Pi Network MAINNET Migration - Pi Network Update

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Launch of the Pi Network enclosed mainnet! What do YOU have to do to start the migration to mainnet for your Pi Network account?

📝 How to get started with Pi Network?

- Use invitation code: RauchenwaldC

- Join this channel to get access to perks:

Today's video marks a special occasion because we finally reached Pi Networks enclosed mainnet and users after years of development are able to get their first Pi coins transferred into their mainnet wallet.

If you don't want to watch this entire "Pi Network MAINNET Migration - Pi Network Update" video, you can use the timestamps below to jump to the chapter you are most interested in:

00:00 Intro
00:16 Disclaimer
00:36 What are the requirements to add my account to the mainnet migration queue?
00:49 Where do I find the Mainnet checklist?
00:56 What if I haven’t passed KYC in Pi Network yet?
01:14 How to migrate to the Pi Network mainnet?
02:04 What if I forgot my mnemonic phrase from the Pi wallet?
02:26 Can I use my Pi coins straight away?
02:41 What portion of my Pi coins will be transferred to the Pi Network mainnet?
03:01 What happens with the Pi coins that I earned from referrals if they didn't pass KYC?
03:06 What should I do after I added my account to the mainnet migration queue?
03:31 Pay Pi coins you owe to the Pi Lifestyle and other communities

Pi Network was founded in 2019 by multiple Stanford professors with the aim to create a coin that can equally be mined by everyone and does not provide an unfair advantage to people with more money or better hardware.

And now, after years of hard work, the Pi Network team is officially launching an enclosed mainnet.

All the users who completed the Pi Network mainnet migration checklist can now transfer their coins to the Pi Network mainnet wallet. That marks a huge milestone in the Pi Network project.


Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH5s
Lenses: Panasonic H-HSA12035 (12-35mm/f2.8)
Misc: X-Rite Colorchecker Passport Video



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📝 How to get started with Pi Network?

- Use invitation code: RauchenwaldC

- Join this channel to get access to perks:


The word "migration" makes me picture us all like wildebeest trekking across the Serengeti, bumping into each other and mumbling about mainnet amongst fellow Pioneers. 😆


Always excited to see your post on Pi, Timestope, and Bee.


Good..Pi network Will bee real in life


I'm very happy to hear this good news
this morning friend


I been waiting for you to do a video on Alpha Network as well.


Hi.. it has been more than two weeks since my KYC and all the other steps, but still my transferable amount is not yet sent to my wallet. Do i need to do anything or just keep waiting?


Good to see you back. Been KYC'd and also verifying others. My PI has been migrated and slowly as others in my community are KYD'd the transfer is happening. On a side note one of my community never accessed the PI phrase so it went unused. Is it possible for them to recover the phrase without losing the PI they have accumulated.


Holy shiit 😶 ! He has 3 millions Pi !!!


I passed my KYC and agreed to the legal forms and my account has been sitting “in que” for transfer since January 2023. Any suggestions I may could try?
Also I became a moderator to help with KYC but on my first day moderating I had around 7 or 8 cases and I have not received another to validate since then(January) I retook my quiz as a reminder and I check every day and no validations needed. Any suggestions for me?


I have forgotten my passphrase, and I have passed the KYC, what can I do


How to complete my step seven pi network


First of all, everyone must agree in one price.


I migrated my pi 5 days ago but my wallet is yet to be credited, all my mainet checklists have been I'm really worried sir, please what do I do


Nice presentation. My question is that how to transfer your pi to available balance in mainet


Available balance in my pi wallet can it be sold or transferred to another exchange?


What have happened with Play Wallet? And why are you not mining anymore Alpha Network?


What does “migrations” mean in pi? Does it mean that I’ll be able to transfer pi after reaching the date on the migrations tab?


Do you have any idea how much would PI NETWORK COINS be worth when it goes mainnet and how soon we can transfer it for


Please I have done my verification and I have been approved. I have also passed the steps on the check list including the migrating of minned pie to mainnet wallet but i can't see my coin on my wallet. What will be the issue of such thing
