Lab #02 || Addition of Two 8 Bit Numbers || Microprocessor Lab || Aktu_Lab 2021 || #dtech

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#diplomatech #up8085bysantosh #aktu_lab
Here we will see one 8085 assembly language program. In this program we will see how to add two 8-bit numbers.
if you want to know how to code on this microprocessor kit 8085 watch on my second video based on how to code in microprocessor kit 8085
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Full Playlist On Microprocessor 8085 :
Your query:Addition of two 8 bit number Program in microprocessor 8085
Your query:how to upload program in 8085 microprocessor trainer kit
#Aktu #Aktu_lab #ece_practical
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#diplomatech #up8085bysantosh #aktu_lab
Here we will see one 8085 assembly language program. In this program we will see how to add two 8-bit numbers.
if you want to know how to code on this microprocessor kit 8085 watch on my second video based on how to code in microprocessor kit 8085
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Full Playlist On Microprocessor 8085 :
Your query:Addition of two 8 bit number Program in microprocessor 8085
Your query:how to upload program in 8085 microprocessor trainer kit
#Aktu #Aktu_lab #ece_practical
#electrical #electricity #engineering #ideo #diy #jugaad #indian #noncontacttester #ldrlight #securityalarm #Sr_Electric #electronicprojects #eceprojects #diy_projects
#diyelectronics #led #diwalilight #AC #DC #EEE #ECE #mini_Projects #free_energy #science_projects #free_energy #electric_field #engineering #tesla #arduino #proteus #simulation #LIKE #SHARE #SUBSCRIBE #CircuitsDIY #Engineering #VLSI #Very #CLPD #FPGA #GATE_ACADEMY #GATE_Preparation #GATE_2021 #Analog #Network #Analysis #Electromagnetic #Semiconductor #p_type #Electronic_Devices #Signal_&_System #Microcontroller #Optical #Maths #B.TECH #Batchlor #Technology #Electro_Boom