be so culturally beautiful; nature (mystical, peaceful, beautiful), landscape, castles, architecture, celtic instruments- bagpipes, harp, celtic music/bands, artists, history, traditional kilts, mythology, painting, Irish dance, films (The Quiet Man), poetry/literature, celtic jewelry (clouder ring), festive celebration (St Patrick's Day). Also mostly all the people whom I've been fortunate to have met or closely known whom were from Ireland have/had a gorgeous, warm, friendly, down to earth personality, great sense of humour, and I adore the unique red hair pale skin look too - find that to be quite elagent and attractive 😊 These are just to name a few of the splendid secret gems rooted at the heart of good old Ireland! 😉 💚💚💚💚💚🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀


Absolutely beautiful. Nothing like the old Irish cottage and simple life. Gives people time for music, poetry etc


Thanks ITG. We are really delighted with this little gem.
We have family who live very, very near where this was filmed, so we know it well. Glad to hear you enjoyed it:)


Watched these vids last night, so idyllic ♡


Thanks LS, we are delighted to be able to feature on our channel:)


You should be proud of your grand-uncles. They come across in the documentary as men with integrity. Have you seen the full episode? We were delighted that the film-maker granted us permission to edit a short extract for screening on YouTube.


I knew Conal and Jimmy very well, can't believe this is on youtube!! nice one!


There is still a gentle spirit that dwells within the Irish soul.
