You'll Never Get A Job By Just 'Learning' HTML, CSS & JavaScript

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What do you think it takes to get a web developer job? Let me know in the comments!


I totally agree. Just learning HTML & CSS & Javascript but never building anything with them is like applying to be a cartoonist and saying "no, I have never actually drawn anything but I have read many books about drawing"...


It took me 60 hrs/week for 6 months followed by a 6 month unpaid 40 hr/week internship with a referral to get my first job. Wasn’t easy but I made it


Do you ever just stare at your code you wrote few weeks ago and try to figure out how it works


I got a job after learning just html, css and JavaScript, but it involved a two month unpaid internship where I was thrown into using jQuery, Handlebars and database interactions from day one. I proved I was able to keep up and learn to use the technologies they required and that’s what got me the job.


Actually, I got a job knowing only HTML, CSS, and JS (I studied react, but the interviewer didn't ask about it). But he's right, building projects is the thing that pushes you forward as a developer.


Summary: don't just rely on completing certificates. You NEED to build projects not just to solidify your skills but also to prove that you can do the job.


This literally goes for any computer science languages


Dude completely clickbaited you dear viewer, lemme save you the times, all he says is that knowing HTML, CSS and JS WILL and CAN get you a job as long as you know how to apply it


I really like the fact that you don't deceive anyone but rather motivate them to learn more and get things right


This is the ultimate truth for wannabe developers. Demonstrate your knowledge in cool projects. Thank you.


Great topic Dorian . I really enjoy the way you address many subjets from facts and real experience. Thanks for this.


I completely agree. You have to put in the work. Without experience and projects, nobody will want to hire you over someone who has. Great content Dorian. See you soon!


Short and to the point, Dorian. I realize today that I know so much more than before, even though I went to a coding bootcamp in 2017 and was self teaching since 2015. It felt like I was in a fog this time last year in my skill-set and knowledge of programming, like barely able to recite fundamentals. After building multiple applications in C#/.Net, SQL, plus HTML/CSS/JavaScript and deploying them to cloud services, I finally feel confident in my skills as a programmer. I had to download courses and just listen to them over and over again while I worked to memorize concepts, then came home to practice them by building application with many different languages and frameworks after work.


I fully agree with you. Thanks for sharing your valuable experience and thoughts.


The same thing applies for every job out there. You need some real life experience inside your field no matter what you do to have the edge over someone else. Good advice none the less


Brutally honest video, that will help beginners realize some things and get more organized towards making something all by themselves.


>learn popular framework most company use in your area
>find out what the trend is and try build something useful that people will most likely search
>upload it on your github and link it to your web portfolio

there is no way you can get any web dev job(even entry level) if you cant use at least 1 framework nowadays


I have an AAS in Web Development and have taken a course in codecademy(just to update some of my knowledge) and I'll say this about going to school vs code bootcamp.

The benefits you get in school and that employers are going to look at isn't as much as your grades as it is the projects you've worked on and the portfolio you've built. That's something you don't really get in bootcamps, they don't really pound it into you by giving you projects to practice and exercise what you've learned.


I strongly agree to the point you mentioned. We learn by doing the works in reality and when we try making projects - we face troubles, we solve the problems and this is how we develop the real skills of using the languages...

Though I provide Web Design services using WordPress and Elementor, but the way I got my first client and now I am getting clients is just because I build some portfolio sites to show my ability to the clients...
