Stanford Webinar - Debriefing Medical Scenarios, Lou Halamek, M.D. & Nicole Yamada, M.D.
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In this webinar, CAPE’s directors, Lou Halamek, M.D. and Nicole Yamada, M.D., use an interactive discussion and video exemplars from CAPE’s new online debriefing program to highlight and analyze four foundational strategies from CAPE’s 20 Strategies for Effective Debriefing.
You’ll learn:
-How to clearly communicate expectations for how a debriefing will be conducted
-How to begin debriefings in an objective and efficient manner
-Ways to avoid creating defensiveness during debriefings
You’ll learn:
-How to clearly communicate expectations for how a debriefing will be conducted
-How to begin debriefings in an objective and efficient manner
-Ways to avoid creating defensiveness during debriefings