UNLOCKED the TOP SPEED of my E55 AMG - WILL IT GO 300km/h?! by AutoTopNL

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UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter ein Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

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przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Auto-Top è una società che si occupa di riprese e test drive. Non siamo interessati a macchine che consumano o inquinano poco (a meno che non siamo veramente veloci). Noi vogliamo sentire scarichi che urlano e turbo che soffiano!! Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto sportiva. Nelle nostre playlist troverai sound di scarichi, riprese onboard, test di accelerazione con launch control (0-100, 0-200) e il suono unico e riconoscibile di ogni auto. Supersportive, hothatches e berline cavallate.. Proviamo di tutto!!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!
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What a car right?! 😁 LOVE IT 😍
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This car was a rocketship back in its day. Even after 17 years, it's still very, very impressive by any standard.


300kmh, 9.3 seconds 100-200 in a 18 year old 2 ton estate. Incredible


As much as 2004 feels like 2 years ago, we gotta remind ourselves that this is almost a 20 year old car.


Fearless driving for sure. Estate cars seem to be the ones most often driving at high speed on the Autobahn. Have been passed by many.


@AutoTopNL, I strongly recommend changing the intake air temp sensor on your car. I have a near identical car, right down to the interior and exterior colors though mine is a 2006, and it gets to 285 much quicker than yours did in the video. Never had the room to go past that, but speeds were still climbing pretty quick when I hit 285. Changing the Intake Air Temp (IAT) sensor was a huge performance boost on my car. They degrade over time and start reading higher temps than actual, which causes the car to pull a little timing out of the engine and reduce power. It's a cheap part, and a 15 minute DIY with nothing more complicated than a screwdriver.


Amazing how quiet and calm it was at that speed


I have one of these in a saloon variant and its amazing. I have had an M140, F80 M3, C63 and can honestly say that the E55 is my all time favourite, such a great all round car. A true AMG masterpiece.


10:00 - "Safety first" while going nearly 300 km/h is a little bit funny


M113k is an absolute monster even by today’s standards. Imagine what this would do if it was paired with a modern transmission and AWD.


Back when AMG was quite exclusive and beginning to release monster power and torque engine. Far more reliable motor compared to the 6.2 that replaced it.


Legend! I remember we drove 326km/h on the speedo in France with my dads E63 AMG 6.2. It was a saloon with also no top speed limiter. He lost his license after that and he was not allowed to drive in the France for several years XD


I have a 2004 as well, ill NEVER sell this car... I have 120k miles on mine, my rear air suspension just went recently. Not a cheap fix unless you put coils on.
I still have that same smile on my face every time i drive this car. Absolutely love it.
I definitely recommend picking up a E55, they are tourqe monsters!
Funnest car ive ever owned...
They have that timeless look too

**Lets also not forget... This was the FASTEST SEDAN IN THE WORLD for a couple years*** 👍


Split the supercharger cooling system and do an uprated heat exchanger. Will make a massive difference on these long pulls.


The “Oh it’s works!” feeling when the keyless start worked !! 😂😂😂 MAX I can relate! Lol it’s such a blessing when it does, makes you feel futuristic in such a classic car.


What an absolute monster of a car! There is something about this era of German cars that you can not help but love them!


Its amazing how such huge and old car goes like a rocket, unbielivebe. So stable as well. Really nice car.


The 55 and the 5 speed is a really durable combination! And the W211 is just such a comfortable car!


I miss mine !! I remember putting my foot down at 100mph, slight rain and the traction control came on! ... epic engine, had no problems what so ever from 70-100, 000 miles.


Hi Max, please check top speed of E63 AMG (W211). And if possible 100-200. I think it can do 312+ easily.
