They Killed Ranked in World of Tanks!

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It took over a year but Wargaming finally killed off Ranked in World of Tanks! Here's why and what you should do!

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Ranked used to give gold. It seems to me WG are removing opportunities to earn gold without purchasing it. Probably not the main reason but worth mentioning.


Before we could win tier 9 tanks, now we can win badges and 500 bonds ! Love this rewards xD


Ranked was a nice competitive gamemode, which wasnt that different to normal gameplay. It was a grat opportunity for those who just wanted to play competitive.


I know that Ranked was sometimes a pain in the a.., but they eventually tweaked the gamemode for the better. But Onslaught is so much less diverse and even more frustrating. I think that this is a big mistake unless they change Onslaught dramatically in the future.


I wouldn't be surprised if KPZ and 1B will appear in some kind of auction for such huge amount of source. Some of us got lucky to get theese kind of OP tanks. At least great tanks!


I personally think that the most balanced and fun season of Ranked was when they had 15v15 and they removed reward tanks. It was trully a game of skill and courage. Arty was important to dig out hull-down tanks and HE was a thing. Lights and Tds were usefull cause we had 15v15 format which provides diversity to the gameplay. And of course heavies and meds were rocking but I don't think that ANY of the tanks were considered as overpowered because everything had a counter. (which is coming from the diverse roles of the tanks).
Even tho I never had the time to fully finish a season I participated in many and I learned a lot from Ranked Battles.
Honestly I am just dissapointed that they killed it off for the sake of Onslaught, which gets really boring for me very quickly.

In Onslaught I feel like the maps are just too big and too empty for 14 players. Why they cannot just cut the maps into quaters? Battles would be way more intense for this gamemode.
But the 10v10 format was not a good fit and I think they just had to take a step back and maybe change the chevron system to make it more win/performance rather just performance oriented.
And why they have to literally ERASE Ranked from existence? Like the Black Market.
Rewards were very good and I loved/hated the progression system but mostly I liked it. It was not perfect but it was the most competitive format of WoT in this very iteration.
I miss this Ranked and I will miss the whole gamemode.


Ranked was the one event that always made me come back to the game. Sure it was a love/hate relationship but I enjoyed it.


Removing those badges and stuff makes it look like they completely want to delete any mention of it. Interesting


I think they should of just reworked normal ranked to make it more enjoyable. They don't realize how much a good ranked mode helps a game, it provides a place for high end players to enjoy playing amongst themselves for big rewards and it gets those high end players out of the random queue so the average players don't have to deal with them.


Very good points, QB! I love the idea of "legacy" anything. There were tanks that were only available doing certain things and now they just sell everything. I liked the idea of rare tanks and rare badges.


For real, wg fails to keep its word, they always say "we will no longer sell this item" and at the same time they put it up for sale for real money or at events where a ridiculous amount of bons, credits or gold, I don't believe them anymore xd


Everytime onslaught was announced, players pushback and requests to bring back ranked. So WG’s solution to that problem is to discontinue ranked all together.


Been holding 20k bonds for a long time now waiting to get a tank. Somehow I knew this is what was gonna happen 😂


I would love it if WG created a ranked queue along the side of the random queue like League of Legends or CS:GO.


So the tier 9 are going to be not available again? I already have the 1b but I might want the german one


Wargaming is trying to make the game less and less competitive from steel hunter changes to now this. So discouraging. Not to mention that they are also taking away ways for free to play players to advance further, that was 4k gold, thousands of bonds, pieces of bond equipment, and a reward tank. All free, but Wargaming couldn't let that stand for long.


I did much better in the last Ranked available, and if I recall, I did get a ton of bonds, but I won’t miss it.


The problem with WOT that its trying to add so much to be unique, but WOT is already unique game, as a casual player random battles or nothing, I would play ranked only if it would be same as random battles, just with a rank.


i never played ranked battles but always wanted to, especially for that golden badge i think its just badass


I always liked ranked battles. I never got to Bronze, but I knew I could get there someday. Now I'll never know if I would have made it. I think ranked was one of the highest achievements in WoT. It took lots of skill, consistency, and dedication to be able to rank up the board. The least they could do is to let everyone who did achieve a rank, keep their rank.
