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IHP is indicated horse power or max hp generated inside engine cylinder.
where, Pm= LM.E.P. in kg/cm2
L = Length of stroke in metres,
A = Piston areas in cm2
N = Speed in R.P.M,
n = Number of cylinders,
k = 1 for two stroke engine and
k = 2 for four stroke engine
BHP is brake horse power or power measured or available for use.
where T = Torque in kg.m.
N = Speed in R.P.NT.
Mechanical efficiency nm = bhp / ihp x 100 %
where, Pm= LM.E.P. in kg/cm2
L = Length of stroke in metres,
A = Piston areas in cm2
N = Speed in R.P.M,
n = Number of cylinders,
k = 1 for two stroke engine and
k = 2 for four stroke engine
BHP is brake horse power or power measured or available for use.
where T = Torque in kg.m.
N = Speed in R.P.NT.
Mechanical efficiency nm = bhp / ihp x 100 %
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