CohhCarnage's Thoughts On Punch Club 2: Fast Forward

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the last 4 episodes are really solid. I don't feel it's fair to guilt Cohh for being super excited by the release of BG3 meaning that the multiple pit stop talking about BG3 and talking with Chat about BG3 during some important moments of the game was pretty understandable and overall not to the point of being a major stun lock. It was a very fun playthrough! Thanks!


Watching this play-through was a blast, I laughed so hard at the evanescence bit.


Hard recommend from me! It's a really easy game to get into, it piles on the mechanics slowly but they are hard enough present a good challenge. The story is a hot mess and it's absolutely hilarious, it's full of fun characters, twists and turns and a metric F-ton of references the amount of which I never before seen in a game. If you're a 80's-90's kid or just like the classics, you're gonna have a friggin blast! Movies, games, popculture references, the game is chock full of it! It's more like the game is cozy patchwork blanket of everything from my childhood.

At heart PC2 is a time-management game just it's predecessor, however it's MUCH more forgiving and gives a lot of lateral movement to the player in how they want to approach their progression. There is no hard time limit on anything, however there's only so many hours in a day, so you still need to ration your time to be able to accomplish the things you want. The game doesn't punish mistakes that hard either, you can retry every fight, spend a few days/weeks to train more, try other strategies, farm more cash, points, whatever and essentially progress at your own pace, which for the otherwise hectic and unforgiving time management genre it makes PC2 weirdly chill and relaxing.

I basically no-life'd this game for the past 3 days, and I regret nothing. Punch Club 2 was an absolute blast, and I can't wait for the next one!


What happens after the final credit? There is a new game plus? I beat the game and quit, when i came back i have to beat the boss again and i dont wanna do 😂


Isn't this the homeless prophet guy from cyberpunk?


i beated punch club 1 ! you need to know where u talking about
