Super Mario Odyssey is pure happiness - A MASTERPIECE

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Today I want to talk about why I think Super Mario Odyssey is pure happiness!

Each kingdom has a very unique aesthetic and musical theme that makes it stand out from the others, and the imagination that went into them is something really outstanding. All the kingdoms are super colorful and memorable, and every one of them has a different population with unique traits and costumes, and inside the Crazy Cap stores you can find local Souvenirs and Stickers for the Odyssey and Clothes for Mario! To buy Souvenirs and Clothes every kingdom has its own specific purple Coin that can only be used in that kingdom, those coins are secondary to the usual golden ones, and their inclusion helps to create specific challenges and exploration goals for each kingdom that allow you to experience what every single one of them has to offer. Progressing through Super Mario Odyssey feels like you are really traveling, and it’s thanks to this that Cappy becomes your travel buddy along the way, he’s always there to help you out in your quest and often helps to reinforce how unique each kingdom is.

The environment in Super Mario Odyssey is not just awesome because of how they built the sensation of traveling through the world, but also because of how crazy and funky each level is to play. The main ability of Cappy is possessing whatever being or even object he’s tossed to as long as it doesn’t wear a hat! Every character that you can posses has its own set of abilities that solidify even further the memories the player builds when visiting each kingdom. Be aware, that it’s not just the fact that the gameplay mechanics are crazy to make them good, but also how they are cleverly integrated in each meter of the kingdoms, the level design of Super Mario Odyssey is superb and it only gets better and better going forward in the game.

Not only Bowser steals super rare and valuable items to better prepare his dream wedding with Princess Peach, but he also often causes something terrible in each Kindom he visits, and the people that live there are always in trouble! It’s very satisfying to save the day with Cappy and revert everything to normal as soon as you get in a new Kingdom. It really cheered me up to help the various Kingdoms, and every time I left to visit another one I always looked forward to what Bowser had planned for the next.

It goes without saying that Mario himself is another highlight of the game. Every time Mario performs an action you can really hear his energy! It may seem silly but I really love every of his animations, and of all the Mario games I played I really find that his voice in this game is so energic, perky, lively and joyful that I feel like it really impacts my mood in a positive way!

The main goal of the game is always to get more Power Moons and in this way improve the Odyssey to chase Bowser and reach new Kingdoms! While many of the Moons are well hidden and need the player to overcome very interesting and hand crafted challenges some of them are more easy to get, but even then, picking up a Power Moon does always feel good! Maybe you just got a moon from a hard challenge, and turning the corner there’s a strange light on the ground, you hit it and boom, another Moon, at that point I can guarantee you that your brain will go like: “Yeah, maybe I’ll get another Moon” “Yes, just another Moon”. The highs and lows in difficulty to get Moons are a really fun rollercoaster that can easily keep you playing the game for more and more fun!

A special mention goes also to the Mushroom Kingdom, which is filled with incredible easter eggs and unique challenges that can’t be found in any other Kingdom, and it’s also the first place where you can find Yoshi! Furthermore, the Moons here become Power Stars and have the same jingle as in Super Mario 64, which sky rocketed my mood! Of course the local clothing of the Mushroom Kingdom couldn’t have been anything different from the Super Mario 64 skin!

This video wouldn’t be complete without mentioning how perfect the Jump Up Superstar song of the New Donk City festival is. I think this song is the most perky and happy I have ever listened to in all of my life, and its inclusion in the festival when Mario is facing Donkey Kong in an amazing 2D level was the icing on the cake!

To sum everything up, Super Mario Odyssey is pure happiness because it’s made with heart and passion, it is a joy to the eyes and the ears, it’s fun to play, it’s rewarding in many different ways and it’s a testament to why people enjoy video games.

#SuperMario #SuperMarioOdyssey #NintendoSwitch

Intro (00:00)
How the game starts (00:34)
The Kingdoms (01:07)
Playing (02:01)
Helping hands (02:56)
SUPER Mario (03:32)
You got a Moon! (04:15)
Going back home (05:23)
Jump up, Superstar! (06:15)
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