Portal Stories: Mel Easter Eggs And Secrets

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Collection of All Easter Eggs, Secrets and Best References found in Portal Stories: Mel, a modification for Portal 2. This is the LAST video from Portal series!

Music: Portal Stories Mel OST composed by Harry Callaghan

The List:
01. Barney Calhoun (Half Life: Blue Shift)
02. City 17 (Half Life 2)
03. 50 Shades
04. Lonewolf2056 + Number 2056
05. Virgil Out Of Bounds
06. Crazy Harry (The Muppet Show)
07. Locked Door
08. Goats
09. Wheatley Reference (Portal 2)
10. Dr Breen Photo (Half Life)
11. Calculator: 2+2=10 (Portal)
12. Developers' Photos
13. TARDIS (Dr Who)
14. Hoopy The Hoop + Hoopy Room
15. Hidden Companion Cube
16. Number 3
17. Ratman's Room
18. Rainbow + Colourful Core
19. Still Alive
20. Would You Kindly (Bioshock)
21. Secret 2056 Room + WCKD (The Maze Runner)
22. Black Mesa Logo
23. Citranium Soda (Aperture Tag)

Thank you for watching! Stay tuned for more Easter Eggs and Secrets in video games!
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I forgot how many goats we added to the mod xD There used to be an animated one but the texture kept breaking on it and it would be bright purple so we replaced it with the shadow goat that watches you. There used to be a set of goats having a tea party on the long elevator ride down at the start of the game but we removed them as we weren't sure if it would cause issues (Things that move and are parented can be weird in Hammer). Good job on finding all of them! The biggest thing you missed was the big Borealis poster in the offices when you first meet Virgil. Also the voice line about Chris spelling station wrong was a genuine mistake and is referenced again with the texture in the end credits.



JUST A HOOP? Virgil, you are talking to Hoopy the Hoop. He has braved a lot of stuff to relax in an abandoned office. Respect him.


Just on a sidenote: Some Developer were *_not_* even aware of the Goats.


my favourite is the "accent beyond your range of hearing" easter egg.


3:39 I believe is a reference to Nigel from Portal TAG who says something similar about nothing life changing when you go “out of bounds” but unlike in Mel you do find something life changing (An alternate ending)


I think "Crazy Harry" is also a reference to Harry Callaghan, who composed the music and voiced Cave Johnston in this mod.


“Citranium. Its science, in a *CAN* !”


For those who are a bit confused with the Crazy Harry thing, it's a reference to both Crazy Harry from "The Muppet Show" as well as Harry Callaghan. I wrote it initially to be JUST the Crazy Harry reference, as at the time I was watching a little more of The Muppet Show than I care to say and thought that the name drop was a little funny. We also had Harry Callaghan on the team, so it worked out that it could do both references, Henson and Callaghan. But the original intent was The Muppet Show.


i love that virgil has lines for even the secret rooms. super cool


Good findings, didn't know about some of these. Although one of my favorites, which also made me laugh like crazy, is missing. In few places you can see the word STATOION with the O crossed out and I thought “so that guy who got fired before must be responsible for this“. Then, in the credits, I saw it again next to one of the devs named Chris and immediately I knew they meant him and at some point he must have done the mistake during the development. Later I saw some dev commentary videos and indeed, Chris didn't realize his mistake even after they told him something's wrong so they would "fire" him whenever they had a chance as a running joke. :D


Never noticed the Goats once in my playthroughs. Nice catch


4:09 I think he's referring to Nigel at the end of the aperture tag alternate ending where you don't die and because he says "I know some other cores have a problem with telling the truth." and Nigel says "why do you even bother with exploring your surroundings. It's not like you're gonna encounter a life changing moment." But I could always be wrong.


9:29 the companion cube is a reference to portal 2, where there is a companion cube hidden in the rubble when you first get the duel portal gun. It also dissolves when you pick it up, and Glados has a line.


Remember "Oh Fiddlesticks"? Yeah, the dev team replaced that with a goat sound.


this man could literally find easter eggs everywhere


you forgot how at 12:34 "chariots chariots" is a reference to the perpetual testing initiative


I could be wrong (and I probably am) but the poster at 12:35 is a reference to another in development Portal 2 mod called "Portal 2 Repercussions." The mod features another custom portal gun that looks very similar if not exact to the one on the poster.

Sadly the mod appears to be on indefinite hiatus as it has not been updated in 3 years.

(Still holding out hope that the developer returns someday.)


Look above the trees in the background, you'll see another "Hoopy the Hoop" falling to the trees.
(Also 'Ratman' is actually spelled Rattman)


god dammit, now i want to beat the game for the 4th time just to find these easter eggs

i wish this game had badges

i would 100% get them


Pause at 9:29 you can see creeper at the bottom left
