【MLP/PMV】𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝑰𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚

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Music:Chant of Immortality by 4everfreebrony Chi-Chi
In G5,Twilight Sparkle had to use unity crystal to defend Opaline and protect Equestria.As a result,she fell into a deep sleep.During this time,TS memoried M5 and a lot of old things spainfully,she even almost lost consciousness.Finally,she realized that she couldn't go on like that,so she used up all her magic to tell the G5 M5 that Opaline will be dangerous to Equestria,and hoped that they can “Let the magic of frendship coutinue living”,TS and her friends finally got together again in another world,but Sunny finally lost her friends just like Twilight lost her friends before...
Immortality,living forever,“Num'rous regrets, the art of passing time”... Now, the G5 is coming to an end,but will there be a better G6 waiting for us?
This is my first formal PMV,I spent one month making it.As before, I used some apps like Alight Motion,and a mobile phone.
Oh,my English is really poor. I wish I had explained everything clearly.
Now,enjoy it?
(This fucking video is not made for kids FUCK FUCK FUCK!

MLP,My Little Pony,G5,Chant of Immortality,PMV,MAD,AMV,Twilight Sparkle,Alight Motion
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[My Little Pony Gen4] will be a memory that will be remembered for its friendship and will remain forever in our hearts😢 ⚰ RIP to Princess 'Twilight' 🥀


"What's the princess of friendship, without her friends?"


Edit:<33 your animation was really good! that was so awesome to watch, seriously. >:3


I love the last part where you put Twilight sending a message to the G5 Mane 6


It is really good Your theory that Twi gave the msg from crystal to others, it really It's really sad 😭😭


I'm really happy we know that Twilight didn't die, the Unity crystals saved her life when Opaline was attacking the Capitol of Equestria, Twilight didnt have a choice she'd either gave up her life, or save her own skin. I'm just really sad that we didn't get to see Twilight Sparkle as a pony in G5, only in a hologram.😢


I have no words.
This is really well made. Let's hope this gets at least 1M views


Mlp g4 was the joy of everyone watching mlp but when it ended everything fell silent....Then came mlp g5 which ruined everything...When mlp g5 ends...and g6 comes...There will be nothing left of mlp g4, it will be almost forgotten like the other g1 g2 g3... What a shame they didn't continue with this g4 but well, one day it had to end :"(


It's absolutely a masterplace, The animation, video, the story and everything made me cry and bring me alot of memories & nostalgic.. I'm glad you did it, They did a good job!! 🎉✨ while Twilight finding a way for confront against opaline and she'll uniting the 3 unity crystals after her friends passed away... finding it the magic spells and everything way that will be fine.. The another pmv lose you now it turned it out beautiful pmv, poor Twilight, she wouldn't say goodbye to your friends and bring the bouquets of flowers to visit them.. Meanwhile, She'll move forward after being crowned the friendship advice and govern equestria alone.. *"She's the princess of friendship without her friends?"* I wish you to everyone a good luck!! :) - *"Friendship is Magic..."*


Omg I can’t believe this isn’t more popular! You’re so underrated 💕


This is amazing ! The animation and the story made me very nostalgic.Thank you for creating this great masterpiece!🎉


Dude, I don’t know what I stumbled upon but this is just AMAZING! I’m definitely sticking around


This is amazing!!!! The animation and the story made me very nostalgic. Thank you for creating this great masterpiece!!


We're so proud of you cuz make the best animation of all memories :')


Is animation is so good i miss ourfriendship so bad i want to get back but is too late im sorry twilight 😔💔😔 love applejack miss you twilight


SUNNY?! OMG sorry we have you twilight.. love you 😢 good luck ya 😭


No matter how many years pass, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic will always be my favorite, forever.


G4, G5, G6. I can only say one thing: the cycle must continue.


OMG! I love this song so much, and your edits are just so amazing, i think i'm in heaven! :D


when ever people talk about the whole immortality of an Alicorn it really makes me think of the scene from Lord of the Rings, think of it, Elrond talks about Aragorn having a short life span compaired to that of Arwen, she would witness his death and continue to life on in mourning, if FIM ever thought to bring up the concept how do you think it would play out i think it would be something like this:

Twilight would have days where she misses her friends, she would remember all the fun and adventures she had with them, maybe she would think back to when she thought she didn't need then, she wouldn't feel so alone then, but then thinks she wouldn't have all the great memories too, and as princess she has new friends now, but even still they'd eventually pass on, could she keep it up till her heart is so broken she becomes something different, it could course bad things to happen in Equestria, could she rely on Luster to be the next princess, or would she have to take on the challances of Equestria for 1000s of years like Celestia did, would she be able to make those decisions without the use of her friends to give her different perspectives, would she turn cold as her heart is slowly crushed by sight of more friends growing old as she barely even ages.


я из русской части брони комьюнити и это великолепно, я просто расплакалась. так жаль что сериал окончен, четвертое поколение млп это лучшее что со мной случалось
