Gay Pride & the Spiritual Realm - The Becket Cook Show Ep. 30

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In today's episode, Becket explores the link between the spiritual realm and gay pride.

Dr. Michael S. Heiser's Books:

The Becket Cook Show Ep. 30



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Becket Cook was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. He attended Jesuit College Preparatory
School of Dallas.
After graduating from Austin College in Texas, Becket moved to Los Angeles to pursue his
dream of writing and acting, finding success in both. He eventually went on to become a
production designer working with the top photographers and directors in the world on fashion
shoots for magazines such as Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, and for ad campaigns such as Gap,
L'Oréal Paris, and Nike.

Finding a new sense of freedom in L.A., Becket also fully engaged in his new life as a gay man.
He had a series of many relationships with men throughout the next fifteen years.
In September of 2009, Becket met a stranger at a coffee shop in Silver Lake who invited him to
his church in Hollywood called Reality L.A. Becket reluctantly agreed to attend the service.
After hearing the sermon that Sunday, Becket was utterly transformed by the gospel and gave his
life to Christ. He also knew on that day when God revealed Himself to him that homosexuality
was a sin and that he could no longer live that life. Becket was more than happy to count
everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord.

Becket spends much of his time in ministry speaking at churches, universities, and conferences
helping believers (and non-believers) understand this issue biblically, theologically, culturally,
and personally. Balancing grace and truth when teaching on this subject is of primary
importance. His goal is to challenge the current cultural narrative about sexuality in general and
homosexuality in particular by demonstrating through his personal testimony and biblical truths
that, yes, homosexuality is still a sin, and that following Christ is infinitely more satisfying and

He has lived all over the world in major cities such as Rome, Vienna, and Tokyo.

Becket graduated from Talbot School of Theology at Biola University in 2017 with a Master of
Arts in Theology.
Becket’s book, A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption, with a
foreword by Francis Chan, published by Thomas Nelson, released July 30, 2019.

#GayPride #SpiritualRealm
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Was an ex lesbian for most my life, been set free for 3 years now, i don't even have am attraction to women anymore, greater is He that is in me than he that is in this world. Jesus christ is real!! I wouldn't have ever got out of that without Him. Glory be to the Lord!


I’m an ex homosexual that Christ set free 11 years ago. I was deep in bondage to sexual sins and know that I couldn’t have left that without Christ.


So happy to hear that so many gay people are coming to Jesus . My marriage was destroyed when my husband told me he was gay. He left me and our daughters to go and lived a crazy gay life. I watched him with sadness how little by little he was getting ripped off of everything he had. He had a career that he lost, a family, finances, he was a pastor, so he lost his reputation, he lost his health, last year he died at age 63, a man that was so healthy died on an hospital bed, just skin and bones. The only man I have ever been, he used to be the love of my life, now my eternal love is my Lord and Savior. He restored my life and gave me a new song. Believe in Jesus, he will never let you down. God bless you all. 🙏😌🙏


I, too, am a former homosexual who now belongs to Jesus Christ and the kingdom of heaven. It’s a beautiful life now and I am released from bondage and the chains of sin. God bless you, bro Beckett and all of you who read this. Jesus Christ is the only answer and the only way!


... while Andy Stanley (North Point Church) is baptizing practicing homosexuals, here we have an former homosexual that says "gay pride leads to death and the gospel leads to life". Becket repented of his homosexuality and preaches against it. Thank you, Becket, for having the courage to say what a mega pastor in Atlanta doesn't have and do.


Please pray for Lebanon, we're the only middle eastern country left that has a strong Christian influence ♥️✝️


I also was in the dark, though not gay I had many girlfriends, porn addiction, anxieties and almost killed myself until I prayed sincerely to Jesus. Guess what? He answered, touched my heart and cured me in 4 seconds of all things.
As Becket is saying: find a church who teaches the gospel.


"Pride goeth before destruction"... I've always found it interesting the term "gay pride". Saying extra prayers this month for those struggling with homosexuality🙏🏽🌈💓🕊


I am also a former homosexual and I thank Heavenly Father for taking me away from it and taking it out of me. I honestly am changed, I no longer have that need to want to be with a other man. It's like my sexual desire has been turned way down and now I am also celibate and consider myself asexual because I dont plan on being with men or women. I am content with that and know that there is so much more waiting for me in Heaven, thank you Lord.


I was living in a same sex relationship for over a decade.
It was a very dark and a very mentally and emotionally unstable time in my life. Christ set me free and helped me understand that I was living in my issues that were causing me trauma mixing my past with my present. It seemed to all like a perfect wonderful lifestyle to everyone but it was scary, broken and deep sadness I was trapped in along with all those around me worshiping sexual sins and the flesh as their God. I didn't go from gay to straight. I went from a heart at war and fight with God to a heart in love and in union with God as my true maker and father.


I hear more and more people everyday, even from non-Believers, that people can feel the spiritual war going on now. Satan is ramping up his efforts because he knows his time is growing short. The spiritual world is very real. Praise the Lord that He is with us and is infinitely more powerful than the darkness! #GodWins


I am so heartened by all of your stories of coming to Christ after being in a gay lifestyle.
My daughter has left our family to pursue this life and will not have a relationship with us unless we condone and celebrate homosexuality. She is young and I’m sure confused and hurt and in the beginning of what must feel free . Free in the sense that she can tell that nagging feeling of sin to be quiet. Pray for her friends. She once claimed Christ, so much so that she led her brother to him . I miss her so much.


The devil is roaming around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour! He’s going after the children, stealing the innocence from the children! We are raising our granddaughter to know the Lord Jesus and she will be homeschooled also!


I have to share a little story. We used to have a coffeehouse in the gay neighborhood of San Diego and we lived near there as well. When our little niece was about 5 years old, she came and had a sleepover with us. The next day, in the car on the way to the beach, we drove past a restaurant with a huge gay flag flying over it. Our niece noticed it and piped up from the back seat, all excited, in her little speech-class voice, "Look at dat fwag, Tee Tee! Isn't the wainbow God's pwomise never to fwood da earf again wif wain?" (Sorry. That's exactly how she sounded, lol.)

But her sheer innocence and joy at the sight of a "rainbow"! A total heartcrack moment.

I just turned to her and said, "Yes, sweetie. Yes, it is."


There are many people who have left the gay lifestyle and identity and now are leading a godly life but they don't speak up. I understand why.
Therefore, I admire your courage to give out your testimony with boldness.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death. Revelation 12:11


I love that you said let’s pray against the demonic realm and not against anyone thing person or place.


I love you, I love your story. I'm not gay but I have a gay friend who I led to Jesus in High School. He told me he hid his homosexuality. He cried and cried when he found Christ. Years later I saw him in college he had walked away from God. He reminded me of you in many ways. I pray for him all the time.


I was delivered in 2010 myself.. I realized He makes us to lie down in green pastures..and told Him.. Make me do it. And He did💖


So glad for your deliverance sir! The Holy Spirit delivered me from lesbianism in 1999. So glad we’re free, God will work through us to bring others out.
