Arcane Bleed is INSANELY OP Now - EVERY ATTACK = Bleed - New Best Bleed Build Guide - Elden Ring!

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Bleed Status build up in the Elden Ring update is broken strong! Enjoy!

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak can wait for now as we delve into Elden Ring and its Elden Ring gameplay with this Elden Ring guide and Elden Ring tips tricks and Elden Ring location and Elden Ring bosses and Elden Ring location how to and Elden Ring best weapon Elden Ring dex build Elden Ring best dex build Elden Ring bleed guide Elden Ring bleed build Elden Ring best bleed build Elden Ring seppuku build Elden Ring seppuku ashes of war location guide Elden Ring katana Elden Ring Uchigatana location build Elden Ring Nagakiba location build guide Elden Ring rivers of blood location guide Elden Ring best bleed Elden Ring update Elden Ring arcane build Elden Ring arcane scaling fix Elden Ring rivers of blood bleed build location guide Elden Ring White Mask location guide Elden Ring Lord of Blood's Exultation location guide Elden Ring best arcane weapon Elden Ring best arcane build guide!

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As it turns out the patch fixed being able to get both Millicent talismans in one playthrough, so that's a big sad!


➖ *Time Stamps* ➖

00:00 Intro
00:16 Bleed PROC
00:28 How it works
01:09 Bleed Affinity
01:29 Change Weapon Affinity
01:46 Test (Crouch attack)
02:27 Default Blood Loss Weapon + Seppuku
02:58 How to Seppuku both Weapons
03:25 Rivers of Blood + Eleonora's Poleblade
04:01 Maximum Bleed Build
04:11 Armor
04:26 White Mask
04:37 Lord of Blood's Exultation - Talisman
04:44 Millicent's Prosthesis & Rotton Winged Sword Insignia - Talisman
05:06 Radagon's Soreseal
05:24 Alternative Talisman
05:37 Uchigatana - Location
06:05 Second Uchigatana
06:15 Scavenger's Curved Sword - Location
06:43 Seppuku - Location
07:23 White Mask - Location
07:50 Portal To Blood Place - Location
08:05 White-Faced Varre Questline (White Mask)
08:23 Nameless White Mask Invasion - Path
08:48 Lord of Blood's Exultation - Location & Path
09:09 Final two Talisman
09:33 Helping Millicent - Rotton Winged Sword Insignia
09:38 Final conversation - Millicent's Prosthesis
10:02 Millicent NPC - Location
10:10 Sellia Magic Barriers Puzzle
10:36 Complete Millicent Questline
10:00 PSA - Public Service Announcement
11:57 Cons
12:31 PVP
12:50 Outro
13:26 Outro Rap


You dont actually have to go all the way around Mt. Gelmir to get the curved sword. If you start from the Bride of Inequity grace point and head west, there is a ladder on the Clift to the left that gets you up there. At the second abductor I believe


The fit makes or breaks builds, they're like the second most important part of every build


Now this is a great video. Everything you need to know said in a way thats easy to understand, on my second playthrough and I'm going bleed/vampire hybrid. Saved this video due to the number of excellent explanations.


To kill moving invisible scarabs just mount up, run the opposite direction and hold heavy attack. The character will drag the weapon which damages anything it hits during the dragging. It takes one hit to kill the scarab.


This looks cool, by the time I get to it, it'll probably be nerfed...


Hollow has that Elden Bling going on with his character. Meanwhile, Josh is using a headgear for stats and Cotton looking as goofy as expected with his 1000 poise


I would recommend keeping Arcane at 45 (first soft cap in regards to bleed build up) and if you want to max it out w.o having really poor diminishing returns to 55 or 60. After 60, the bleed build up is poor, however, the last soft cap for blood attack bonus is at 80 (not to be confused with bleed build up, which soft caps are 45, then 60). The soft caps for blood attack bonus are 55 then 80. Regarding going from 55 or 60-80 in arcane with blood attack bonus, it's nothing that amazing, but okay if you have the extra points. Anything past 60 for bleed build up is pretty much negative.

Since the uchigatana is the main weapon here, it would be better to leave Arcane at 55-60 and pump more points into dex for more damage from the uchigatana in general as I believe it has a higher rating for dex with maxed at +25 for bleed. Of course at some point this is trivial the higher level you are and you can feel free to go to 80, but those that want to be around lvl 125-150, I wouldn't recommend going higher than 55-60 in arcane (45 if you're planning on being around lvl 125).

This is just looking at best bang for buck regarding the soft cap data that is available. Still very new to souls so correct me if I'm wrong.


Great video. I'm running a similar build, with a +25 Blood Nagakiba & RoB. Absolutely wrecks enemies. Came to this video for the fashion since it's hard to find armor that looks good with the White Mask.


For Str/Arcane the Great stars warhammer is great for this, best 1 hander for str in the game AND has built in bleed on it plus, being a warhammer, you can put Prelates fire Charge on it, which will ALSO proc the bleed. Sure it won't be as quick as the Uchis but if you want a bleed weapon and a great shield, it's the one for you.


Hey big tip I use the same build but instead of blood uchi I use occult which scales Arc to B and Dex to C does insane damage and bleed


I just finished Millicent's questline and got the Rotten Winged Sword Talisman; however, after she got past the "Oh hello" dialogue I killed her and only got the golden needle, not the prosthetic talisman. Not sure if anyone else is getting this result after the most recent patch


I always run the WAKIZASHI in my off hand and the NAGAKIBA in my main one with occult and one with bleed affinity usually on my off hand. Then I’ll use Seppuku on both. Or I’ll do the same with the curved swords if I want a good pve build with jump attacks mixed in. Using the rotten winged sword insignia and the black raptor feathers. White mask is a must for both builds


To kill moving invisible scarabs just mount up, run the opposite direction and hold heavy attack. The character will drag the weapon which damages anything it hits during the dragging. It takes one hit to kill the scarab.


A video on bloodflame blade vs seppuku would be nice, also a strength based bleed build would be super cool


Worth mentioning that i had killed malekith before bernahl invaded and i had lost the invasion until the 1.03 patch hit. I had a feeling about it, went back to the spot and got invaded by him so maybe theres a chance for those who defeated mohg to still get the invations in this new update.


PvP is terrifying because of these bleed builds my 63 vigor doesn't even help I just explode if they touch me XD and if they have quickstep too...I just leave lol. Great video though!!!


I approve of this outfit, it's basically the exact same I've used ever since I farmed the dude guarding the godkin apostle in the caelid divine tower. I just switch out the gauntlets and boots for whatever gives the most protection, and occasionally slap on the white mask too. Usually I just wear the hood as it has decent stats but leaves the face visible. I didn't spend an hour fine-tuning my girl's looks just to have her face covered with an ugly-ass helmet, dammit!


Please stop titling video "THIS IS BROKEN" or "THIS IS OP" hyperbole, because all you are going to do is make the devs nerf EVERY SINGLE THING into the ground until everything is shit. The only difference between bleed pre and post patch is that arcane wasn't adding damage scaling THAT'S IT, bleed is working as intended and you have to spec hard into a bleed build to make it work (mostly in terms of upgrading weapons), and even then it requires a lot of setup, this isn't a case of "mash L2 with hoarfrost axe and win the game", you still have to build up the bleed with ashes of war, consumables, and multiple attacks
