Is Edith Finch DOOMED? | What Remains of Edith Finch

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Hey guys! We're back with a second episode of What Remains of Edith Finch! Today, we're diving into the stories of Calvin, Barbara, and Walter Finch. Is there really a "curse" on this family, or are we witnessing the result of something else? Come along, friends, and let's find out for ourselves!

0:00 - The Witty Banter
07:53 - swingin, bonkin, slurmpin
01:01:10 - The Witty Wrap up

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The sad thing about Sam and Calvin's whole thing. Sam might have seen his brother flown off the swing and into the rocks.


I love Ash's frustrated sigh when MatPat kept hitting things with the crutch. Like a mom who normally can't take her kid anywhere but had to today.


I'm actually surprised that mat didn't figure out that Edith was pregnant until now - almost everyone who I've watched the play through immediately picked it up at the beginning when they looked down at themselves and noticed the belly (and also when she mentions the tunnels being made for "smaller people with smaller bellies")


calvin's story is one of my favorites despite being very short. just... the ending. "that's what i want to remember about my brother. the day he made up his mind to fly... and he did" it just Hits


its so funny how normally Matt is painfully thorough with his playthroughs, but in the one game where you're supposed to look at everything he has missed so much


with the animal tranforming girl it was her imagination running wild after eating those fake holly berries which are poisonous to eat and choking is one of the symptoms you get after eating them. All of the characters died of somewhat natural causes but it's mainly their imagination glorifying what happens that makes all their deaths so confusing. The only one that's supernatural is Barbara's as it is so confusing on what happened.


The curse is grandma’s need to turn death and tragedy into a grand imaginative spectacle. The stories stuck in every family member’s head. Their house was made into a shrine for the dead. There could be no ordinary accidents, no cases of neglect, no simple tragedy. It had to be fantastical and celebrated.

Hard for any kid to grow up grounded in that environment.


About Calvin going around on the swing, I feel like he probably didn't actually go all the way around. I think he lost his grip while he was attempting it and fell off the cliff. I reckon the game shows us that he went around because that's how Sam wanted to remember it. He wanted to remember his twin as having achieved his dream of flying before he died. So that maybe, in Sam's mind, his brother was at least happy for a few moments before he passed.


to all the people in the comments saying barbara was killed by her boyfriend and not the home invaders, i would like to point out that rick was injured to the point of needing cruches and that barbara kept one of them when she sent him away and that the other one was found in the river (meaning that he wouldn't have been able to walk anywhere) meaning that the most likly answer is they both got killed by the home invaders (i also remeber reading something about the ending of the comic implying that it was canibals which would explain why there are no bodys to be found and why walter was so traumatised)


I think the end of Walter's flashback is my favourite part of this game. The writing is so hopeful and determined because he wrote it before knowing how it would end. The train might have gotten a bit delayed and he might have gotten hit without ever seeing the sun at all, but I really like the visual of the train lights blinding him just as he reads that line about the sun.


There is so much you miss if you don’t pay enough attention. Like how there’s a photo of Sven falling to death hung up in Edie’s room on his monument. Like the moment he fell captured on film and framed to remember him by. Or how you missed Walter’s actual monument carved into the rock in the hole on his tombstone. The remains of the dragon pond out front in the beginning from where it killed Sven. There are so many tiny little details put into this game that make it so great. Because like Edith said, maybe the problem isn’t the so called family curse, maybe it’s just the stories they’re told.


Whoever made that comic about Barbara’s death, they were given a lot of details about the Finch home, and in the wake of a family death and with the subject matter being a fictional story about that death? That’s a very hard sell to a normal family. So someone in the family had to give all those details about the home, all those photo references for the comic artists, and they didn’t feel bad about fictionalizing a real tragic death within their family. And it was most likely Grandma Edie, who told people her husband was killed by a dragon and kept newspaper tabloids about a mole man even though Sven was crushed by a themed slide and Walter was living under the house for decades because of his sister Barbara’s traumatic death.


With the swing issue, I once went up high enough as an adult that I did actually fall out of the swing and hit the ground on my back. I blacked out. I was babysitting at the time. It hurt. It was also terrifying.


"You can't go after someone who's a fan of Ace Attorney and not expect proof" is now my favorite Ash quote


The shaking Walter experienced in the bunker was the train next to the bunker.


I love the 'twist' ending that Matpat is surprised at.. and how he and Ash kept missing the hints leading up to it due to pausing and chatting.


Very few things make me as happy as Ash's tired voice narrating how Mat choses violence


Ash voicing-over and the "thwonk" was one of funniest things to happen in a GTLive. Like, full on Chris doing the intro-levels of unexpected joy.


I love how Milton basically spoils every family member death sequence with his little paintings, like the cat painting before Molly’s room, or the swing with stars around it before Calvin’s


It's weird to see the complete 180 from the last episode, of poking into every corner, to this one where Mat's not paying any attention
