CppCon 2017: Tony Van Eerd “Postmodern C++”
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The term "Modern C++" can be traced back to Andrei Alexandrescu's "Modern C++ Design", published in February 2001. Much has changed since then. Alexandrescu is off Dabbling in various things, Scott Meyers has retired; C++11 changed the landscape, then C++14, and now we are at C++17, with more on the way.
Clearly, we are now in the Postmodern C++ era.
So let's apply postmodernism to programming. YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT:
- How to concentrate on one section of a programme at a time, and test in isolation. QA HATES HIM.
- post-modern introspection?. IT WILL SHOCK YOU.
- you'll NEVER BELIEVE what a postmodern smart ptr LOOKS LIKE!
Although this is a lighthearted talk, it also aims to be insightful.
In fact, the goal is nothing less than to change the way you think about programming.
Tony Van Eerd: Christie Digital, Ninja/Jedi/Tony
Tony has been coding for well over 25 years, and maybe coding well for some of that. Lots of pixel++, UX, threading, etc. Previously at Inscriber, Adobe, BlackBerry, he now enables Painting with Light at Christie. He is on the C++ Committee. He is a Ninja and a Jedi. Lock-free is a strange hobby. Follow @tvaneerd if you dare.
The term "Modern C++" can be traced back to Andrei Alexandrescu's "Modern C++ Design", published in February 2001. Much has changed since then. Alexandrescu is off Dabbling in various things, Scott Meyers has retired; C++11 changed the landscape, then C++14, and now we are at C++17, with more on the way.
Clearly, we are now in the Postmodern C++ era.
So let's apply postmodernism to programming. YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT:
- How to concentrate on one section of a programme at a time, and test in isolation. QA HATES HIM.
- post-modern introspection?. IT WILL SHOCK YOU.
- you'll NEVER BELIEVE what a postmodern smart ptr LOOKS LIKE!
Although this is a lighthearted talk, it also aims to be insightful.
In fact, the goal is nothing less than to change the way you think about programming.
Tony Van Eerd: Christie Digital, Ninja/Jedi/Tony
Tony has been coding for well over 25 years, and maybe coding well for some of that. Lots of pixel++, UX, threading, etc. Previously at Inscriber, Adobe, BlackBerry, he now enables Painting with Light at Christie. He is on the C++ Committee. He is a Ninja and a Jedi. Lock-free is a strange hobby. Follow @tvaneerd if you dare.