The most MISSED feature in each GTA game! | (And I added them!)

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GTA games are full with various features. But some of the games miss some features badly. In this video, we are going to focus on the most missing feature that would have been great if they were added to the game.

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Thank you all for watching! Here is the best REMOVED feature in each GTA title!
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GTA 3 and VC - swimming
IV - bigger customization of cars and yourself (hair, tattoos, etc.)
V - police missions, enterable restaurants, mini games like bowling


Gta lcs already explained why gta 3 didn't have a motorcycle. Basically, during 1998, there are protests going on about the dangers of motorcycles, saying that it kills the kid and must be banned... if someone is confused. Why do gta 4 have a bike? The game is set in the HD universe completely differently universe the ps2 era


In LCS, Dodo from GTA 3 and Dodo from San Andreas suppose to be added but they were cut during development. Those two are still exist in the game file. Another one is helicopter and Hunter still exist during mission but there are not spawn everywhere like in airport or casino's rooftop which is Hunter. And the last one is snowing in Liberty City. This weather is not always happening during non mission but only happens during selling car side mission.

In VCS, VCN Marverick suppose to be appear in this game but they were cut before final development. It also have a side mission like in Sindacco Chronicles (Fan GTA based on LCS) that about steadying the helicopter while reporting accident in the road. In fact, VCN Marverick have no entering side mission unlike Sindacco Chronicles. Another one is Vic eating in restaurants like Tommy. The interior of restaurants is only appears during mission. In fact, Vic doesn't want to getting fat because he's been training in military base as a soldier.
(Sorry about my English grammar)

Heart me, BlaZe 92, pls.


4:04 The car is drifting how cool is that😁😁


Wow, I didn't know that talking about GTA could be this boring.


flying plane in first person is quite hard yet cool👍


Playing modded games is an insane experience. Modded GTA games, you know, are amazing. Having interiors in GTA 5, snowfall in GTA 4, and the train and motorcycle in Vice City and GTA 3 is the best! 👍


With GTA VI over the horizon, we can pretty much expect a large majority of these features to be added in the game. Especially the enterable interiors. I think it would be awesome to be able to go inside every restaurant, store, nightclub, strip club, even almost every house in the whole state of Leonida


6:09 the missed feature in gta 4 is....
Military base


Did you know? GTA online is the only GTA series that have winter


These are the things why GTA games missed these features:

GTA 3: they missed the heli, planes (dodo is useless though), due to 9/11 attacks. They missed motorcycles due to ps2 limitations or the lack of programs to code one (they are new to 3d era back then)

In GTA VC, trains aren't planned at all, maybe they forgot, not matched with the concept, or they don't know where to put one.

In GTA SA, first is Hot Coffee, they didn't removed it, government did. And FPS is isn't possible due to PS2 limitations. Climbing wasn't even introduced at all, maybe this is because this is the hardest to code or they forgot.

In GTA 4, most of the features are removed or aren't planned due to PS3 and Xbox 360 limitations of course.

In GTA 5, this is the one that I am sure. All features that are removed is because of the limitations of PS3 and Xbox 360 (you can see already that it's struggling to run at 30 FPS and mostly dropping down to 20).

Note, this isn't always true, these are just my theory


I'm Glad To See People Still Finding New Things/Reminding Old Things About GTA Games. Keep It Up Bro


It’s insane the amount of stuff missing from GTA IV, it’s still the best entry in the series


I also have so many wishes in the games like, GTA 4 i wish you could dive underwater and could steal planes like the previous GTA games, but i have wished this so many times.


Considering every gang wants you dead and they shoot you on site motorbikes in gta 3 would've been terrible 😂


3k views in 4 hours? Dude got a raise unlike me who gets 100 views in 5 days


The most missed thing in GTA series is GTA 6


The worst and missing features in gta 5 are minigame and side activities to do very little and cannot purchase food and drinks at a restaurant (no access to it)


In gta 4 we can't fly Aeroplanes that's a missed feature you missed it
