RICHARD HEATH: Sacred Number and the Lords of Time - Megalithomania 2015

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Richard's presentation will show how astronomy and land surveying became possible to late stone age society through the simple manipulation of numbers held as lengths. The idea of a previous super-civilisation, predating the megalithic, becomes unnecessary if evidence from the Megalithic can be re-interpreted - as able to achieve an accurate geocentric astronomy and model of the earth, without requiring modern arithmetic or equipment. By recovering the achievements of the megalith builders, the projection of unproven ideas (such as savage rituals) onto Stonehenge and other such sites can be seen to be an uncreative fiction. His latest book can help relearn megalithic numerology and de-project savages, in order to get to the raison d'etre of megalithic societies.

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If the THREE WORLDS concept is correct in that the length of the year has increased 3x then there were civilizations that were buried/lost.  Consider also if the sun is a magnetar and has lost energy in steps resulting in reduction in size that would have a similar effect as lengthening years on Earth without Earth changing orbit.


I am thinking the bloom of art as modern as anything we can do around 40, 000 y ago was a change from right brain/left brain emphasis.  Before 50, 000 y ago everyone was logical and mathematical and geometrical in their thinking and understanding and perhaps saw math formulas in their head.  After that time--was it the results of Toba explosion, the Italian Plagarean Field volcano explosion of 40, 000 y --the largest volcanic explosion in the Northern Hemisphere--or some thing like an explosion of compressed earth gases from the Caribbean creating the Cayman Trench which I believe was due to a hesitation in rotation of the Northern hemisphere--I don't know.  So was forward motion stagnant UNTIL an event that created mental math ability which was then lost over time.
