A Story of Finding Freedom from Addiction and Recovery!

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While many people can successfully change their substance use habits by reading The Freedom Model books, and/or doing our workshops or online programs, for some like me, they need to talk it out with someone who listens well, is knowledgeable and is completely non-judgmental! Many people are much closer than they think to a solution so it may only take just a few coaching sessions with Mark Scheeren and/or me to completely solve your problem and help you to achieve total freedom from both addiction and recovery! To learn more about coaching click the link below or you can call us directly at 1-888-424-2626. Yes, Mark and I answer that number! Please don't be afraid to call us. We are happy and excited to help you to solve your problem for good! There is nothing better than helping people who have felt completely trapped and hopeless to find freedom! #thefreedommodel #addiction #recovery #non12step #coachingrainbowsix

The Solution to Addiction Workshop

The Freedom Model Coaching

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I'm happy for her. I will reach freedom one day too
