Why Was He Staring At You When You Weren't Looking

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My crush stares at me when I ain’t looking lol. He thinks he’s so slick but I can see him looking at me lol


He was shy and i was shy too that's why we never talked lol


...or he's in a relationship, not just shy


One time, I was in my cafeteria at college and I was paying for my coffee I looked up and saw this handsome guy staring at me then I was like “oh shit” and looked away and when I looked back he was still looking! Lol it was a cool moment.


There's a boy in my school who stares at me everyday in science class. And Guess What? I'm A Boy!! That shit freaks me out, I can easily see him staring at me at the corner of my eye.


Why would a seemingly or typically collected and confidant (almost arrogant) man suddenly be nervous around me when he should comfortable? I see that he is being shy. But its weird to think that I would make a man feel that way, esp a highly respected scholar.


your videos have helped me to understand my gym crush a lot more thanks lol


My crush is a coworker of mine, he'll stare at me from a distance, and even when something gets in the way of his gaze. He'll look around or over to get a glance at me. He will also stare when my back is completely to him. Once he even acted like he wanted to kiss me. I was talking to him while we were both walking. All the sudden he stopped walking, turned to me, stared, and didn't say anything


i dont know if he wants me to stay away or chase after him. I caught him staring at me with a blank face and he didn't look away. he also changes the subject to hot girls as soon as I step in the room. Most of the time he ignores me. at first I thought he was cute and I would've liked to get to know him, but I feel like he wants me to stay away.


some guys will look at you to start drama


but he walks away as soon as he sees me


When a guy stares deep into your eyes and holds it. Doesn't smile or talk just stare leaning into you too?


This guy that I like.. he mostly always stares at me when I'm not looking but whenever I catch him, he never smiles or anything. And once he sat beside me and our kind of touched but he didn't move it away. And whenever we're walking past each other, he'll always try to brush his shoulder to mine. (which he has stopped recently though) But I've never seen him getting jealous whenever I talk to other guys.. And yes, he always gives me a lot of mixed signals >:( One day he'll stare at me way too much and the other time he'll just act like I'm invisible 


There's a guy I know as kind of a friend but we aren't close anymore because we're in different classes. My friends asked him out for me but I never asked him out in person and he rejected me. However, he's always been staring at me. Whenever I catch him he turns away really quickly. He's also been acting really strange because he's okay around everyone else but he's all quiet around me...He can't even completely look at me when he says hi back it's so weird. He used to be okay but now I don't know what the heck is wrong with him. PLZ help and thumbs up if you think and down for no...


that's what my crush does but I catch him lookin!


This guy I know looks at me and then when I catch him looking at me or just see him staring at me, he doesn't look away he just keeps looking/holding eye contact. I don't understand what he is trying to do, what does this mean? :)


He used to stare at me all the time before he got a gf and now I still catch him looking at me every once in a while. I don't get it. Stop looking at me if you have a gf now. I can't get over him if he keeps looking at me.


i can sense when people look at me, it’s weird but i just know.. anyways, i used to be the one looking away and my crush would catch me, until i bought up the confidence to look at him until he looks away. HE LOOKED AWAY AFTER LIKE 4-5 SECONDS OF LOOKING AT EACH OTHER BTW AND NOW I’M THE ONE CATCHING HIM STARING


Just came across you videos and I love them! Lol. So I had recently started to think this guy at work is cute and lately we've been talking here and there and I love that he's kind of shy. On one of the days he was clocking back in from his break and I said" wait what was you name again?" because I wasn't doing anything at the moment. And he was like "Sergio." and kind of laughed while saying it then he said "it's Erica right?" and my response was "oh my gosh I feel so bad you remember mine but I forgot yours!" but I was actually embarrassed a little. And then there was another day (or it might've been the same) where he was cutting lettuce and I went to go wash my hands at the sink next to him and my clumsy butt almost slipped in front of him and I banged my leg on the metal and right after he asked me if I was okay then later on I almost slipped again but he wasn't around then I brought my second time falling up later to him and then he started talking about where he got his shoes and where I got mine... lmao I don't know why but I thought it was a weird convo 😂


When I catch him staring at me he doesn't look away. I look away because It makes me anxious
