How To Identify Left Thoracic or Backwards Scoliosis Curves

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At Align Therapy in Lehi, Utah we see many different types of scoliosis curves. Technically, curves can be anywhere in the spine and they are called scoliosis if they go left or right.

Identifying scoliosis curves is easy when you learn what to look for. Most curves go to the right in the thoracic and to the left in the lumbar spine, so that can usually guide you in what to look for.

Sometimes, like in this case, a curve will go to the left in the thoracic and the right in the lumbar. In this instance, the lumbar curve is not rotated significantly so this is not as easy to see, but you can definitely see the height difference in the thoracic spine.

When you pick up on a left sided thoracic curve, especially in boys, imaging should usually be done to rule out neurological causes.

The Schroth Method is appropriate for all types of scoliosis and can be used even when a neurological cause is present, as long as the neuro side is also being addressed.

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I was told I had mild scoliosis when I was maybe 10 or 11. No idea what my Cobb angle is, although I'm assuming at the time it must not have been more than 20 as I wasn't referred to a specialist. I was pretty young, but I do remember my doctor offering a referral if we wanted one, but saying it probably wasn't necessary and how I probably didn't want to be the girl in the back brace in middle school, and we could just keep an eye on it in case it got worse. I don't remember ever having it followed up on after that. I'm 35 now and suspect it did get worse, and may be closer to moderate so I've been doing more research trying to decide if it's worth seeing a doctor about.

Just knowing how I feel in my body, I always assumed I had a right leaning thoracic curve since my left shoulder always hurts and I always end up slouching to the left. But I took some pictures of my back and I can see a clear left curve in my mid/lower back (starts towards the bottom of my ribcage through my waist and straightens back out before it gets to my butt). I don't think it's low enough to be lumbar only, and I was reading that's called thoracolumbar because it's in-between/a little bit of both? Is that correct or is it when it's a double curve with one in the thoracic and one in the lumbar? I think I do have a mild right curve up by my shoulders, but it's not nearly as obviously noticeable as the lower curve. Or maybe the lower curve is a lumbar curve...I have a pretty short torso.

I guess the point of my question is...would be that considered levoscoliosis since the largest curve (maybe only curve?) goes to the left? And if there are two curves, how do you determine Is it both and labeled something like "thoracic dextroscoliosis with lumbar levoscoliosis?" If the whole thing gets labeled one or the other, my best guess would be if there's a thoracic curve, that one would determine it because it's closer to the heart, but...that's purely a guess. I should probably just go to the doctor and get it professionally assessed if for nothing other than peace of mind. 😅


Im 18 and diagnosed with mild scoliosis, lumbar part curved to the left. Is there any way it will shift back to its place or the only thing I can do is physical therapy?


So I was told awhile back that my back didn’t only have the usual scoliosis curve, but also twisted. What exactly does that mean? Thank you.


Wasn't her right shoulder a little lower too???


At timestamp 1:51, when the lady is bent forward there is this visible potrution of the vertebral column, is this an indication of scoliosis ?? My 18 months daughter has this same kind of potrution whenever she bents forward, otherwise i have not seen any uneven-ness in her shoulder blade level or hips when she is standing. Should I be concerned about a potential scoliosis condition ??


I was diagnosed with mild scoliosis at ahe 13. Now at 41, they did x-rays and this is what they said: levoscoliosis upper thoracic spine with apex at T5 5 degrees. So I wonder if that was maybe due to a fall.... ?


Hi, sir my left shoulder is elevated n my left side ribs protrude n my neck is rotated to right...kindly could you tell me do have i scoliosis? If yes then which type


Hello since three years I have symmetrical tingling in both legs with middle back pain when I stand or walk i did lumbar and sacral mri there is mild herniation but my doctor said that these herniation can’t cause tingling and advise me to do thoracic mri I didn’t I was scared that the cause is more dangerous than herniated disc, now the pain and the tingling is increased and I believe that the cause is thoracic scoliosis can thoracic scoliosis or herniated disc in thoracic region cause tingling in legs ? I will do mri but I am worry also if it was scoliosis or herniated disc can treat it without surgery?


Hi, can you tell me about levoscoliosis? I was told I have it, don’t know the degree of it. Doctors did not say . I keep getting different answers. If The outside bend of a curve is the convex side, the inside bend is the concave? So if you have a curve that is bending towards the left, you have a levoscoliosis. Convex side is to the left and concave side is to the right. so my real question is which side am I strengthening and which side am I stretching? Sorry, if you could please be specific. Do I stretch my right(concave) side over to the left side and then strengthen the left (convex) side and not stretch it?. I really appreciate it if you answer me. Thank you.


Hello, I have scoliosis of 60 degrees. Doctors told me that there is no solution other than surgery, but I am very afraid of that. Can I treat scoliosis without surgery? I am 18 years old


I have a left thoracic past years I had minangite a virus in my mind....I guess this is the cause since you said neuro problem


My MRI results state “Gentle levoconvex bowing of the thoracic spine.” What exactly does this mean? I’ve been experiencing pain near my right shoulder blade and also part of my sternum on the right side protrudes a little. But I’m not sure if all of this is connected. I had an x-ray done as well and they said that was normal. But originally they weren’t looking at my spine, just the sternum. But on the MRI, it mentions the whole levoconvex situation.


My daughter is 11 years and her scoliosis is on the right side but very c shape, what way can she be helped?


The orthopedist I went to said I have scoliosis and there is nothing to be done because it is minimal.
In my x-ray i see my thoracic spine go to the right. I'm not from America I'm from Israel but what can I do to fix this?
I feel so bad about my posture. My right shoulder leans forward and down and the shoulder bone sticks out weirdly.
I really want to fix it and feel confident with my body what can I do?


Hlo good morning sir
i am from india
I am exactly suffering from this sir
Plz guide me sir
What to do??
Eagerly waiting for your reply sir
Plz guide me sir what to do


Showed up on my xray after a skateboard crash. My doc said it's so small she isn't worried about it. Should I get a second opinion?


how do we know if it wouldn't be growing anymore?


Can you tell me, what type of bra is best for women with scoliosis? because in some cases, women who suffer from scoliosis have unequal breasts / because in some cases women with scoliosis have large breasts on the other side. which roughly supports the improvement of body posture


I have to the left mild scoliosis found by MRI
